roh I pretty much agree on that principle
roh I appreciate the zeal for ideals. and will leave now becaus emy throat is sore *ongoing cold) and it is way past my bedtim
rjeffries: to be fair: i see business building on debt as a bad idea in itself.
rjeffries: sure. i do all my stuff from 'gain' .. i dont like having debt.
roh that's cool. works especially well if you can bootstart real cheaply and start getting positive cash flow and build unit volume so you improve gross margins
rjeffries: in general: i dont like people working with not their own money.
rjeffries: strong marketing partner, that's what we need.
rjeffries: so if somebody is rich and wants to invest its fine. if its a banker, i cannot care less.
yeah I am a professional pain in the ass. and worth every cent you pay me. ;)
rjeffries: he does seem to show a certain destructive streak lately, doesn't he ? doesn't want money, seeks trouble with customs, ...
wolfspraul those may be potential markets,
angels investors want to see a simple business plan ofcourse
I am JOKING people.
maybe wolfsproul can rob banks at night to finance dsharisim at work
that is a valid position.
oh I don't like VCs either
wolfspraul VC busines is business. risks are high, most startups fail, they have to make good money on their wins
they want a nice payback as you know
what is investment, what is payback, how long does it take
say you mainly want to commercialize MM (I have no idea)
do you have a business plan you would show a potential investor?
rjeffries: in german, we have a saying "if the donkey feels too confident, he goes on the ice"
I will be at a VC meeting Thursday, just seeing lay of the land.
new topic briefly?
that would be a great way to fuck it up.
that does not work as I am sure you know
but I shall not beat a dead horse. nope
that is what I am saying this is not end user issue it is customs.
have fun, make a gazillion dollars
rjeffries: most customers probably don't really care where it's made. they only get pissed off if it gets stuck at customs :)
you need Made in Taiwan. You will see.
I am late to bed
that is very cool but will not satisfy customs. but you will learn. no problemo
"Madein Taiwan" (I could ~NOT~ resist)
woldspraul either usage is proper I prefer "tO slight over "for"
wprak works for me. I am EXCITED youmay use AVR will increase salebility IMO
rjeffries: question for the native speaker. is it "published an introduction to Milkymist One" or "published an introduceion for Milkymist One"?
rjeffries: mainly avr being a more popular choice in the diy community than silabs. the chip may also be a little more efficient (has hw-assisted spi while i had to bit-bang on the silabs chip)
wprak you are on thin ice dude. vice that has barely frosen ove maybe 1 cm deep at most
wprak what convinced you to chnage MCU on atUSB? I am delighte dyou are likely going with AVR but wi=onder what trigged the new direction
ok I was talking about letting people who do not come to irc know it is moving ali=ong
rjeffries: wolfgang doesn't like to have projections in the news :)
wolfspraul in terms of community news, would it make sense to give a brief status on how atBen and atUSB are coming alonh with NO shhip date>
Tucbrain could supply the Fosdem info with 10 minutes investment
wpwrak damn. I yjought you were an 18 yr old beautiful woman
rjeffries: if the thing doesn't actually run android, calling it "androidstamp" seems at least a bit dishonest. kinda as if i'd pick a nick "sexylolita" :)
wpwrak: wolfspraul: ah ... the numbered references, right. easy to overlook :) // nope I saw them and clicked through;)
it may be misleading until more RAM is glued on that board but it is pretty good marketing
rjeffries: (think that at all) err ... what ?
by the way (donning fireproof underwaer) as a marketing gimmick "Android Stamp" is a play on "Basic Stamp. that is not crazy
time will tell if he has some measure of sucess. since SIE was not core to sharism, it ain't no big deal
wprak no I do not think that at all
since his goals are differnt that yours what the hell,
in the open source world these disagreemnets and resulting forks are not rare
that is a don't care. I thought you were generous acy=tually
oh absolutrely yes yes and HELL yes
rjeffries: now you start to understand us?....
who gives a damn if he does Android or something else>|.
I ws mainly reacting to in-channel talk about Carlos, clearly there is some bad feelings all the way around
rjeffries: agreed. does the news item sound negative in any way?
IMO it is a waste of mental energy and perfectly good electrons to spend any time talking about Carlos here. He did what he did, he is pursuing a different Copyleft project, may 1,000 flowers bloom
clears throat
wolfspraul when you mention (in news) that Carlos asked "david" to leave project, it is not clear which David. <aybe a last name would be useful
wprak your uart card uses a small ar correct?
tuxbrain yes indeed Ben Nanonte may hit its stride as small cheap controller for a few things
I have thought that was a great idea for a long time
nods that could be a biggie
what are some yse cases you see for UART card
tuxbrain you must be excited by the progress wprak is making on a VERY cool card
wolfspraul assuse you saw data I provided on "Made in  ..." issue?
steve|m I assume 4,50 Euros still cheap
rjeffries: I have the launchpads from a german electronics seller for 4,50 each
steve|m did you garb some of those 430 Launchpad at the $4.30 price, incl. shipping in US?
steve|m  Google Chrome translate extension is my friend.
Better living through chemistry.TM Dupont
my brain is empty. van we all agree on that?
rjeffries: doing it all with bit-banging would be cute, but that's not quite what i'm looking for this time. what i'm after is a simple AVR that gets flashed from the ben. once i have that working, i can apply it to the new atusb.
wprak that is the correct (smile) answer. yes yes and HELL yes
rjeffries: there's an AVR that handles the UART. talks SPI to the ben.
better tha the expensive photo paper
steveM all I lnow is that over of Playboy or Maxim or similar girlie magazine us ESSENTIAL
tell you wife of gf you buy it for the articles and the cover ONLY
which chip is used yo do the 6 to 10 i/o muxing?
bit banging could support a fairly decent serial rate. maybe 56kbps or so??
by "just" I am NOT deprecating your effort, simply wondering
so are you adding a hardware UART on Blikinlights, or is this just bit banging with 3.3 volt levels? sorry to be so ignorant
I will need to downlaod kiCad. I did a while back then deleted it when I was not using it
rjeffries: just open the schematic with KiCad
wprak: is there a PDF of schematic of UART 8:10? I clicked on that link but maybe I do not understand navigation, or no PDF yet. whatever
wprak: a little uarts board would be goodness on so many levels. That is the fast track into Arduio land and Jee Labs
once you design a complex chip, making a ton of them is pretty cheap
I have a buddy who uses a killer NXP Arm SOC taht costs maybe $5 in modest quantities
someone famous in semiconducter industry once said "all chips will be $5usd exc ept for those that cost less:
wpwrak I will I promise
rjeffries: yeah, buy a few millions and you can negotiate almost any price :)
rjeffries: you really should learn to navigate digi-key. they're great.
rjeffries: price always depends on quantity. also, you have to consider if this is a chip major distributors stock. if they don't, it's a risk. (e.g., you may find your project delayed by several months while waiting for new parts from the manufacturer)
sorry for caps
rjeffries: in digi-key we trust (also for pricing ;-)
I have not mastered digikey i find it confusing. so it it $~10 usd or Less?
roh: do you know approx price for that chip
maybe if wolfspraul will share source for his bot, I can (with help from someone else) set up my own irc channel for other purposes entirely
steve|m: Thanks for this info re logs irclog2html.py 2.9.2 by Marius Gedminas
rjeffries: Generated by irclog2html.py 2.9.2 by Marius Gedminas - find it at mg.pov.lt!
rjeffries: i think that's part of this eggdrop thing
did he also write the program that formats the logs I would assume?
rjeffries: qi-bot is wolfgang's never sleeping eye that watches over us :)
so how are these COOL #qi-hardware logs created? I assume there is a bot that grabs stuff, then an offline program does some reformatting. I REALLY like the format
kristianpaul so you are what we call a hired gun. the only question would be, van you shoot straight? //smile
in many ways Twitter sorta kinda reinvented IRC, but for humans. but no "rrom" or channels so not good for this use case
rjeffries: not university, industry neither :p, i'm just freelance for industry
thanks for the useful advice it has been MANY years since I used irc. But it's great in this application.perfect in fact
rjeffries: the <nick>Â Â form is usually associated with a message coming from that person. so it using it also when addressing someone can create confusion about whether you're quoting that person
I see so not use the <angle brackets>
rjeffries: btw, when addressing someone, it is more common to use the  nick:  form (or some similar, e.g., command or semicolon would look right, too)
<kristianpaul> are you at the university or in industry
cool beans
oh cool. So that is why I see some lines in RED here also. I thought wprak and others were treating me as a VIP
rjeffries: yeah. trying such things with customs is like wrestling with pigs. the pigs enjoy it and all you get is dirty.
wpwrak sometimes facts are facts. It's funny, I have no dog in thsi fight, but would rather not see wolf create hassle for his distributors or sharism at work
larsc, rjeffries: thanks for the info.  takes time to getting used to irc :)  looks like irc-client on this side (rcirc.el) changes color of comment depending on whether my nick is mentioned.
rjeffries: btw, thanks for the input on the "MADE IN". let's hope this helps to avoid unnecessary troubles.
<dvdkhlng> that time stamp happened because I double clicked your comment in the #qi-hardware irc channel. I use smuxi as my irc client. not great, but it works
but I worked form California for E
<kristianpaul> in an earlier life I visited Bogotá on business to deliver technical prentation for a Swedish company
offtopic question wrt IRC (trying to catch up, didn't use IRC before): comments sent by rjeffries to me "08:23 <dvdkhlng>...)" look like being send via /msg; however they appear in the irc log.  answered via "/msg rjeffries ..." but result didn't show in irclog.  something wrong on my side?
LunaVorax I'd like to ask a couple of questions off irc my email is rjeffries@gmail.com pls email me
06:38 <LunaVorax> Ben Nanonote is indeed binary compatible with dingux.// I've wondered about that. Which model A320? Dignuz is cheap too, maybe $65USD or so?
you da ,man LunaVrax
One reason I was interested in SIE (nee SAKC) was I hoped ther could be a version which had AVR chip on board rather than FPGA
but for some time the idea of a full Linus controlling one or more Arduinos has seemed mildly interesting
I don;y *need* Ben to be terminal and master controller. culd simply use Arduino
kristianpaul: I do not *need* anything. Just want to play with digital and analog i/o for that matter
maybe use 8:10 to connect to Ben. (I think Tux did something with serial connection)
this Arduino clone may be reasonable choice if I want to interface Ben Nanonote to external pod for sensors.
what time zone is used for the time stamps in the #qi-hardware log?
I understand now. your approach is what one would expect.