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<SirRolin> @seanTAllen do you remember recommending me an example that could reconnect to a server? because i have fiddled allot with my version of it and found out a mistake which, in the words of a developer from postgresql "that's terrible". instead of listening to the events it did sent a command to the server and looked for the result of that. to check for the server connection
<SeanTAllen> SirRolin: I'm not sure what you did specifically. I was pointing out a way to reconnect if you had lost a connection.
<SeanTAllen> If I understand what you are saying, the pg connections can become non-responsive while remaining up requiring you to reconnect yes
<SeanTAllen> ?
<SeanTAllen> I didn't recommend a way to know that the connection is gone, purely how in pony, you want to go about handling reconnecting.
<SeanTAllen> Perhaps that wasn't clear and you read more into my "go look at the Wallaroo TCPSink"
<SeanTAllen> in which case, I apologize for not being more clear
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<SirRolin> yeah I read abunch of it, and I don't think it was your fault, just thought it was weird that the TCPsink used such a way.
<SirRolin> don't feel bad, cause you're doing a good job :) just wanted to inform
<SeanTAllen> There's nothing wrong with how the TCPSink works
<SeanTAllen> If reconnects if a connection goes away
<SeanTAllen> In your PG case, it sounds like you need to account for the connection remaining open but it becoming unusable which sadly seems to be a common scenario with databases
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<SeanTAllen> I know some people who run a query before every other query to check that the connection is still up
<SeanTAllen> That's pretty terrible in my mind but in my experience is often needed
<SeanTAllen> That's a protocol issue though
<SeanTAllen> the connection itself is fine
<SeanTAllen> the problem is the other end no longer responding
<SeanTAllen> you need different strategies to address those
<SeanTAllen> the TCPSink strategy is what you need to deal with connections going away
<SeanTAllen> it won't help at all for connections that have become useless
<SeanTAllen> but "useless" is specific to a given server on the other end
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<moonythedwarf> Hi! :)
<jemc> moonythedwarf: hello!
<moonythedwarf> Been looking. Is there a package manager, or at least a primitive package installer, avaliable yet?
<moonythedwarf> (Dependency collecting is unfun :P)
<aturley_> moonythedwarf: check out
<moonythedwarf> thanks
<moonythedwarf> aturley_, instant question: Is there a way to make the makefile use --pic? (On arch, --pic is a required flag)
<aturley_> er ... you mean when you're using stable?
<moonythedwarf> yea, for compiling other packages.
<aturley_> you can pass options as additional arguments to stable.
<aturley_> so ...
<aturley_> `stable env ponyc --pic`
<moonythedwarf> ...right. i need to pay more attention :P
<aturley_> no problem, i remember spending some time trying to find the answer a while back.
aturley_ is now known as aturley
<moonythedwarf> Now, back to doing my usual steadfast way of learning a new language: Write a small game
<aturley> moonythedwarf: what kind of game are you going to write?
<moonythedwarf> simple Collosal Cave Adventure clone
<aturley> nice!
<moonythedwarf> Small and simple enough to not take much time, complex enough to generally touch the various cornerstones of a new language.
<aturley> we have a section on the website where folks describe their first pony experience. if you're interested in participating you should keep some notes of your journey.
* moonythedwarf sees "love/hate learning relationship with Rust." immediately
<moonythedwarf> sounds like me.
<jemc> you may be interesting in this as a reference point for a terminal-based pony game:
<moonythedwarf> already saw it :)
<moonythedwarf> I honestly think i have a rather strange way of learning a new language: I dont often read language specs and docs, or even the tutorial (besides skimming it). I read through existing code, oftentimes from the language's own compiler and/or std.
<moonythedwarf> I dunno how I learn from it, i just seem to pick up the language.
<aturley> please report back on how that works with pony.
<moonythedwarf> will do. It seems ok for now. (Language is fairly readable if you can read Python and C)
<moonythedwarf> one thing i dont get from my skimming is 'class val'
<jemc> I think you'll find pony to be very readable without context, but you may have trouble when it comes to writing it - particularly when it comes to the reference capabilities, which are really the unique selling point of pony
<moonythedwarf> Yea, that seems to be the case.
<moonythedwarf> Readability without context is nevertheless a huge bonus
<aturley> that means that any time that class is used the default reference capability is `val` (normally it would be `ref`)
<moonythedwarf> mm.
<aturley> so the `String` class uses `class val`.
<moonythedwarf> i assume that makes it a value instead of a reference?
<jemc> mooneythedwarf: if you're specifically avoiding the tutorial, I could point you to some blog posts that give the big picture view on ref caps:
<moonythedwarf> jemc, not avoiding :)
<moonythedwarf> Just my learning style.
<aturley> that means that if you write `let s: String = ""` it actually means `let s: String val = ""`.
<jemc> well, if you're not avoiding the tutorial, this is the most important chapter to read/understand:
<aturley> yeah, jemc is right, reference capabilities are probably where you'll run into issues.
<jemc> since the "by value" or "by reference" concepts you're inferring a total red herrings here :)
<aturley> i mean, i'm curious if you could deduce it from reading the compiler source.
<moonythedwarf> this is kinda odd syntax: `Equatable[Item]` (In Acolyte). I'm guessing it means Item can be compared (==) to Item?
<jemc> moonythedwarf: that's a type parameter - it's part of how you deal with *generics* in pony (related to the concept of collections in other languages)
<jemc> similar to type templating in C
<moonythedwarf> Ah. I generally expect type parameters to use < > like in C++ or Rust
<moonythedwarf> commentary in ponyc's SRC is a little sparse.
<moonythedwarf> way too sparse for me to figure much out.
<moonythedwarf> may as well read the tutorial. Not worth the effort to skim/read code.
<moonythedwarf> You can figure out a lot until you reach references
<moonythedwarf> i like the destructive read thing :)
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<moonythedwarf> > `If you've done concurrent programming before, you'll know that threads can be expensive.`
<moonythedwarf> well duh :P
<moonythedwarf> minor complaint: If a file contains a error, every file that depends on it will error about not being able to load a package
<moonythedwarf> this could, in large codebases, result in error cascades of 'can't load package'
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<moonythedwarf> and, alongside that, the resulting errors from the root error provide no extra information
<aturley> moonythedwarf yeah, sometimes the cascading errors can be a little overwhelming.
<aturley> i think i've been looking at them long enough that i've developed strategies for coping.
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<aturley> moonythedwarf do you have time to file an issue about that?
<moonythedwarf> aturley, imagine if llvm was rewritten in pony, and somewhere, deep in the code, someone made a syntax error causing typo. I think that should be patched out :P And I do. Will do it.
<aturley> moonythedwarf thanks!
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<aturley> moonythedwarf i work on a big-ish pony codebase and i definitely have seen these things happen.
<moonythedwarf> Filed.
<moonythedwarf> Considering the reason i'm learning pony, this could become debilitating for me eventually. (Writing a game, in itself. Small multiplayer game). So i want it fixed too.
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<moonythedwarf> Now that i think about it, Pony would be *perfect* for writing a IRC Daemon
<Candle> moonythedwarf: heh, I've got some of one of them lurking around somewhere.
<aturley> moonythedwarf Candle me too!
<Candle> async, message based language... --> chat server.
<Candle> See the multiple erlang chat servers around!
<moonythedwarf> haha
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<moonythedwarf> async, actor based language --> Games, Chat servers, and massively parrallel data processing
<Candle> Games are a little harder as they generally need a single main simulation loop.
<moonythedwarf> yea. But not always. The project i'm learning pony for (Which is a game) can run in a async manner, by having players provide the ticks for nearby objects
<moonythedwarf> And of course, objects rarely care about ticks, because they are mostly async in the project's design.
<moonythedwarf> Only entities currently pathing or moving provide their own clock
<moonythedwarf> Issues can't easily arise thanks to the way Actors work (Multiple players trying to work at the same time with sync up due to actors being otherwise sync)
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<moonythedwarf> alongside that, thats mostly annihilated by using a main clock anyways, because doing it any other way is silly
<moonythedwarf> Just, very few entities actually do any ticking
<Blahblah8888> Hi
<Candle> \o/ threading problem removed by actors!
<moonythedwarf> hi
<moonythedwarf> \o/
<moonythedwarf> (I hate manual threading. I really do.)
<Blahblah8888> My name is Stevan, I have a question about Pony if I may ask
<moonythedwarf> Sure.
<moonythedwarf> You dont need to ask to aks
<moonythedwarf> *ask
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<moonythedwarf> i just now realised jem c is a operator.
<Blahblah8888> I've considered either using Elixir, Erlang and Pony and have decided on using Pony. Anyways I'm really confused about how using Pony and a database Works for web design. Do you basically write your own server and database in Pony or is it possible to use postgresql etc? I'm a noob to programming so excuse my ignorance but I know some basic stuff so you don't have to dumb it down too much lol
<aturley> Blahblah8888 welcome!
<moonythedwarf> Blahblah8888, its possible to use an external database, but i wouldn't recommend pony for a beginner programmer, at least not yet: Pony is pre-release. It's not stable, doesnt have many libraries, and a few other issues. But it is very much possible to use, say, postgresql.
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<Blahblah8888_> I've considered either using Elixir, Erlang and Pony and have decided on using Pony. Anyways I'm really confused about how using Pony and a database
<moonythedwarf> I'll repeat:
<moonythedwarf> Blahblah8888, its possible to use an external database, but i wouldn't recommend pony for a beginner programmer, at least not yet: Pony is pre-release. It's not stable, doesnt have many libraries, and a few other issues. But it is very much possible to use, say, postgresql.
<moonythedwarf> It's better to go with Elixir or Erlang for now.
<aturley> Blahblah8888 pony programs can call C code, so you could in theory use a C client to connect to your database.
<aturley> or you could write your own client.
<moonythedwarf> ^
<Blahblah8888_> Is it necessary to use an external database or is this possible in Pony ?
<aturley> or, i believe there are some existing clients.
<aturley> Blahblah8888 well, i mean, you could certainly store values in your pony program.
<Blahblah8888_> Sorry for the repeat I got booted and had to refresh so I didn't see
<moonythedwarf> it's fine.
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<Blahblah8888_> I think the syntax is appealing to me I think it would be a great first language to learn. I understand it's still in development but it may pay off to learn Pony
<moonythedwarf> If you're willing to work with a in-dev language, then its perfect. The in-dev and lack of libs is the issue, but it could be a learning experience to write your own libraries.
<moonythedwarf> All i can find right now is a preexisting client to LevelDB and LMDB (
<moonythedwarf> If you're ok with using either of those databases (only one is needed), then tackroom should work.
<Blahblah8888_> Ty
<moonythedwarf> issue is
<moonythedwarf> it lacks docs
<Blahblah8888_> That seems to be the crux of Pony however I'm a patient person and Pony is very interesting
<moonythedwarf> Well, if you can read Pony's SRC, it should document itself. Pony is rather easy to read.
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<Blahblah8888_> Right
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<Blahblah8888_> What would be a similar language to Pony that I can find a suitable database program to reverse engineer?
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<moonythedwarf> Dont reverse engineer a database! :P Instead, read the docs for one. I can
<moonythedwarf> 't personally recommend one tho
<Blahblah8888_> Not a carbon copy of something but more of finding out the way it works
<moonythedwarf> All you need to know is how to interface with the DB.
<Blahblah8888_> I know there has to be a way to organize files, update, set file permissions etc
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<Blahblah8888_> okay
<Blahblah8888_> Is it possible to write a cms for Pony in Pony Lang?
<moonythedwarf> cms?
<Blahblah8888_> Content management system
<moonythedwarf> webserver?
<moonythedwarf> Probably.
<Blahblah8888_> Awesome
<moonythedwarf> s/probably/definitely/
<moonythedwarf> see net/http in the standard library
<Blahblah8888_> Okay I've read through a lot but have yet to tinker
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<moonythedwarf> Blahblah8888_, follow along with the Tutorial
<Blahblah8888_> There is a new service out that is supposed to be better than websockets idk what it's called I believe it's http2? Does Pony have support yet?
<moonythedwarf> ???
<Blahblah8888_> Lol brb sorry
<Blahblah8888_> Http2 vs websockets google search that
<Blahblah8888_> Several sse streams over a single tcp vs websockets
<Blahblah8888_> It's using push instead of websockets and it's suppose to be a lot better performance wise
<Blahblah8888_> Sorry I didn't mean to take over this thread I've got too many questions
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<Blahblah8888> Well thanks for the advice I'm gonna ask around other places about the http2 support for Pony I will get started on the tutorial now
<Blahblah8888> Happy Holidays
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