cfbolz changed the topic of #pypy to: PyPy, the flexible snake (IRC logs: ) | use cffi for calling C | if a pep adds a mere 25-30 [C-API] functions or so, it's a drop in the ocean (cough) - Armin
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<kenaan> mattip default 1b7eb71c73ea /pypy/doc/: tweak build documentation
<kenaan> mattip py3.6 399112d66ce0 /pypy/doc/: merge default into branch
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<antocuni> is there a way to check if the result of lltype.malloc(..., flavor='raw') has been correctly freed, inside a test?
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<arigato> Antocuni: yes, it should even be on by default
<antocuni> what do you mean?
<arigato> There is a track... argument to malloc that defaults to True
<antocuni> ah I see, there is a leakfinder
<arigato> It tracks the malloc and the frees and reports at the end of the test run
<arigato> Yes
<antocuni> is there a more direct way? Like "assert has_been_freed(ptr)?"
<arigato> Yes, try to access something from the struct or array, and put it in "with raises RuntimeError
<antocuni> ok, thanks
<antocuni> unrelated: any preference on how to call "the things to run when we close a handle"? Finalizer, destructor, any other name?
<antocuni> (I'm using finalizer right now)
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<arigato> It's more like the exit in a with statement
<antocuni> "HandleExiter" is very ugly though :)
<arigato> However that is called....
<antocuni> quickly reading PEP 343, it doesn't seem to have a name. They always say "the __exit__ method"
<antocuni> HandleReleaser?
<arigato> Yes why not
* antocuni looks up the thesaurus
<antocuni> apparently the thesaurus says that "leak" is a synonymous of "release". Let's call it HandleLeaker
<antocuni> HandleSurrenderer
<tos9> throw that thesaurus away :)
<antocuni> HandleDismantler
<antocuni> HandleSabotager
<antocuni> we should invent thesaurus-driven programming, it would be funny
<antocuni> ok, I think I'll call the class "HandleReleaseCallback" and the method "attach_release_callback", it sounds the clearest
<antocuni> btw, it seems I get a segfault whenever I raise a exception (either interp-level or app-level) from HPyBytes_AsString. From the other functions raising exceptions seems to work fine
<antocuni> I wonder whether it has something to do with the fact that the return type if const char* and maybe ll2ctypes is not 100% happy about that?
<antocuni> also: it seems that if I declare a function to return an "int", I need to "return rffi.cast(rffi.INT_real, x)", else ll2ctypes complain about the result type. Is there a way to solve this in a general way?
<antocuni> it's a bit weird/ugly to have to do "return rffi.cast(rffi.INT_real, 0)"
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<created> I see pypy3 doesn't have vmprof?
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<ronan> created: you have to install it, same as on pypy2
<created> Oh
<created> But no, it doesn't help
<created> ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '_vmprof'
<created> After installing it via pip
<antocuni> created: what happens if you try to "import _vmprof" manually at the prompt?
<created> Same
<antocuni> where did you get your pypy from?
<created> Windows binary from official site
<antocuni> ah, it might be that vmprof doesn't work on windowd on pypy3
<antocuni> "might" in the sense that I have no idea :)
<antocuni> on linux it works
<created> Hmm
<created> Maybe
<created> I suppose I could always use cProfile
<created> Though I understand it's not too accurate with pypy
<antocuni> ah no
<created> Especially when it claims a function has been executing for many orders of magnitudes longer than the program was alive
<antocuni> looking at the source, it seems that we don't even try to compile vmprof on windows on pypy (either pypy2 or pypy3)
<created> Oh
<antocuni> although vmprof IS supported on cpython+windows
<created> Is it using dark linux magic, or something?
<antocuni> so the machinery probably works. It's likely that we don't support it simply because nobody ever tried
<antocuni> generally speaking, we lack windows developers so our windows support is lagging behind linux and other OSes
<antocuni> created: vmprof uses a bit of dark magic, but since it works on cpython+windows, there is no reason why it couldn't work on pypy+windows
<antocuni> it's "just" a matter of trying to enable it and fixing all the shallow issues which pops up
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