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<mbj_> solnic: hola
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<solnic> hey mbj
<mbj> solnic: I did a nice unparser performance improvement, and just found another one for the mutation emitter
<solnic> mbj: yeah I saw your tweet
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<mbj> solnic: I expect together they'll reduce mutant runtime by 5-10% depending on types of node in ast and test selection.
<mbj> solnic: For some edge cases unparser is now infinitely faster, since I replaced an O(n^2) with an O(n) algo.
<mbj> solnic: Also I have a very strong demand for manual subject : test relationships.
<mbj> solnic: That is the feature you are eagerly waiting for (I call it kill expressions sometimes).
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<solnic> mbj: hmm? kill expressions?
<mbj> solnic: relationship between subject-of-mutation and test-used-to-kill was 1:1 with scope expansion when 1:1 is not possible.
<mbj> I'll go for strict 1:1 with optional overrides.
<mbj> solnic: Does not matter if you remember your reqest on that feature.
<mbj> I remember it ;)
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<solnic> mbj: yeah I remember
<solnic> I wasn't 100% sure for a sec if you're talking about the same thing
<mbj> heh
<mbj> solnic: The zombifier is very stable right now. I think we'll have mutcovered releases of morpher / anima / concord / other-mutant deps.
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<solnic> mbj: nice!
<solnic> mbj: I think I'll start working on coercible refactor for morpher or maybe just work on adding coercion support to morpher w/o coercible
<solnic> mbj: I also need to finally split mappers from session by moving those identity-fetching methods to some other place
<solnic> with nicely decoupled mappers having coercion support would be cool too that's why I'd like to tackle that in morpher
<mbj> solnic: We have some coercion nodes in morpher already.
<mbj> solnic: I think we should first try to port the most important ones over.
<solnic> mbj: yes I know
<solnic> ok I'm uber-tired, gonna go and chill out a bit now
<solnic> ttyl :)
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