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<arossdotme> dont supose anyone knows anything about the dps-700GB A server power supply. the info i had for pin out seams to.. well not work. my current plan is to get a diff one and sell on this one unless someone happens to know the magic needed :)
<arossdotme> i yet 2.*v and 3.*v out on 2 pins so i guess it sorta works. theres a dent in it on the bottem
<arossdotme> unless it was sold faulty to me :( idk
<arossdotme> for 12v mainly 500w+ power supplys 2rd hand server power supplys are really cheap! £10-20 compared to nice, know to work, low noise meanwell brand psus
<arossdotme> which cost £100+ new and hard to get 2rd hand
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<DocScrutinizer05> 24V is a real 30V like 12V is a real 15V
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<DocScrutinizer05> >>Typical (daily) charging: 2.28–2.4 V (depending on temperature and manufacturer's recommendation)<<–acid_battery#Voltages_for_common_usages
<DocScrutinizer05> that's 2.4V * 6
<DocScrutinizer05> = 14.4
<eintopf> cool
<eintopf> I thought 12 V battery would be 12 V
<DocScrutinizer05> widespread misconception
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<eintopf> and such tolerance also applied to notebook batteries?
<DocScrutinizer05> notbook battery are LiIon cells which have a usual top voltage of 4V1 or 4V2 and a discharge end voltage of 3V5 or even 3V0
<DocScrutinizer05> do your math
<DocScrutinizer05> they are even *labeled* sometimes 3V7 and sometimes 4V1 or 4V2
<DocScrutinizer05> 3V7 is more honest thaan 4x
<DocScrutinizer05> NiMgCo? (the most usual chemistry) has a nominal 3.7V and max 4.2V, for the (new) LiFeP the voltage from cell chemistry is different
<DocScrutinizer05> arossdotme: huh? BMS? dps-700? no idea what you're talking about
<arossdotme> sorry BMS =battery protection circuit
<arossdotme> dps-700 was a model of computer server PSU
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<DocScrutinizer05> and what was your question abozut that dps-700?
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<arossdotme> DocScrutinizer05, thx for the link, prev tried that wiring. no success... wonder it was DOA or if i fried it trying :/
<arossdotme> hmm i guess ill try again but with a load resistor connected to 12v pwr out
<DocScrutinizer05> add a load incandecent lamp from your car ;-)
<DocScrutinizer05> like that 50W front lamp
<DocScrutinizer05> it makes for a at least semi-decent load
<arossdotme> heh
<DocScrutinizer05> wut 100W??
<arossdotme> i think its one of the most efficient currently around
<DocScrutinizer05> wow, mad
<arossdotme> really bright
<arossdotme> sun glasses are a must XD
<arossdotme> if you put plastic in front of it it 1-3cm then it melts or paper burns
<DocScrutinizer05> 100W cooper PCB (SIC!)
<DocScrutinizer05> hehe
<arossdotme> got a old cpu copper heatsink + fan
<arossdotme> the domes of the leds get too hot to touch
<arossdotme> the copper heatsink plate gets warm... just dont put fingers near the leds
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<arossdotme> btw with the DPS-700GB i assume the 12v "pins" are connected together and not separate rails?
<arossdotme> assume/hope
<arossdotme> found out why i dont work, the bloody transformer is in peaces! was wondering why there was rattling inside!
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