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Hi, I'm abusing Pony a bit and I have a question regarding GCing actors. In my program (AoC2018.5) I created double-linked list, where each node is an actor, each node has references to _prev and _next. I keep a reference for a first actor in the list. I check the status by sending Result(~Promise) iso object into the list. Additionally each Actor reports its state changes to Watcher. Each list belongs to an actor that
created it and holds a reference to the first item in the list.
Question: My list consists of ~50k actors. Pony does not seem to try to GC my list, even after I lost references to them.
GC works correctly when program ends. Program ends normally for 1 such list.
Problem happens when I create a few of such lists. I run out of RAM. I instanciate one such list at a time and I expected that previous(solved) ones would be GCed, since I hold no explicit references to them. But they are not. Only some minor objects get GCed. And OOM kills the program.
What may be stopping GC from freeing the memory of those agents? Their inboxes are empty. In their "outbox" there might be a message to some Promises. Is that the reason? Where to start looking? Can I manually finalize those lists? I'd much appreciate any hints to debug this further.