each 'key' of the nested hash root, gets pushed down to a value under the key expression.
key 'expression' ;)
snusnu: Its also handy for document databases
snusnu: So I'm not sure if that node should validate for hash children in the input
snusnu: Or if we should patch in a guard via the preprocessor
mbj: the node looks good imo, i can see how it's useful for stuff like config etc
mbj: what's the specific document database usecase you have in mind tho?
is it related to wrap/group ?
snusnu: partially
snusnu: Its not wrap/group in the RA-sense
snusnu: ES for example returns facet results in that format.
btw, i stopped my spike for wrap/group, mainly because group would've been "a different beast", i mean, not really, but it'd operate on an array/set/relation .. and i ended up thinking that it might not be the right layer anyway
i see
snusnu: What do you wanted to archieve?
so re the validation for hash, imo morpher should yell at us if the input is no hash ..
snusnu: I think morpher should infer all type validations that are dependencies for transforms
mbj: initially i wanted to avoid doing wrap/group in my relations because the don't get optimized currently
i decided that i will just be strict myself in my current app, and maybe at some point find the time to implement proper optimization rules in axiom-optimizer
snusnu: so a hash_transform, would automatically add a (guard (primitive Hash)) etc.
imo that's the right thing to do
via preprocessor
same for key_{push, pull}
snusnu: yeah
snusnu: Also we can have an optimizer that collapses type checks.
snusnu: They are *very* fast anyway.
snusnu: The type checks will happen just before the actual transform, so the memory locations are *hot* already.
btw, recently i've been thinking more and more about some sort of "type system with constraints" built with morpher
the idea being, that a type is expressed via a set of constraints, which themselves are morpher predicates
the only thing is how to fit coercion in the mix
the way i see it, a coercion is just another precondition that must be true
so it's a transform op, that must not fail
and after applying it, the type's actual constraints must hold
snusnu: You just described axiom-types ;)
i had a discussion with solnic on gitter, where we talked about finding name for types (i prefer that), or passing options over and over, solnic (at least initially) preferred that
i will NOT do that tho
yeah but i don't really like axiom-types
i want to be able to build types, have them in some registry, be able to access them by (symbol) name
classes as well as instances seem confusing for this sort of thing
i wanna freely define types, without having to introduce constants for them
no inheritance, is_a?, whatever
snusnu: yeah
take some unconstrainted type object, add constraints, register it somewhere under some name, access it by that name
snusnu: I build morpher with axiom-types in mind. I think we can replace axiom-types with morpher predicates if we wanted.
that's basically what mom does now
yeah, I expected so.
And it makes sense, we could also "box" values.
So I dislike we are passing Strings that qualify to a certain regexp around: To represent an email address.
I think, for domain modelling we should have a box that takes a value and the predicate.
snusnu: But TBH, we are inventing another language.
snusnu: I get bored by ruby programming the more haskell I do.
snusnu: Mutant and my commercial stuff is the only thing that holds me back.
it's still interesting to me fwiw, fusing functional, oop, type theory, RA concepts
Yeah, but around 80% of our code is about creating a type theory, functional suitable building blocks, ...
We are doing that work, IMO on the wrong abstraction level.
I do not want to *have* to write an adamantium!
wrong is relative, in a language like ruby, it needs to be done if you wanna do it, switching to another language, is not comparable imo
mhh, you should try haskell.
hah, re adamantium, i stopped using it
I'm implementing morpher on haskell is many times more easy.
that doesn't surprise me
I still use it, as it caches bugs.
dunno what you mean by that
i found it unnecessary, i'm doing immutable by default anyway
Adamantium and the purely functional style it imposes => Caches bugs when someone suddennly begins to mutate.
i dunno, for me, i guess it's not worth it (anymore) .. i always liked to setup my object state in #initialize, i very much rely on that, so i don't need #memoize that often, and with my little classes, i can easily grasp if i'm mutating or not
all the freezing, seems useless oftentimes
snusnu: Depends if you need to integrate with 3rd level stuff that ruins your style, without knowing.
I need to integrate with rails, that happily mutantes around ;)
poor you
so its best to mee to pass in frozen constructs
yeah, that's a different arena
i don't get near rails, at all
never will
snusnu: I said the same ;)
i know lol
but i'm keeping my promise :p
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snusnu: I thought the same ;)
mbj: btw, can morpher be changed to simplify these: v