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<pcercuei> are there still people with Nanonotes?
<wpwrak> i use mine often
<wpwrak> they're perfect as interfaces for in-circuit programming :)
<pcercuei> do you know where I can get one?
<wpwrak> hmm. maybe ida systems ? may work
<wpwrak> they seem to be doing web design now, but they used to sell hardware. maybe they have some left.
<wpwrak> else, you could try asking on the list
<wpwrak> that is, once wolfspraul fixes it :)
<pcercuei> heh
<wpwrak> the mail server get stuck with "451 Temporary local problem - please try later (in reply to end of DATA command)" every once in a while :-(
<pcercuei> maybe larsc has a spare one in a drawer
<wpwrak> sounds like a good enough excuse for going through his drawers when he's out for lunch :)
<pcercuei> I want to step up to maintain the jz4740 kernel code, that's a valid reason :)
<wpwrak> larsc: you see that ? don't lock your drawers !
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<paul_boddie> pcercuei: IDA Systems did sell a NanoNote to someone a while back, but maybe that isn't even the same company using that domain now.
<larsc> pcercuei: depends on what your people decide to do this weekend. I might have to sell the NN for scrapmetal to make it through the winter
<paul_boddie> Actually, what other viable options are there for jz-series stuff these days?
<pcercuei> dingoo A320, GCW Zero, MIPS CI20
<pcercuei> larsc, your health before my leisure ;)
<paul_boddie> Of those, only one of them seems to be "current", and I'd argue that it doesn't get much support these days.
<pcercuei> you mean the GCW Zero? ;)
<paul_boddie> No, I follow the comments on the Kickstarter and know that GCW Zero is unobtainium.
<pcercuei> you can buy it in online stores, but generally they don't have much stock
<pcercuei> I can maintain the jz47xx code with my Dingoo A320, the problem is that I can't maintain the Nanonote specific bits
<pcercuei> and those are preventing me from updating the whole thing
<paul_boddie> Maybe post to the qi-hardware list about it?
<pcercuei> one wolfspraul fixes it ;)
<paul_boddie> It'd be interesting to know who still has one and is using it. Werner could even do a statistical breakdown of the response. ;-)
<paul_boddie> Also, do any of the linux-mips people have one?
<pcercuei> I think Ralf has one
<paul_boddie> I think I said that I could test a newer kernel on my NanoNote.
<pcercuei> should I bother you everytime I have a kernel to test then?
<paul_boddie> Probably not. :-) But I probably don't use my NanoNote as much as I should do, either.
<paul_boddie> I was going to try and get Fiasco.OC working on it, just for amusement, but I just glaze over looking at the documentation.
<paul_boddie> Building payloads and debugging them by seeing if they do anything or not isn't so much fun.
<paul_boddie> (I didn't do the UART mod because my soldering isn't that good.)
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