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<namra> greetings
<namra> trying to use the ob-picolisp package for emacs org-mode
<namra> but when editing the contents of a picolisp source block it always switches back automatically to the file buffer. usually when typing lisp code, if nothing is being typed or non-lisp code it doesn't switch.
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<Regenaxer> gone
<Regenaxer> a bit impatient ;)
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<tankf33der> netbsd is broken on netbsd latest stable
<tankf33der> only -fPIC helps as on freebsd
<Regenaxer> :(
<tankf33der> FYI
<tankf33der> as is.
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<Regenaxer> ok
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<tankf33der> there is plio picolisp implementation, right?
<tankf33der> there is not i meant
<tankf33der> damn
<tankf33der> there is no picolisp implementation of plio, right?
<Regenaxer> I would say there is, it is built-in
<tankf33der> i see
<tankf33der> but i cant use it without pipes
<tankf33der> right?
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<Regenaxer> From another process?
<tankf33der> yea
<Regenaxer> Can you explain the situation?
<Regenaxer> It is not a pil process then?
<tankf33der> i thought make it without pipes
<Regenaxer> You could link the other program to lib/plio
<tankf33der> ok
<tankf33der> you have even js implementation
<tankf33der> :)
<tankf33der> afk
<tankf33der> .
<Regenaxer> yes, but js only one-way
<Regenaxer> client -> server
<tankf33der> yea
<Regenaxer> The C version does not help?
<tankf33der> it helps, do i want try native
<tankf33der> and test to each other
<Regenaxer> ok
<Regenaxer> So for the other side a pipe is easiest
<tankf33der> does c version understands 4th byte?
<tankf33der> i dont know if question is ok
<Regenaxer> yes, ok
<Regenaxer> It is transparent, plio does not care about the encoding of the name
<Regenaxer> (I think)
<tankf33der> :)
<tankf33der> lets ser
<tankf33der> lets see
<Regenaxer> What the C version does *not* handle is bignums
<Regenaxer> ie. nums > 64 bits
<Regenaxer> hmm, no
<Regenaxer> there is getBig() (?)
<Regenaxer> So it *can* write/read big numbers as byte buffers
<Regenaxer> putBig() and getBig()
<namra> hm the picolisp-mode that is in the melpa repo needs some work. doesn't work with the ob-picolisp package. and some other smaller issues.
<Regenaxer> I see ... any emacs user here atm?
<Regenaxer> Perhaps this should be discussed in the mailing list?
<namra> will do so later
<Regenaxer> ok, great
<namra> i saw that there's already a thread about those modes
<Regenaxer> Right, thats why I thought it is better there
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<beneroth> (the world is getting better)
<Regenaxer> Yes, good news
<beneroth> [off-topic] and Intels Secure Computing Enclave (in-built in CPUs) can be hacked, and then instead of secure crypto calculations you get malware which can spy on everything on the machine, undetected by OS, and cannot be removed by admin: (german):
<beneroth> english source:
<beneroth> Regenaxer, your fundamental wisdom of "you need to know what the machine does, you need to fully control it to have a chance to make it secure" is spot-on. maybe people will accept eventually. probably not :)
<beneroth> (I guess I should order some dozens rock64 from as aw- recommends)
<Regenaxer> Yes, but I must confess I'm not so much idealistic. To make it secure. I'd be content to control it so far that it does not do things I can't understand
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<beneroth> well.. question is where one draws the line.
<Regenaxer> T
<beneroth> Chuck Moore, designing your own hardware and own software (so controlling the turtles all the way down), thats one extreme.
<beneroth> building in cloud on top of a bloated software stack using thousands of libraries (node.js, docker) is the other extreme end.
<beneroth> as always in security, first make a threat model: what are the threats you want to chose to defend against.
<beneroth> Regenaxer, just once again: I love (state) :-)
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<Regenaxer> oops
<Regenaxer> Seems my last post was lost. I wrote "It proved very useful in vip"
<beneroth> yunfan and the whitelooger also got ping-timeout
<beneroth> ah
<beneroth> yeah
<beneroth> same use case here, parsing/processing :)
<Regenaxer> Not sure, perhaps I hit ^D again ;)
<beneroth> and vi is clearly the FSM-variant of an editor :)
<beneroth> * Regenaxer hat die Verbindung getrennt (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
<beneroth> nah
<Regenaxer> ok
<Regenaxer> Well, vip does it actually not use if for the editing, but only to mark up the text
<Regenaxer> Find comments, strings etc.
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<Regenaxer> also nested comments
<Regenaxer> So there are 4 states: text, string, comment and skip
<Regenaxer> skip is a special state in strings, from the \ at the end of the last line till the last leading white space on this line
<beneroth> so for pure parsing, not for managing the editor modes. nice :)
<Regenaxer> right
<Regenaxer> It always traverses the full text, so it must be fast
<Regenaxer> BTW, as I got rid of bloated browsers in Android, and w3m cannot show images in termux, I decided to write my own lightweight browser
<Regenaxer> In PilBox
<Regenaxer> I use it already, to read twitter etc.
<beneroth> nice. though the rendering is done by the android built-in browser, right ? :)
<Regenaxer> Needs more features though, like downloads, password manager etc
<beneroth> do you strip advertising?
<Regenaxer> Rendering is done by the WebView of PilBox
<Regenaxer> which is actually based on Chrome engine
<Regenaxer> No filtering (yet)
<beneroth> be aware that this could allow JS attacks (from the loaded webpage) on pilbox elements (maybe, depends on details, but it's probably possible)
<Regenaxer> But so far it is indeed very lightweight
<Regenaxer> only 72 lines
<beneroth> haha, nice.
<Regenaxer> and PilBox is running anyway
<Regenaxer> The app itself has only 54 lines so far, the rest is calling the download manager, but this part will change
<Regenaxer> The biggest drawback is that it does not support tabs, so not for you beneroth ;)
<Regenaxer> as I understand you are a tab junkie :)
<beneroth> I already decided that the way for me is to implement a web-proxy which brings all what I need into all browsers. then its also synced on all my devices without further setups. and can do additional stuff like backuping webpages.
<beneroth> I'm a horrible tab junkie :)
<Regenaxer> :)
<beneroth> but so far I haven't found/taken the time to do it. but yeah, must do it eventually this year :)
<beneroth> still got some years to do with web-/db-server programming. once I finished I probably have to make a complete browser, as they are soo horrible, but yeah, one thing after another :)
<beneroth> after that, pilOS? :D
<Regenaxer> good idea :)
<Regenaxer> big tasks
<beneroth> maybe the internet will not exist anymore then. Russia is already preparing to drop out of it.
<Regenaxer> haha, yes
<beneroth> The hope was that nations can only realistically economically do this during the original build-up of their part of the internet (like China did) but yeah, Russia is attempting it.
<beneroth> I hope it fails - but they got enough resources I guess. If they succeed, European countries and north america might also want to such a thing eventually :(
<Regenaxer> I think it won't work. You can't isolate such a big net. There will always be a way in somewhere
<beneroth> yeah. and it cuts a lot of established business lines.
<beneroth> (on logical level)
<Regenaxer> right, not beneficial at all
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<beneroth> hi alexshendi
<alexshendi> hi beneroth, how are you?
<Regenaxer> Hi alexshendi!
<alexshendi> Hi Regenaxer!
<beneroth> good thanks! yourself?
<alexshendi> Also quite good. Thanks.
<Regenaxer> Only quite?
<alexshendi> Regenaxer: yes, but I'll get over it.
<Regenaxer> good! Keep going!
<alexshendi> Regenaxer: :)
<beneroth> Keep strong! :-)
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