i think printer does not. only (read) knows. but by statistics i should be wrong
Good morning jcowan, razzy
Both 'read' and 'print' (and also 'rd', 'pr' etc.) know it because they look up the symbol in the namespaces
They *need* to know
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oj, i shoot myself in the foot so hard
by not understanding namespaces
What was the misunderstanding?
obvious when you think about it :]
i did not think about it
ok :)
my current thoughts: if i want "root" namespace with less functions than pico has, i need to make copy of pico , delete links from there, and than make (symbols 'my-space 'less-of-pico)
Perhaps not copy, just 'import' what you want
btw, i tracked down my mistake. by thinking that my-space:(all) gives all symbols from my-space.
and than 5h of pointless work followed
import can work only from inside namespace, yes?
Yes, imports into current namespace
It is just a frontend to 'intern'
i do not get how it could be frontend.
(pp 'import) or (vi 'import)
Basically (intern Sym T)
'intern' (or its internal code) are the only way to get a symbol into a namespace
reading it
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and 'zap' is the only way to get it out
hi all
Hi beneroth
hm, Regenaxer i do not understand why i have undentified symbol on last line http://ix.io/1ZMr
i am expecting all sorts of problems, because i could be missing many subsymbols of (symbols)
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(symbols 'ml 'myroot) does not have 'pico' in the search
yes, that is my point
'read' creates a new symbol if it does not find it
You must import 'pico' too
without pico it will not work?
What works?
even if i imported big chunk of pico?
That's fine too
but other symbols in 'pico' are not found
(symbols 'ml 'myroot) then 'pico~set' looks for 'pico', does not find, and thus creates a new symbol 'pico'
You don't need to import 'import' btw
in (import pico~import pico~symbols)
also, (import foo bar ...) is enough
pico~foo is only needed if 'foo' is overshadowed or not in the direct search order
thx, i have better idea
E.g. 'bar' is a symbol in pico, but not in the search order
Then bar~foo is needed to access 'foo' in 'bar'
but 'bar' must be accessible
You can also chain
so import cannot look into namespaces that are not in its tree
nothing to do with intern
it is 'read'
foo~bar first reads 'foo'
so no function can look into "traversal" namespaces that are not in the tree of namespaces i am in
No function cares
(import foo) is read *first*
then all symbols are there
import and foo in this case
"functions" handle what they get
Keep in mind, REPL!
Read first, then evaluate
"functions" dont care, and cannot care
All is finished after reading
No symbol is changed
It is only *which* symbol is found by the given name
There may be a symbol 'foo' in every namespace
also a symbol 'foo' may be in several namespaces
(== 'foo~bar 'mumble~bar)
*may* be
but there may be two different symbols with the name 'bar'
it all depends what you do
With 'import' you have one symbol in two namespaces
It is all trivial if you just keep in mind what Lisp does
First read, then eval
What the reader sees is what you get in eval
A symbol is nothing more than a pointer to a data structure in memory
If it has a name in that structure, 'read' can find it
And it is found by searching the list of namespaces
if not in the list of trees, a new symbol is created
there could be function that takes "traversal-namespace~symbol" as traversal symbol, looks around all namespaces, and return value. yes?
Hmm, I don't understand.
Not 'intern'?
not that it would be much usefull
What is a "traversal-symbol"?
and "return value"? What value?
sorry, transient symbol
yes, (intern "car") does that
takes a transient and finds an internal with the same name
So not only useful, but essential
It is the core of reading symbols
internally the 'internEXYZ_FE' routine
Ah, I know what you mean "looks around all namespaces"
the point is *all*
Such a function does not exist, as there is no complete list of all namespaces
There may be many namespaces lying around, embedded in other namespaces perhaps
PicoLisp does not keep track of them
and yes, not useful perhaps
Regenaxer, remind me to write a FAQ-like essay about the different steps of REPL... I guess it would even need some illustrations (of pointer/cell/tree structures)....
we should have a document to link to instead of you having to chew through the same essentials so often...
Great idea! :)
Obviously it is difficult to explain
people should study some C and pointer logic first or not bother to fiddle in VM internals...
though most of the difficulty comes from wrong assumptions/imaginations. yes the stuff is complex, but its complexity coming from many simple parts combined, it's not magic. it's mechanic. it can be taken apart and understand.
T, and cause people grow up with other mental models
programming models
less dynamic
it's a reason. but not an excuse.
T :)
well I'm one of those people, or do you see C/C++ as dynamic? :P
Not is this sense, it is static in this sense
my employee comes from Haskell, he tends to underuse static stuff, doing instead multiple layers of functions where I feel less layers would be more picolispy
haha, understand
the nice thing of lisp is that it allows so well to mix the great OOP model (in Alan Kay sense) useful for granulation, and the functional programming model (I see it basically as pipelining, like the linux shell concept) which allows for flexibility and clear data/process flows.
as always: use the right tool, and which tool is right has to be asked from the task.
no silver bullets, no golden hammers.
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sometimes you are soo good with hammer, you could drive screws.
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I have done that on a few occasions for lack of the proper screwdriver (in wood, not anything else, obvs)
yeah, in software it's unfortunately not so rare that people do this without any thought about the involved materials...
* jcowan
Woodpecker, civilization, etc.
Another config failure. To a first approximation, all problems are config problems. Granted, Cygwin isn't a first-class platform for most systems, but still.
* jcowan
grabs gprolog and sees what happens.
well software is a kind of electronics configuration, now? :)
"Cash registers don't really compute, they just grind their gears. But then again, they don't really grind their gears either, they just obey the laws of physics." —Anon., from before cash registers were replaced by POS terminals
Well, at least gprolog built smoothly
I currently agree with the perspective of some people who believe that the Universe is nothing else than computation. Not that this view changes anything.
Well, that raises the question of whether things can be representations of themselves, as with the painting of the artist.
The artist on the canvas isn't really an artist, he's just the representative of a real artist (the one who painted the canvas or not, it doesn't matter)
His clothes aren't real clothes, his brush is not a real brush, his palette is not a real palette.
And the paints on his palette are not ... No, wait, they really are paint!
How about Quining? See doc/quine in pil
It's easier for people to dismiss that, because it's abstract after all, though it does lead to the "heterological" paradox
but the paint, you can't get away from the paint so easily
you talk about one of the famous first surreal paintings, "c'est ne pas une pipe"
surreal = above real
Regenaxer, nice assocation with quining, Regenaxer :D
"The famous pipe. How people reproached me for it! And yet, could you stuff my pipe? No, it's just a representation, is it not? So if I had written on my picture "This is a pipe", I'd have been lying!"
is the code the algorithm? no, the code is just one representation of the algorithm
textual description another one
a flow diagram another one
levels of meaning
that is connected, but I think here we don't talk about levels (layers) of meaning, but of multiple representations of a single meaning
multiple views on the same 'thing'
like.. you and me probably have not exact the precise same dictionary of "english words" mapped to "exact meanings" in our heads, but the mappings/understanding of english words in our heads in similar enough (overlap enough) so we can communicate using them
but you might associate other detailed feelings, memories, thoughts and smells and whatnot with any individual word than I do.
if this babbling of me is understandable in any way xD
now its levels of meanings
I just had an idea
quantum physics, the famous duality of light as particle and as wave
particle = OOP ? wave = functional?
(OOP more in mainstream usage than Alain Kay definition, his OOP is kinda quite functional in essence...)
I don't see an analogy here
ok. never mind.
ok, in fact I never cared much about such formalisms
I just thought, the idea of mass, of particles, is an idea of static "things".
hmm, yeah
while wave if very obviously connected to math functions, to input -> transform/map -> output
I was never really fanatic about functional programming
oop is just convenient :)
you're fanatic on rationalism and simpleness
So I mix it all
apart from that you are as non-fanatic as it goes
that is anti-absolutism. but humans love absolutism. no absolutism = no absolute truth, no security, no final structure.
freedom is scary.
for too many
it means you have to take decisions
decisions can be wrong.
so..maybe its fear of mistakes, in essence
but making no decision is also an decision.
and then, what to do when you are free ...?
nothing is true, everything is allowed.
only the law of cause and effect rules.
do what thou will, but you will have to handle the consequences somehow
there is no free will
maybe. but even if there isn't, we have to pretend there is one.
yeah, we keep at least te illusion
we have no free will on that, for sure
the will to will?
haha, yes
it makes no difference if you will not. you still will
e.g. people believing in horoscopes... or some other form of pre-determination.. trying to get a glimpse of the predetermined plan... what use is it? if there is plan, than getting a glimpse will not make a difference, because it will happen according to "the plan"
but if the glimpse can make a difference, then the plan is not really predetermined, is it?
like random generators
they have a fixed plan
but its so many variables that it doesn't matter for all practical purposes
The universe splits, and all variations come true
so we pragmatically decide to be happy in the meanwhile, ok? :D
yes, and try to get into the lucky branch of the split
of course you must set limits. you can train yourself (modify your own cost-function within your mind) to be happy independent of any outside stimulation. then if you really manage this, you end up as a cave hermit, ultimately letting yourself eating by bugs because you're to happy to care :D
lesser versions of the same thing would be getting addicted to some stimulant, I guess.
short-cutting your "get-happy"-function
and of course the path goes into the other extreme too
balance is needed. pragmatic balance.
Regenaxer, there is no second-lowest value in picolisp, is there? NIL is the lowest value. so second lowest value would be?
the biggest bignum possible on the host the application is running (limited by RAM and swap) with a minus?
yes, negative bignum
haha, thanks
good question
Morris just came up with this question. he tries to do some kind of range query
So (> NIL ... should do
(> 0 X NIL)
or whatever instead of 0 for the upper ceiling
(> T X NIL) covers all "finite" values then
have a nice evening, I go meet my gf. cu :)
Have a nice time!
you too :)
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