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<narph> What's the state of ROM? I currently have a lot of read-only models in a project that are backed by YML files. I've read that ROM is on its way to 1.0, so how much of a moving target is the code base?
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<elskwid> narph: have you been following development on GitHub?
<narph> elskwid: just for the last couple of days
<elskwid> narph: solnic has been cranking away on this for several months. He discussed the reboot here: and then more recently here:
<elskwid> narph: and most of the conversation is happening on Gitter.
<narph> elskwid: yup, read those posts :) just wanted to experiment a little bit and I'd love to see a basic example adapter
<elskwid> And a new website with some tutorials sitting in a pull request
<narph> elskwid: ah, cool
<elskwid> narph: website was relaunched quietly the other day
<narph> elskwid: is there an up to date example of something like this somewhere?
<narph> elskwid: the intro on the website helps a lot already
<elskwid> narph: I'm glad to hear that. Piotr created some tutorials that are going to land soon.
<elskwid> perhaps look in there?
<elskwid> narph: Also Piotr sent me this to show how easy it is to create a simple adapter
<elskwid> That helped me quite a bit. In fact, I am almost done with a rom-csv adapter for simple read-only csv support.
<narph> elskwid: perfect!
<elskwid> narph: excellent. Let me know if you need anything else. Gitter is a bit more active these days.
<elskwid> narph: It should be trivial to get the example working with your yaml data.
<elskwid> narph: recent changes make the adapters easier since the header isn't required.
<elskwid> narph: Here's what I had to do for simple CSV.
<narph> elskwid: already started playing, psyched to put a couple of hours into this tomorrow :)
<narph> elskwid: thank you very much for your help
<elskwid> narph: my pleasure. Have fun! And if you get rom-yaml running perhaps submit it? :)
<narph> elskwid: yup, I may do that :)
<elskwid> YOU MUST
<elskwid> ha ha
<narph> <:) first I have to untangle my static models
<narph> that's the proof of concept for my yaml adapter
<elskwid> model untangling, that sounds about right
<elskwid> if those models have writers you should be able to plug them right in
<elskwid> The way rom hooks things together means you could try it out without huge changes to existing code, I think.
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<narph> elskwid: the best thing is that those models are read-only ;)
<elskwid> oooh, yeah, big help
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