I meant to say, there might be a pattern to the madness :) .
madness is often interpreting patterns where there is none - this is a pattern :)
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Regenaxer, are you here?
(lup) seems not to work when a transient is used to hold the idx tree. Is this indented?
-> NIL
: (idx 'A)
: (idx 'A (1 . b) T)
-> NIL
: (idx 'A (2 . c) T)
-> ((1 . b) (2 . c))
: (lup A 2)
-> (2 . c)
: (idx '"A" (1 . b) T)
-> NIL
: (idx '"A" (2 . c) T)
-> NIL
: (idx '"A")
-> ((1 . b) (2 . c))
: (lup '"A" 2)
-> "A"
tested with both pil 19.7.6 and 20.3.25
wanted to use an idx scoped to a file. will use flat assoc list as workaround.
The reason is probably that the value is not NIL initially
Try (off "A") first
hmm, no
"A" looks clean
Any var should be OK
also a cell
so, a bug in (lup) ?
so transient should not matter
oh wait, lup doesn't take a 'var
maybe that was the mistake
ah, you quoted it
(lup '"A" 2)
'lup' takes the tree, not the var
that as the mistake
so BCK issue, not bug
BCK = between chair and keyboard ;-)
strange though that (lup) returns "A") then
: (lup 'F)
-> F
consistent though :)
it returns atomic data as they are
expecting NIL for an empty list
This is often in pil
it returns what it gets
shit in shit out
it is alright, as long as there is no stack corruption
but in my original case I didn't make the 'var mistake
well not directly
I did (and "A" (lup @ ...))
but then (lup) always returns "A"
because "A" is not NIL?
I do (off "A") at the start of the file
ie (val '"A") -> "A"
ah, ok
then (and "A" (lup @ should be fine
I do
(if (and "*MuIdx" (lup "*MuIdx" (; M uuid)))
(cdr @)
"*MuIdx" -- List expected
!? (cdr @)
? "*MuIdx"
-> "*MuIdx"
is the debug repl within the file transient scope?
yes, as long as you don't hit Enter
Enter leaves the repl (and it starts new)
(off "*MuIdx") is the second statement in that file, after `(once T)
I do a (load) afterwards
so my NIL setting is lost
yep now it works!
case closed
Perfect :)
thanks for the support :)
Welcome :)
Regenaxer, if you are still around. Can you give a brief overview/pointer how PilDB and multiple processes accessing it works again?
I can give you that, too
the essential point is that: initial picolisp process opens the database using (pool), and then usually gets reduced to doing message handling and accepting new connections
new connections are handled in forked child processes
by default, picolisp established two pipes between each child and the parent (one for each sending direction)
ok, so if i want to access data in a child, what happens?
(this is way the parent might run into the standard linux limit on the number of open files / file descriptors in use, as it opens two file descriptors per child - effectively you have a limit of ca. 512 concurrent children - this limit can be increased)
child (as in standard linux forking) inherits the file descriptor(s) to the open database file(s)
database functions like (db) and (collect) etc. load external symbols - everything in the database is external symbols
when an external symbols is accessed in picolisp code, it is first attempted to read from memory, if not loaded into memory it will be loaded into memory automatically
loaded from the database file8s), that is
so you have a cache of external symbols (which can be records, but also b-tree index parts)
per child process = database session
you can start an transaction using (dbSync) - among other things (explained later) it sets a write-lock on the database
parallel (sibling) processes can still read from the database files, but not write
(commit 'upd) can be called to finish the transaction
(commit) in itself = write changes on external symbols (in memory/cache) into database file(s)
now when working with multiple processes (concurrent database sessions), this 'upd argument to (commit) is important!
How does Pil keep track what values are modified?
it basically tells commit to call (apply 'upd Lst) in sibling processes, wherein Lst is the list of changed external symbols
dirty bit on external symbol pointer
see doc64/structures
the sibling processes receive this 'upd message when the do (wait) - which is also called within (dbSync)
'upd is per standard just an alias for 'wipe, basically it calls 'wipe on the external symbols received from the sibling process
where wipe purges local cache
'wipe = delete from memory, so basically cache eviction
the messaging between the siblings is the same mechanism as in (tell)
basically it is picolisp code sent to the parent process (who is/should be most of the time within (wait))
who then just resends the message to all other picolisp children
and they read the pipe when they are in (wait) - during (dbSync), but also during any I/O wait or so...
through this design the I (Isolation) of ACID is achieved: each database session = another child = with its own memory/database cache
In how far is sharing the same FD necessary. I might want to port the picolisp DB to another programming language, which doesn't work via fork but spawn "empty processes instead".
not necessary
but the communication between the siblings has to established
over a parent, for example
aye, but ofc doesn't have to be via a parent :)
Do you see ways how PilDB could be speed up with shared memory and atomic ops between processes?
for locking there are actually kinda 2 layers: 1) (lock) function within picolisp - that one is used within (dbSync), and is actually a cooperative lock = the other check if to obtain the lock
the other locking is happening when (commit) is writing the actual database files..then they're locked in the filesystem (using fcntl)
so a non-cooperative process (being a sibling or also completely disconnected) may read the database file at any time (unless it is (very short) not available because of fcntl)
but shouldn't write it
Ok, how is lock done in picolisp without shared memory?
the newer picolisp function (blk) allows reading from a foreign database file
look into (lock)
I actually don't know how that one works, if it is communicated via the tell-channels via the parent or via another way.. I guess it also uses the tell mechanism
but I really don't know
maybe check out the source of (lock)
Thanks beneroth! Good explanations!
Good night
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