meh` changed the topic of #opal to: - Ruby runtime and library on top of Javascript | 1.0.0 is near | This channel is logged at
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<GitHub166> [opal-jquery] elia pushed 2 new commits to master:
<GitHub166> opal-jquery/master a795c7e Elia Schito: Use the jquery constants and cache $ everywhere
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<GitHub166> opal-jquery/master 16959e4 Elia Schito: Add `HTTP.setup` and `HTTP.setup=` to access `$.ajaxSetup`...
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<ylluminate> elia: awesome sauce!
<ylluminate> elia: curious, have you dropped in zepto inplace of jquery before?
<elia> nope, never
<ylluminate> i'm curious what the differential is in terms of what is not implemented
<ylluminate> oh well, not important. more just curious
<ylluminate> i'd hate to fiddle and end up blowing things up
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<ylluminate> elia, turns out that apparently it's not as good as we might assume initially. jquery 2 is still ultimately more performant and of course stable than zepto
<ylluminate> from some things i read
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