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<SeanTAllen> i need to consult with sylvanc
<SeanTAllen> :/ indeed
<SeanTAllen> such a high to such a low
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<TwoNotes> Is that the backpressure that was in TCPConnection before, or is this a new hting?
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<TwoNotes> Can see light at end of tunnel regarding HTTP update for streaming.
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<TwoNotes> I try to call a behavior in an iso class, declared 'fun iso apply'. ponyc complains the receiver is an iso!. Does calling a function count as making an alias?
<Praetonus> Yes
<TwoNotes> But if I make it 'fun val apply' then apply can not modify any state.
<TwoNotes> Oh, my question was, does calling a function count as making an alias of the *receiver*?
<TwoNotes> I know it makes an alias of the parameters
<Praetonus> Yes, the receiver is aliased too
<TwoNotes> Hmm. So I can't treat a notification class as an iso.
<TwoNotes> I will try as a ref then.
<doublec> TwoNotes: this is why in the http code you see (consume request).respond(...) type code
<doublec> TwoNotes: the request is an iso so you need to consume it when calling a function
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<TwoNotes> The trouble is, in this case, that the receiver is a persistent field in the calling actor. It gets used several times
<TwoNotes> Changing it to a ref seems to work. I have arranged that it only exists within one actor
<TwoNotes> So the caller, rather than passing in a Notification handler, passes in a 'factory' class. The factory gets called from within the actor and the resulting notification object lives in there, and can be a ref
<TwoNotes> This allows the notification object to have its own internal state that can be modified
<TwoNotes> In particular, it can create its own "back end" processing actor
<doublec> TwoNotes: couldn't the caller pass in an iso notification handler and the actor then consume it to a ref?
<doublec> TwoNotes: to avoid the factor
<doublec> s/factor/factory/
<TwoNotes> hmm.
<TwoNotes> The application code does not know when the package will need another handler. In the case of an HTTP server, a handler has to be created for each incoming connection.
<TwoNotes> So I have the application pass in an object which can then create clones of the handler as required. That is the factory
<doublec> ok
<TwoNotes> Since an HTTP server can be handling many connections at once, each needs its own handler to properly track the state of the protocol
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<felko> I have a design question about Pony
<felko> Why did you choose to put trait implementation at the definition of the type ?
<felko> Whereas you could gain in flexibility and readability by separating these, like in Haskell or Rust
<felko> You currently solve most of these problems with interfaces, but what if the name of the implemented function differs from the one in the interface ?
<felko> e.g. `getName` instead of `name`
<felko> Ok I got it, this system doesn't work in Pony because you have private members, so you'd have to know the internal structure of the class to implement a trait
<SeanTAllen> @TwoNotes i dont believe you need a factory for that
<SeanTAllen> felko: welcome!
<felko> thanks
<SeanTAllen> Why did you choose to put trait implementation at the definition of the type ? <-- not sure what you mean
<SeanTAllen> also not sure what this mean... "Ok I got it, this system doesn't work in Pony because you have private members, so you'd have to know the internal structure of the class to implement a trait"
<SeanTAllen> The only difference between a trait and an interface is that interfaces are structural subtyping and traits are nominal
<SeanTAllen> Thus the trait being class Foo is SomeTrait
<SeanTAllen> and the compiler will verify that nominal typing
<SeanTAllen> you can do that with an interface as well but it isnt required
<felko> I was wondering why you didn't choose to implement traits in a different statement than class definition, like in Rust where you have the impl statement, totally disconnected from the struct statement
<felko> because that allows us to work with types that are not defined in our code (so we can't modify their implementation)
<felko> this system works in Rust and Haskell because structs are transparent, whereas Pony's classes are not
<felko> because if we want to define the implementation of a trait for a type that is not defined in our code, then we'll probably have to manipulate private members, which we don't want
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<SeanTAllen> I dont understand the last statement felko
<SeanTAllen> At the moment, pony requires access to the source in order to do its whole program optimization
<SeanTAllen> Sp there is no "access to the type but not the implementation"
<felko> Maybe an example would help
<SeanTAllen> what do you mean by "private member" when you refer to traits felko? methods? fields?
<SeanTAllen> an example of what?
<felko> of the problem raised by not separating functions from trait implementation
<felko> imagine we have a ToJSON trait
<felko> if would have a fun toJSON(): JSON function
<SeanTAllen> ok
<felko> if we want to implement ToJSON for classes we don't have access to, what should we do
<felko> ?
<SeanTAllen> i dont understand "dont have access to"
<SeanTAllen> pony requires all source to be available at compilation time
<felko> like, a class that is defined in an external library
<SeanTAllen> so there is no "dont have access to"
<felko> we only have access to the private members of a class if the class is defined in the same module right ?
<SeanTAllen> same package yes.
<felko> yes, sorry
<felko> so, what if we want to implement ToJSON for a class that is defined in another package ?
<SeanTAllen> i dont understand your concern
<SeanTAllen> you can do that
<SeanTAllen> its not a problem
<felko> i'm really new to Pony, I started to read the docs a few hours ago, sorry if my question is stupid
<SeanTAllen> see line 11?
<felko> yes
<SeanTAllen> it implements an interface defined in another package
<SeanTAllen> same thing on line 35
<SeanTAllen> because the interface is public
<felko> yes, but my problem is the other way around, what if the class is defined in another package, not the interface
<SeanTAllen> as are its required methods
<SeanTAllen> i dont understand
<SeanTAllen> the class is defined in that example in a different package from the interface
<SeanTAllen> Main, Listener and Server are all classes/actors defined in a package different from the two interfaces that Listener and Server implement
<felko> lets say you are developping a web framework
<SeanTAllen> I need to leave in 10 minutes, so I might disappear on you...
<SeanTAllen> Ok I'm developing a web framework
<felko> in the standard library, there is a wsgi package
<SeanTAllen> I make the source of that framework available
<felko> implementing a basic wsgi server
<SeanTAllen> and you can include it in your PONYPATH and it will be compiled into your program
<SeanTAllen> pony-stable is a nice little dependency manager that helps make that easier:
<felko> lets say you also have a cgi package in the standard library
<felko> and you want to "unify" them in your web framework
<SeanTAllen> i dont know that "unify" means
<felko> because they have a different interface
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<felko> like, the cgi server may have a run function, and the wsgi have a start function
<felko> but they are doing the same thing
<SeanTAllen> ok
<SeanTAllen> im not sure why i want or need to do that
<SeanTAllen> or what it has to do with traits
<felko> so you want them to have the same interface, so that the user of your framework can switch from one server to another
<felko> without changing every run into start
<felko> (for example)
<SeanTAllen> the OO approach is the adapter pattern
<SeanTAllen> but again, i dont know what this has to do with traits
<felko> the problem is that i'm thinking to much haskell
<felko> ad in haskell you would solve this with typeclasses, which look like traits but aren't
<SeanTAllen> traits are definitely not typeclasses
<SeanTAllen> if you think of them as typeclasses, you'll end up in trouble
<SeanTAllen> traits are traits as defined in the traits papers
<felko> not in Pony, but in Rust they are almost the same, so i think i mixed everything
<SeanTAllen> scala has mixins that it calls traits but they aren't traits as defined in the traits papers
<SeanTAllen> i havent used rust in a while and dont remember the details of their traits implementation. i see to remember them being actual traits though.
<felko> Pony's traits are like Java/C# interface ?
<SeanTAllen> no
<felko> :(
<SeanTAllen> they are like traits
<SeanTAllen> there are similiarities
<SeanTAllen> but they aren't the same
<felko> i guess i'll read traits papers
<SeanTAllen> they are close but there are differences
<SeanTAllen> traits and interfaces in pony are basically the same, except one is nominal typing, the other structural. anyway, i have to run. if you have more questions ask away here or on the mailing list and someone, if not me, can answer
<felko> bye
<felko> thank you
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