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<ukleinek> I want to do zigbee with my atusb. Is there already something available, or do I need to start from scratch? seems old and dead. Do you have some tip where to start looking and evaluating?
<eintopf> ukleinek: hi uwe :-)
<eintopf> ZigBee is already dead if you asking me... somehow ZigBeeIP was the last move to get it alive again but...
<eintopf> there is a open implementation of ZigBee named "ZigBoss" I think... may a good start to implement a userspace protocol stack
<eintopf> zboss was the name
<eintopf> AF_PACKET and directly using this as user space implementation stack... I think this would be the way to go, but AF_PACKET has limitations and you might need to put work into the ugly af802154 socket implementation
<eintopf> AND... there will never be a in kernel ZigBee implementation
<DocScrutinizer05> zigbee widely used for IoT, no?
<DocScrutinizer05> particularly for "smart lightbulbs"
<pcercuei> I thought they used 6lowpan
<eintopf> ZigBee is the thing on 802.15.4 with very worse security stuff
<eintopf> ZigBeeIP was a reboot to put ZigBee on top of 6lowpan
<eintopf> nowadays they get killed by Thread (shit name for a networking protocol)
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