antocuni changed the topic of #pypy to: PyPy, the flexible snake (IRC logs: ) | use cffi for calling C | "PyPy: the Gradual Reduction of Magic (tm)"
seems that trying stuff with a dirty build dir yields weird results
you are probably missing the #include
i don't have the header file
actually, is the `#include "mysrc.h"` really necessary?
well, you are the author of mysrc.c, so you can write mysrc.h as well
suppose you want to use a 3rd party library
like math.h
in cdef(), you write the prototypes you are interested in
so, ffi.cdef("double fabs(double, double)")
but this is "fake C"
in the sense that it's used only by cffi+pycparser internally, it's never passed to GCC
then, in set_source(), you need to tell GCC where to find these actual C declarations
so i need the headers cause there are going to be two object files (one for the binding and one for mysrc) yes?
and usually you do it with an include file
so, ffi.set_source('#include <math.h>')
you need a header for each file that you put in sources=[...]
or, alternatively, you can write the function declaration manually in set_source, if you don't want the header file
basically, you need to do it properly as you would do in C
if you develop a C program, you write a .h for each .c
seems like a pain in the ass
then, cffi generates one additional .c file under the hood, but you need to include the .h to get the declaration of all the functions you use
well, it's C
it works this way, sorry :)
what's the disadvantage of just reading the c file and passing it in?
if it's one, probably not too much
if you start to have more, using sources=[...] it's just clearer, IMHO
anyway, I need to go now, sorry
so basically it doesn't scale
i get it
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antocuni: still around?
ionelmc: ^^
hmmm actually hold on i wanna feel less stupid and figure it out on my own lol
antocuni: so is size_t same as int?
not necessarily
it depends on the platform
actually, on linux64 I'd guess it's the same as long
but for best portability, you should use size_t (and ssize_t, for signed values) whenever necessary
...or more precisely "unsigned long"
arigato: whooo, you are alive :)
so i have a'size_t*') how do i make it an int?
antocuni: barely
ionelmc: do you want to know how to get a python int? Or how to convert it to a C int*?
get the int from the pointer (first way)
ionelmc: if 'p' is the pointer, it's p[0]
(which makes a bit of sense if you're used to C)
ionelmc: yes, in the code you pasted it should be outlen[0]
(too bad that python has a '+' unary operator, but not a '*' one)
ah lol, dunno why i expected magic :)
mattip default 7dec6a241b75 /: fix issue #2682, split firstword on any whitespace
mattip py3.5 7d0732ed45b9 /: merge default into py3.5
ionelmc: cffi tries to stick as close as possible to C semantics
so, if you use it with the C mindset, often things just work as you would expect
antocuni: rest of the code looks fine? the signature is int unlzw(unsigned const char *in, size_t inlen, unsigned char **out, size_t *outlen)
let's make cffi the first and only python library which has an actual usage for "+", by allowing "+p" to stand for "*p" :-)
arigato: I was thinking the same... but please don't
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mattip: cpyext-refactor-methodobject has already been merged to cpyext-avoid-roundtrip
cpyext-avoid-roundtrip is basically a never-ending task, because there are tons of things to improve
however, I think that right now it's in a state which can be merged to default
but I'd like arigato review first
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Hello guys! I'm a new guy who wants to help and contribute to PyPy3. Any advise on how to proceed or just a direction to where i may find some beginner friendly issues ?
mattip default 94ab09b73962 /pypy/module/cpyext/: test, fix issue #2677 copy pure c PyBuffer_{From,To}Contiguous from cpython
manjaroDeepin: Are there perhaps specific pieces of code that you'd like to run? That might be a place to start.
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I was looking at prospective projects on GSOC 17 Ideas List and i would like to contribute on either of these projects "Make bytearray type fast" or "port other modules to PyPy".
Is there some place where i can track it's development/issues specifically ?
Okay. I don't know about the GSoC project ideas, but hopefully a core dev is around.