Hi everyone, as you can see, I was testing out and now have in place TravisCI putting notifications into this channel. I'm doing this because we have a daily tasks on TravisCI that verifies our release packaging system is working. That was reporting errors since July but no one noticed. Now, whenever a build that meets certain conditions changes from success to failure or failure to success, this channel will be notified.
Then someone like myself, or another committer like vaninwagen et al can look into the problem.
So, what will be posted here? Only non-PR, non-fork commits to the `master` and `release` branches in the ponyc and pony-stable repos. This includes the daily "cron test" that verifies our release packaging as well as any commit to push or merge to master and release. If you have any questions, let me know.
travis-ci has joined #ponylang
ponylang/pony-stable#282 (master - 03718bd : Sean T Allen): The build was fixed.