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<adambeynon> ryanstout: regarding the Time class, no updates have been made to it recently
<adambeynon> It needs a big rewrite to support timezones etc etc
<ryanstout> adambeynon: thanks, I found it in the repo
<adambeynon> it works well if you are in GMT ;)
<ryanstout> hehe
<ryanstout> lucky for you :-)
<ryanstout> jk
<ryanstout> I’ve got a friend who has some time and wanted to help with Volt, and its in a weird place right now, so I thought I might have him try to take a swing at the Opal time class if that is ok?
<ryanstout> if it doesn’t end up being good, I won’t be offended if you don’t accept a pull request :-)
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<adambeynon> ryanstout: sure, go for it. I suspect we will have to use a wrapper, rather than bridging (as we do now)
<ryanstout> maybe I was looking at the wrong time class in the repo
<ryanstout> the one I saw only had two things in it
<ryanstout> ah, nevermind, found the one in corelib
<ryanstout> sorry, didn’t see that one
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<ryanstout> so getting the timezone stuff right is the big issue?
<ryanstout> having #parse working would be nice also
<adambeynon> ryanstout: yeah, parse is a big thing as well. anytime I try and use json dates from a rails backend, it all kicks off
<ryanstout> kicks off?
<adambeynon> I keep meaning to spend an evening reading through date.js project, to see how they tackle everything
<adambeynon> sorry, thats a welsh expression
<adambeynon> "bad things happen"
<ryanstout> ah
<ryanstout> yea, I was looking at moment.js yesterday
<ryanstout> basically there’s a JS api call to get the current timezone offset
<ryanstout> from UTC (or maybe GMT)
<ryanstout> I’ve been thinking for Volt of maybe having a different time class that always stores in UTC, then anytime you want to display it, you have to pass the current zone (or it will have methods on the front end that will work with the browsers local zone)
<ryanstout> it’s more work, but it should eliminate most of the TZ issues
<ryanstout> (still thinking about it though)
<ryanstout> the cool thing too is the class will implement the reactive interface, so you can just do: { - some_time} for example and have an auto-updating countdown
<adambeynon> nice. still dissapointed that I haven't had time to try volt yet
<ryanstout> adambeynon: no worries. If you get time, check out the videos. Those probably demo it best.
<ryanstout> have you had much time to work on Vienna?
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