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<wpwrak> hmm, using the net-next kernel, startup looks like this:
<wpwrak> (the mmc0 errors are probably because i had a non-mmc card inserted)
<wpwrak> the UBIFS problems look as if the kernel had troubles finding the right partition offset
<wpwrak> one thing about the spi errors is that there's no ili8960 in the kernel. i saw a patch for it in the owrt patch collection, though
<wpwrak> let's try this with a bit more verbosity ...
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<wpwrak> what's odd is that there's no word about NAND detection
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<wpwrak> the spi complaints came from missing 0008-qi_lb60-Don-t-use-3-wire-spi-mode-for-the-display-fo.patch
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<wpwrak> phew. debug output at last. something seems to have changed with loglevel.
<wpwrak> the ubifs errors seem to be caused by 0020-qi_lb60-NAND-add-data-partition.patch missing
<wpwrak> one step closer to sanity :)
<wpwrak> let's see if the stock kernel could still boot on this ben ...
<wpwrak> naw, dies too. very good.
<wpwrak> reflash_ben time again ...
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<wpwrak> interesting ... after a reinstall with the "official" distro, most printks are gone, too. ah well, life is full of small mysteries :)
<wpwrak> now the kernel boots into busybox. not making it to a login/shell, though. let's see what else it needs ...
<wpwrak> aah, a shell. victory at last ! :) devtmpfs did the trick
<wpwrak> fails to mount /proc, though the kernel has it. hmm.
<wpwrak> larsc (or maybe xiangfu): do you remember whether 0004-NAND-Add-support-for-subpage-reads-for-NAND_ECC_HW_O.patch is required or whether it's merely an optimization ?
<wpwrak> seems that there may be trouble in the future with SPI: spi_gpio spi_gpio.1: master is unqueued, this is deprecated
<wpwrak> ubifs is also quite cheerful: UBI warning: print_rsvd_warning: cannot reserve enough PEBs for bad PEB handling, reserved 10, need 80
<wpwrak> luckily, there are neither bad nor corrupt PEBs :)
<wpwrak> situation so far:
<wpwrak> let's see how well git handles local clones
<wpwrak> if anyone is interested, here's my current setup:
<wpwrak> i merged 0006-MTD-NAND-JZ4740-Multi-bank-support-with-autodetectio.patch (with whitespace cleanup) and 0008-qi_lb60-Don-t-use-3-wire-spi-mode-for-the-display-fo.patch
<wpwrak> 0004-NAND-Add-support-for-subpage-reads-for-NAND_ECC_HW_O.patch needed some small modifications
<wpwrak> oh, and why do we have 0009-dev-mem-Add-kernel-config-option-to-omit-this-device.patch ? please don't take /dev/mem away ! anything using ubb from user space (libubb, ubb-vga, etc.) and the ben-wpan userspace tools with atben need it
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<larsc> wpwrak: it's an optimization
<wpwrak> kewl, so i can kill it if it causes trouble :) here's my variant for net-next (3.9.0-rc4):
<wpwrak> the main difference is that NAND_SUBPAGE_READ has become a flag. dunno if my variant of the patch is correct
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<larsc> meh, that one night I need to get up earily they take an additional hour out of the night
<wpwrak> you have to get up early on easter sunday ... to catch the easter bunny hiding eggs ?
<larsc> I wish, need to get to the airport, hopefully it won't be too busy on eastersunday at 8am
<wpwrak> you picked a flight that's leaving at a lovely time :)
<wpwrak> is it for holidays or work ?
<larsc> work, flying over to ADI's offices in Romania
<wpwrak> ah, short-distance
<larsc> yes, but there are only two flights per day
<larsc> one at 8am one at 8pm
<larsc> or so
<larsc> by flying now instead of in the evening I get at least the chance to see a bit of the city
<wpwrak> yeah, and you can check out the nightlife. well, may not be too wild if monday is not a holiday
<larsc> it's not
<larsc> and I has surgery 1.5 weeks ago and I'm not fully recovered yet
<wpwrak> aw :(
<larsc> but a colleague is going to pick me up at the aiport and is going to take me on a sightseeing tour
<larsc> and mabye go for a drink later in the evening
<wpwrak> may not be all that drab then :)
<larsc> I'm mainly complaining about daylight saving time
<wpwrak> yeah, that's one evil invention
<kyak> wpwrak: i'll have a look into updating lowpan-tools to the latest version
<larsc> yep, airport is almost empty, I'm one hour early at the gate
<wpwrak> larsc: always better than one minute late ;-)
<larsc> that's true
<wpwrak> kyak: great, thanks 1
<larsc> but as always the mobile connection sucks
<wpwrak> be thankful that there is one ;-)
<larsc> I sometimes wonder whether they do this on purpose so they can sell their wifi
<larsc> even on the runway you get better connection then here at the gate
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<qi-bot> [commit] kyak: libnl-3: initial commit (master)
<qi-bot> [commit] kyak: lowpan-tools: update to 0.3 (master)
<kyak> wpwrak: the packages are in{libnl-3_3.2.21-1_xburst.ipk,lowpan-tools_0.3-1_xburst.ipk}
<kyak> i only tested the "iz --version" though :)
<kyak> we had to provide our own libnl-1 for older lowpan-tools, because openwrt shipped libnl-2. Now we have to provide our own libnl-3 for the latest lowpan-tools, because openwrt is still using libnl-2 :)
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<wpwrak> kyak: thanks ! yes, the libnl dependency is a bit messy. the mailing list is full of people wrestling with it ;-)
<wpwrak> testing ...
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<wpwrak> hmm, still has only the old commands
<viric_> have you seen this kernel build error? 3.8.4 and 3.8.5
<viric_> kernel/signal.c: error: 'struct sigaction' has no member named 'sa_restorer'
<wpwrak> the new version identifies itself as 0.3, like yours. not sure if this means they're the same and "set" is missing for a more obscure reason ?
<wpwrak> scratch the "?".
<wpwrak> viric_: accidental editing ? and no, haven't seen this yet
<viric_> hm seems to be a known issue on mipslinux
<kyak> wpwrak: what's so special about those instructions?
<kyak> had no problems with libnl dependency.. apart from the fact that i had to package it
<wpwrak> "iz set" is needed to set addresses "cleanly" with net-next, since the izcoordinator functionality has been lost (at least temporarily)
<wpwrak> you have a plan B, abusing izcoordinator for this task, but that's a little messy
<kyak> wpwrak: do you see the version of iz as 0.3?
<wpwrak> yes. yours (without "iz set") and the one i build from sources for x86_64 (with "iz set") both identify as 0.3
<kyak> then i have no idea where the "set" option is :)
<kyak> i could expect a special option to enable it in build instructions, but there is nothing like that
<wpwrak> src/iz-mac.c line 571 should be .name = "set", that would indicate that you have the right version
<kyak> so the fact that it grabbed the 0.3 tarball doesn't indicate that? :)
<wpwrak> no no, you need the git, no tarball
<wpwrak> quote: "It is strongly recommended to use the latest Git HEAD version."
<kyak> what the hell...
<kyak> are they not capable of doing a proper release?
<wpwrak> the project is undergoing some management changes ;-)
<wpwrak> it's all in flux
<kyak> ok, lemme package the git version real fast
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<kyak> not sure if it is best to commit the git version of package or leave it at 0.3...
<wpwrak> the git version will auto-track ?
<kyak> nope, it's bound to the specific revision
<kyak> (commit)
<wpwrak> sounds great then. "iz set" succeeded. now let's see if i can send/receive
<qi-bot> [commit] kyak: lowpan-tools: update to the latest git version (master)
<wpwrak> yeah. works ! thanks a lot !
<kyak> np :)
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<wpwrak> and i found that all the bitching from owrt depends on the kernel, even if it looks as if it was entirely user space problems
<wpwrak> i.e., if i install the owrt kernel, the complaints go away
<wpwrak> well, this is now lower priority, given that i can use atben with the owrt kernel
<viric> wpwrak: owrt starts with patching for the path of the 'init' elf
<wpwrak> hmm, but how would that depend on the kernel ?
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<viric> ?
<viric> the code that finds the init elf is in the kernel
<wpwrak> i had to enable devtmpfs to get to the shell prompt at all, which is something the owrt kernel doesn't even have. so there's something fishy.
<viric> :)
<wpwrak> aaah !
<viric> because you start with a too-void fs
<wpwrak> no i remember what you mean
<wpwrak> s/no/now
<qi-bot> wpwrak meant: "now i remember what you mean"
<wpwrak> right. owrt's "we introduce a random change that guarantees that we'll never work with a vanilla kernel" policy
<viric> maybe there is an insightful rationale behind that, but I don't know it
<wpwrak> where's a psychopathologist when you need one ? ;-)
<kyak> wpwrak: as far as i remember, you can use vanilla kernel (nanonote_defconfig or whatever it is called) and the only patch you actually need is for partition layout
<wpwrak> that's what i almost got to boot. but then busybox didn't find things.after tossing in devtmpfs, i comes up, but with complaints
<wpwrak> s/ i / it /
<qi-bot> wpwrak meant: "that's what it almost got to boot. but then busybox didn't find things.after tossing in devtmpfs, it comes up, but with complaints"
<wpwrak> s/ needs an index option. s/ i / it /[2]
<wpwrak> or [1], if we make it 0-based
<viric> :)
<viric> the partition layout can be set in the kernel config
<viric> even in uboot
<wpwrak> i passed a compile-time command line, just to make sure. also need it for loglevel. the kernel is a bit too silent by default.
<wpwrak> if anyone wants to play: this is how owrt comes up with the net-next kernel:
<wpwrak> and here is the kernel that goes with it:
<wpwrak> the .config is in <toplevel>/config-ben
<viric> wpwrak: I didn't find how to use that google-authenticator thing, having the key generator in the nanonote
<viric> wpwrak: but I also found 'oath toolkit', which looks better and more gnuish
<viric> But at the end I'll use OTPW, which is "paper based" :)
<viric> for google-authenticator, I mean that the 'key generator' client seems to be available only for ios and android.
<wpwrak> nice :) don't let skynet have your credentials
<viric> no no.
<viric> otpw looks quite good
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<wpwrak> (owrt) init=/etc/preinit id the trick
<wpwrak> the owrt kernel boots without it, so i suppose it's set via a patch there
* wpwrak loves his idbg :) i wonder how people get anything done at the kernel level without it
<whitequark> wpwrak: what does idbg do?
<wpwrak> it's a little USB-to-serial(and more) board that goes into, for example, a ben. details:
<viric> wpwrak: I used a ftdi cable with the next-to-battery serial port
<viric> wpwrak: ha, you git the init name patch thing? :)
<viric> *hit*
<lindi-> wpwrak: are you using openocd with that?
<viric> lindi-: does the ingenic support jtag?
<wpwrak> viric: yeah. fixed in my tree now. one evil critter down :) i think now all that's missing is usb. (the rest are audio, nand optimizations, and cpufreq, which i think i don't need)
<lindi-> viric: what is ingenic?
<viric> lindi-: I mean the cpu in the nanonote
<wpwrak> lindi-: yes, i have a (very slow and unreliable) openocd driver for it
<viric> ah I didn't know
<viric> I used only kgdb
<lindi-> wpwrak: do you normally use that or something else?
<viric> which works impressively well
<wpwrak> lindi-: haven't touched the phones for a long time, though. so i never improved that driver. idng for the ben doesn't have jtag
<lindi-> wpwrak: ok
<whitequark> hahaha Embedded Air
<whitequark> excellent
<wpwrak> lindi-: most of the time, i just use printk debugging
<whitequark> wpwrak: re debugging: printks, kdbg and also white dot debugging
<lindi-> viric: document not found
<lindi-> wpwrak: ok, I use systemtap quite often
<viric> ouhm
<wpwrak> lindi-: apart from devirgination, i really _had_ to use jtag only maybe twice in all my time at openmoko
<viric> I used openocd only with the sheevaplug
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<viric> when I was building the first kernels for it, that didn't build at all
<viric> I mean
<viric> didn't boot at all
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<wpwrak> argh
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<viric> wpwrak: board burnt?
<wpwrak> naw, the unreadably colored message above
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<viric> ah I missed it.
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<viric> larsc: do you know anything about gcc targeting sharc processors?
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