win32 build fails, but not sure how to fix it.
rpython/rlib/_os_support.py line 68 has return path.as_unicode(), but path is apparently a str, not a FileEncode or FileDecode
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mattip: can you get access to a shell on that machine? if you have a pdb on the failing translation you can ask for the callers of that function
probably some unicode->utf8 stuff I only partially finished, and now it is broken
yeah :-(
ok, at pdb, I have the graph and the block. How do I get the callers?
cfbolz py3.6 888ecff170da /pypy/module/readline/test/test_readline.py: add the same skip that test_curses.py uses
mattip: find a translator, it should have a .callg attribute. let me grep what its keys are
mattip: or, if you have graphviz and pygame, you can say 'callg graph'
no, it's translator.callgraph
but it's a bit weird, the keys are something complicated
[(value[1] for value in translator.callgraph if value[0] is graph]
[value[1] for value in translator.callgraph if value[0] is graph]
that should give you the calling graphs maybe?
no, that gives you the callees
so maybe this: [value[0] for value in translator.callgraph if value[1] is graph]
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I started with graph as_str__str, and that gave me the graph of_str0__str, so I need to go up one more level
s/of_str0__str/of as_str0__str/
but trying the same expression with the caller came up empty
ahh, got it, thanks! I was using the direct result of your expression, which was a list.
even if I wrote that down, I would forget where I wrote it next time I need it
mattip: callg is really much nicer, if you can get it
how do you connect to the machine? ssh?
rdp. It is in the next room
so I could do callg
try it, it makes navigating the callgraph kind of nice
(but yes, you need pygame and graphviz
... and for all of you impatient people waiting at home, the answer is module/posix/interp_nt._getfinalpathname_llimpl
so I am passing it a utf8 str instead of a unicode
mattip: maybe we could add an annenforceargs somewhere?
* cfbolz
is reading the most amazing code about optimizing sys.exc_info
the real problem is that windows has two families of functions: winfuncA and winfuncW for char* and w_char*,
and the only path right now to the winfuncW is through UnicodeTraits() which wants unicode strings
so we need a Utf8Traits() that calls the winfuncW with utf8 strings