solnic: lol, I know you can see the logs :P .. yeah I know what it does, I was just curious if at some point people will be able to mix in specific modules or if they will want to use the .model, .module and .value_object methods as the interface
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solnic: unless they are all configured exactly the same, I might be inclined to suggest having include Virtus::Model (for default behaviour) and Virtus::Model.new(...) for configuration, and same with Virtus::Module, Virtus::ValueObject
dkubb: It's like talking to a ghost.
solnic pops in and out
What's great is the log amounts to eavesdropping. :-)
it's a nice to have
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dkubb: I have a relation and I want to sum the columns
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warmwaffles: hey, i read the logs and saw you were complaining about weakly typed json data, and coercion of that … you might want to have a look at http://github.com/mbj/ducktrap.git .. it's far better suited for turning nested json objects into "rich" domain object graphs
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warmwaffles: it was built mostly for that exact usecase, it allows you to do arbitrary coercions (and has a predefined set of those to reuse)
warmwaffles: also, it provides you with detailed error tracking, and it fails the coercion if your coercion rules couldn't be applied to the data it received
warmwaffles: so it can (and does) also act as a data sanitizer
warmwaffles: like, nail the params an action accepts down with ducktrap, and then be certain that nobody can do foolish/dangerous things with crafted parameters
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snusnu: so you can define a ductrack and then use it to transform a list of data into some other form that axiom can consume?
dkubb: yes
dkubb: ducktrap was initially built to transform "serialized objects (like, json)" into a ruby object (graph) … it really is a data transformation language .. whenever you have some structure in some format, you can write a transformation that will turn it into "another format" (and back)
dkubb: it is *very* powerful and useful in a lot of different contexts
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snusnu: so is there anything on the ROM side you're being blocked by?
I know I ask this every week :P
dkubb: heh, lemme think (again ;)
dkubb: i'm pretty sure tho that nothing's *blocking* anything right now
that's good to know
there are a few things that'd be nice to have in the future, but i wouldn't say that there are any blockers atm
i'm still optimizing my dev env today, so that i can get back to work tomorrow .. and then i will continue with the rom compatible mapper spike that uses ducktrap under the hood
that will lead me to a DSL for mapping EV/EC too, expect to see ideas/spikes the next week
cool. I have a bit more refactoring to do in wrap and group
one thing i'd like/need to experiment with soonish, is support for server generated values (keys)
ahh yes
I would probably expand that to think about things as server generated default values
yeah, that sounds feasible
where a key just happens to be a default for an attribute that is part of a key
I don't see them being much different. from the pov of axiom and rom, the mechanism to set default values should be a black box
and it's not even so much server generated, but rather adapter generated
the adapter is concerned about where it gets the value from
the api would probably be something like ValueProvider#call(tuple) => tuple
I'm not sure yet
i.e., it'd return a tuple with default values included
yeah, just a rough idea, but i expect it to be something that receives an incomplete tuple, and returns a complete one .. probably based on some additional info
from the pov of the #insert command, it'll return a new relation with the values filled in
at the tuple level, I'm not sure what the api will look like
yeah, me neither, my thoughts are simply based on the premise that at some point there's an incomplete tuple, which has to be turned into a complete one at some other point
there could even be something like: Adapter#set_defaults(tuple) => new_tuple
the tuple doesn't really have adapter information, so it's probably not going to be a tuple method
unless we make it so you have to pass in the adapter
like Tuple#set_defaults(adapter)
but I don't like using 'set' in the method name because it implies mutation
hm, feels weirdish .. tuples are in a "different domain" .. adapter is a concept on top of RA
hmm.. still not sure yet
do you even need a tuple level method to do it?
no idea tbh ;)
I would probably suggest telling axiom to take care of it
i just happened to start thinking about it in tuple terms as those are the ones having to "change"
it'll be way easier than manipulating the tuples on your own.. it's probably better than ROM not really try to do too much at the tuple level
full ack
from ROM's pov it should get an enumerable with hash-like objects
and have it be a dumb delegator as much as possible, especially for finders
if you could wrap [ { id: 1, name: 'Test' } ] in a ROM::Relation and feed it into the system that would be awesome
then it would make it super easy for people to unit test ROM stuff
(or something, I realize I'm glossing over lots of details)
not sure if i follow, i'd expect that to work "anyway" …at least in the sense that ROM will happily create ROM::Relation instances as long as the data used to construct the relation can be coerced into a relation … then it's a matter of where to set up that data
unless i'm missing something
I just wondered if it depends on axiom relations, or if all it cares about is that it be enumerable and yield hash-like objects
I guess right now it has hard coded methods for #project and other methods
it currently delegates all those RA ops directly to the underlying relation
how i envision unit testing ROM interfacing code (i.e. if you can call that unit testing, you might call it integration testing already?) .. is that there's a sample test data set, that's used to populate the memory adapter, running the app backed by that
that way it'd be blazingly fast
it's also fine for development, you don't need real persistence
yeah that should be really fast
I'm going through axiom and cleaning up some mutations
it's been uncovered for too long
I plan to chip away at it. it shouldn't be hard, it was 100% heckle covered all the time
of course mutant is way tougher on the code
heh, yeah
I'm also going to move a few things around inside axiom in preparation for separating it into axiom-logic and axiom-relation
axiom will still bind everything together
I also need to start making a list of things for people to help with. like extracting the support libs into other repos
I need to make some stub gems/repos for those
yeah that'd be nice, it's easier to start with stuff, if some basics are already there (that goes for ourselves as well as potential new contributors)
I should also make a rom-skeleton repo maybe
something you can pull down and then do a find/replace to make the gem you want
or maybe just have devtools have a skeleton command
eventually it'd be nice to have something like that in devtools, yes
even tho i don't find myself writing new gems *particularly* often, it'd still save time in those rare occasions
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snusnu: Just saw that duck type repo, I'll take a look around