isn't the that new feature done using should_receive
* cored
cored: pong
lgierth: ping
cored: pong (just thought you were testing your connection)
I'm testing the should_receive method on rspec
but I just notice that I was using the old syntax
hehe ok
which is the same as the new one expect(double).to receive(:method_name)
also it doesn't check for the method to exists as with bogus but now rspec 3 will do it
good bye fantasy tests
the only thing i don't like is that you need to pass the class name
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it would be nice to this using the existing mock matcher api
something like double(any_instance_of(ConsoleNotifier))
lgierth: well, it's seems to me that it should look up the class name to inspect for the method definition
writing ConsoleNotifier with the any_instance_of will imply that the constant should be defined, doesn't it ?
the double method can look at the kind of argument matcher passed, and then e.g. for any_instance, check that ConsoleNotifier.instance_methods includes the method
cored: actually no, the other way round
as a string, it implies there's the constant. with the argument matcher, you could also pass an anonymous class
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with the string can you do something like constantinize
yes that's probably what it's doing now in rspec 3
got it
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[travis-ci] dkubb/equalizer#68 (master - 870e39b : Dan Kubb): The build was broken.