chenglou changed the topic of #reasonml to: Public channel logs at
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<yunxing> cannedprimates: I think it would be possible. At least for the parser part.
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<canadaduane> yunxing: did you intend that last message for me?
<canadaduane> Does anyone know of a blogging platform or static website generator that supports syntax highlighting for reasonml?
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<canadaduane> Starting to document my reasonml+bucklescript experience to make things easier for others:
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<iwan_> I really like Jordan's response to js require style imports in Reason :)
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<chenglou> canadaduane:
<chenglou> > 'with reason support' meaning support for teaching/learning reason?
<chenglou> yeah, found the site back:
<companion_cube> with reasonable reason support to reason on reason
<chenglou> canadaduane: in the meantime we use rust's highlighter (works well). and if you add this header: in your file then github will highlight it with rust, then progressively upgrade to reason syntax once we have it
<chenglou> companion_cube: man we'll have to bear these puns for years to come =P
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<companion_cube> yeah, but you chose to :p
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<canadaduane> thx chenglou
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<canadaduane> hey all, I've started a `reasonml` subreddit here:
<canadaduane> I'm hoping to encourage discussion and give people a place to go to ask questions and get help
<canadaduane> chenglou or anyone else who's part of the Reason team, let me know if you'd like to be included as subreddit admins there
<canadaduane> Added a `community` page to my reasonml+bsc guide
<canadaduane> any feedback is welcome
<chenglou> Awesome, thanks!
<chenglou> Will check later
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<bsansouci> Algebr`: is the meet up happening tomorrow?
<Algebr`> yes
<Algebr`> I am not feeling well today
<Algebr`> but should be well enough for tomorrow
<Algebr`> evening
<bsansouci> :/
<bsansouci> I'm gonna try to come
<bsansouci> Not sure if I can make it, but I'm gonna try :p
<Algebr`> indeed.
<canadaduane> where is it?
<Algebr`> in San Francisco
<canadaduane> kk
<Algebr`> canadaduane: if you're in the bay area then come swing by
* canadaduane lives in Utah
<bsansouci> Yeah, everyone in the bay area should come!
<bsansouci> And sleep at Algebr`'s place if they need a place to crash
<bsansouci> He has _tons_ of space
<canadaduane> haha
<bsansouci> bring your friends if possible
<bsansouci> Bring your family also
<canadaduane> SF+"tons of space" does not compute
<Algebr`> heh, a bit much, lets stick with friends.
<Algebr`> I live in Oakland
<bsansouci> (I was joking)
<canadaduane> much better
<canadaduane> What's being presented?
<Algebr`> bsansouci: lol, i got you
<bsansouci> Eh... I made bindings between ocaml and a C++ lighting system
<canadaduane> cool
<Algebr`> canadaduane: its office hours for OCaml or reason
<bsansouci> I'm benchmarking communicating between C++ and OCaml
<Algebr`> bsansouci: great
<Algebr`> bsansouci: I've been distracted with C++ as well
<bsansouci> Algebr`: you're pushing to get JSC stuff to work fast right
<Algebr`> I was playing with that yes. I took a detour to write a C++ layer on top of JSC but then some technical problems and I had to move back to other pressing issues.
<Algebr`> I am unemployed at the moment
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<bsansouci> seangrove: hey! :D
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