cfbolz changed the topic of #pypy to: PyPy, the flexible snake (IRC logs: ) | use cffi for calling C | if a pep adds a mere 25-30 [C-API] functions or so, it's a drop in the ocean (cough) - Armin
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<XorSwap> is there a way to get stdint.h types like uint64_t in RPython?
<tos9> XorSwap: (I don't know, so you may have to ask during european hours)
<tos9> but I do think there's rffi
<tos9> so possibly you can get them through that
<tos9> (rffi being the rpython equivalent of cffi)
<tos9> if you knew that already though ignore me :)
<XorSwap> I know very little about all this, I'm just starting
<XorSwap> thanks for the ptr
<wleslie> rpython.rlib.rarithmetic.r_uint64
<tos9> XorSwap: what language are you going to write an interpreter for
<tos9> if you don't mind me asking
<XorSwap> oh shoot, thanks wleslie
<XorSwap> tos9, an instruction set simulator for a simplified riscv-alike isa
<wleslie> nice
<tos9> cool!
<XorSwap> I've got a c version, but instruction-by-instruction emulation is several orders of magnitude slower, so hopefully this'll speed things up
<wleslie> that makes sense. did you explore writing a qemu target?
<XorSwap> that might happen eventually, but qemu seems fairly heavyweight for what I'm doing
<wleslie> there is a really nice tutorial in the form of moxie support, and the entire process is up on github somewhere
<wleslie> nevermind. the original ggx patches only cover the original toolchain work.
<XorSwap> huh ok, that's not quite as difficult as I thought
<XorSwap> it looks like the big thing is manually translating each opcode into some qemu internal representation
<wleslie> yes, the SDL is a fairly sensible IR
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<mattip> any thoughts about pypy2 prefering *.py over *.so ?
<mattip> I guess it is a bug, but I remember thinking that it might be a desirable one, however pypy3.6 prefers c-extension modules
<mattip> so I guess we should fix it on default
<mattip> I wonder if it will break anyone's PyPy workflow
<antocuni> it looks like a bug
<antocuni> but I also worry that it might break something :(
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<Dejan> How's going guys?
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<cfbolz> the squirrel feeds itself arduously
<cfbolz> (german idiom, loses a bit in translation)
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<nedbat> cfbolz: what does that mean? :)
<tos9> I suspect the american translation is "shit's hard"
<cfbolz> haha
<cfbolz> :-)
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<nedbat> cfbolz: the link is good, thanks :)
<cfbolz> Dejan, nedbat: a more serious answer to the question is: various people make slow progress on various things. hpy, gnarly windows problems, 3.7
<Dejan> :D
<cfbolz> arigato: around for a quick question? I am pondering what to do about sre in 3.7. it uses a different set of bytecodes and I don't quite know what to do about the fact that sre is in rlib
<cfbolz> Dejan: you doing ok? you're in london, right? stay safe!
<Dejan> Yea
<Dejan> working from home these days
<Dejan> obligatory
<cfbolz> +1
<Dejan> if someone told me that I will ever be forced to work from home I would say it is a joke :)
<Dejan> luckily we can... some guys in different industries cannot
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<mjacob> i transported some equipment from the office to home. a policeman stopped me and asked what i wanted to do with the "TV set"...
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<tos9> mjacob: he thought you were looting, or what?
<mjacob> tos9: either that, or he just wanted to show off
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<YannickJadoul> There's still a problem with 3.6 on macOS, it seems? I have access to a mac machine, if useful, but I don't really know where to start debugging
<cfbolz> YannickJadoul: hey! unrelatedly, I worked on your branch ;-)
<cfbolz> YannickJadoul: I decided to fix the error message problem by postponing it: on 3.7 positional only args aren't really a full concept yet, so I decided to mirror the error msgs that CPython 3.7 produces
<cfbolz> and when we get to 3.8, we can change them again
<YannickJadoul> cfbolz: Hi! Oh, great, that does sound like a nice solution! :-)
<YannickJadoul> Just out of curiosity: did I start that branch into the right direction, or not?
<YannickJadoul> Because that really seemed like a magical part of PyPy
<mattip> YannickJadoul: distutils/sysconfig/setuptools is indeed more mundane. What is the problem?
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<cfbolz> YannickJadoul: the branch was basically fine. the main thing I did is that I wrote tests and fix the surfacing problems :-P
<cfbolz> is a pretty hairy part of the machinery, and quite well tested (interpreter/test/
<YannickJadoul> mattip: I was trying to look into the build failure on macOS that's also happening on buildbot
<YannickJadoul> Let me rerun translation and see. It's got something to do with the SSL part, after translation
<YannickJadoul> cfbolz: Ah, it was really cool to see that part, and mess with it, though :D
<YannickJadoul> mattip: Ah, finally got the error message,
<YannickJadoul> But so, I actually wanted to check why the nightly builds for py3.6 don't seem to work on mac; but checking again, that's a seemingly different error:
<mattip> the during packaging, we use whatever cpython is on the buildbot, which seems to have a broken ssl
<YannickJadoul> Oh, right, it's just not flagged as failing
<YannickJadoul> Not urgent for me, but I have access to a mac
<YannickJadoul> So I can try things. Just no real clue where to start :-/
<mattip> well, try the packaging script "python pypy/tool/release/ --targetdir=."
<mattip> where "python" is a python2
<mattip> cpython2
<mattip> maybe we should be using "wget" instead. Is that something that is commonly installed on macOS?
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<mattip> subprocess.check_output(["wget", ""])
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<YannickJadoul> That also failed, it seems:
<mattip> actually, the download code is in lib_pypy/ It calls urlretreive
<YannickJadoul> (the X11 part is probably unrelated, but the "unsupported hash type sha3_256" looks familiar)
<YannickJadoul> > fetching archive
<YannickJadoul> That works, though
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<mattip> yeah, so what is your cpython2 version and how did you install it?
<mattip> the x11 part is unrelated, as is the "ld: warning: directory not found for option '-L/Users/yannick/pypy/lib_pypy/tools/dest/usr/lib'"
<YannickJadoul> I thought it was homebrew
<YannickJadoul> Python 2.7.16 (default, Dec 13 2019, 18:00:32)
<YannickJadoul> [GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 11.0.0 (clang-1100.0.32.4) (-macos10.15-objc-s on darwin
<mattip> maybe? I can ask the owner
<YannickJadoul> But no, HomeBrew's version is 2.7.1
<YannickJadoul> $ ls -l `which python`
<YannickJadoul> lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 75 17 okt 13:45 /usr/bin/python -> ../../System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin/python2.7
<mattip> wow, that is really old
<YannickJadoul> Sorry; mistyped a 7. brew's is 2.7.17. While the one I used is 2.7.16
<mattip> ok, thanks. That is helpful: 2.7.16 can successfully run's urlretrieve
<mattip> YannickJadoul: could you take a look at
<YannickJadoul> Yes
<YannickJadoul> It seems trunk is being packaged correctly, but py3.6 isn't?
<ronan> pfff... 2daf9ca169e causes a regression on #3096, so I guess I should revert it. But then extra_tests/ is going to fail...
<mattip> there are tons of test failures in cffi
<mattip> YannickJadoul: that is what is annoying to see
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<YannickJadoul> mattip: Yes. Anything I could try out, there?
<mattip> sure. Try one of the tests: pypy3 -mensurepip; pypy3 -mpip install extra_tests/requirements.txt; pypy3 extra_tests/cffi_tests/cffi1/
<YannickJadoul> With just 7.3.0?
<YannickJadoul> > `$ PYTHONPATH=. ~/pypy3.6-v7.3.0-osx64/bin/pypy3 extra_tests/cffi_tests/cffi1/` gives no output. So I guess that means tests pass?
<YannickJadoul> OK, nvm, I need to run with "-m pytest", but that also succeeds
<YannickJadoul> mattip: Also, I got a the translation fully working, with export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/local/opt/libffi/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/pkgconfig" and export CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/X11/include/, so that was just a configuration issue, it seems
<YannickJadoul> Weirdly enough, the first time after translation, fails, but rerunning makes it work somehow
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<mattip> yeah, I think it needs a working _ssl for some reason
<mattip> hmm. So I wonder why the buildbot fails those tests?
<mattip> all I can see in the logs is "VerificationError: LinkError: command 'c++' failed with exit status 1"
<mattip> without the actual error
<mattip> ahh, no, there is this:
<mattip> clang: warning: libstdc++ is deprecated; move to libc++ with a minimum deployment target of OS X 10.9 [-Wdeprecated]
<mattip> ld: library not found for -lstdc++
<mattip> YannickJadoul: I think the buildbot is using catalina
<mattip> what does the buildbot need to install for -lstdc++ to work?
<Dejan> For some reason I thought there is 7.3.1 release ...
<Dejan> or that is in RC state?
<mattip> Dejan: I had started it, but want to give 3.7 a chance to get to alpha first
<Dejan> awesome, thanks mattip
<mattip> also, conda have begun building pypy3 packages, and some tweaks to header files are needed that should go into 7.3.1
<YannickJadoul> mattip: I haven't done anything special for OS X 10.9 or MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET, as far as I know
<YannickJadoul> And, $ g++ -v
<YannickJadoul> Apple clang version 11.0.0 (clang-1100.0.33.12)
<YannickJadoul> Thread model: posix
<YannickJadoul> Target: x86_64-apple-darwin19.3.0
<YannickJadoul> Configured with: --prefix=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr --with-gxx-include-dir=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/c++/4.2.1
<YannickJadoul> InstalledDir: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin
<mattip> sorry, all greek to me (and I don't speak greek, only geek)
<mattip> are you on catalina?
<tumbleweed> 19.3 is catalina, I think
<YannickJadoul> Sorry, that was just what comes out of g++ -v
<YannickJadoul> I'm on 10.15.3, so that should be catalina
<mattip> ok. So now I can ask him to check g++ -v and version of python2. Thanks!
<YannickJadoul> tumbleweed: "Kernel Version: Darwin 19.3.0", I guess that's what you meant?
<tumbleweed> yeah
<mattip> googling for that link error did not yield anything useful
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<Dejan> mattip, will 3.7 alpha work on AArch64?
<Dejan> or ARMv8 or however they call it nowadays
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