Get merlin working as soon as you're able. And spread printf calls everywhere.
Everyone starts out as a novice :-)
You would need a semicolon at the end of the line
I doubt it does, but it seems like a fairly large and complex piece of software
If the application plays with stdout
appleby: Though I have no idea how that will interfere with the rest of the application
appleby: If all you want is the raw value, you can use: printf "posn_lat: %f\n" wgs84.posn_lat
hcarty, would you say I can print out posn_lat by using something like printf " {%d, %d, %.0f}, /* 1e7deg, 1e7deg, cm (hmsl=%.2fm) */ \\\n" (convert_angle wgs84.posn_lat) (convert_angle wgs84.posn_long) (100. *. float_of_string alt) (Egm96.of_wgs84 wgs84)
I don't remember what I actuall edited though. ~/.emacs.d/something maybe.
The last time I used emacs I remember having to edit a different configuration file than the one the documentation I looked at specified...
s/doesn't work/can't be made to work/
I'm not a Mac or emacs user (Linux + vim) but I'd be surprised if that combination doesn't work.
appleby: posn_lat looks like it's a float
appleby: No?
AltGr: Thanks. Good to know.
AltGr: Does the opam-version field specify the minimum supported opam version for a package?
Exactly! No one knows it isn't persistent.
AltGr: Indeed
flux: When the results are as impressive as merlin and ocp-indent, I'm ok with as many useful ones as people want to make :-)
Ah, I didn't realize that. That's nice.
Once the IO bits are split that is.
companion_cube: Very cool. That should (hopefully) come somewhat naturally once Batteries is split up more, correct?
companion_cube: Hello!
o/ hcarty
avsm: Is there a plan yet on the platform side regarding standard libraries?
flux: All viable options
hcarty, I suppose I can write a C oneliner that spits out the value for the enumeration. or I could just implement the whole function in C, without using ctypes :)
flux: The matching integer values should be used from the OCaml side. You can use a ctypes view to partially automate mapping between an OCaml variant and a C enum/int value.
flux: No, I think those need to be mapped by hand or generated with a program in C.
hcarty, ..I suppose enumeration symbols won't work with ctypes?
(says one of the many people who hasn't written out these steps...)
avsm: Having those steps in writing would help identify the broken/extraneous bits
flux: It's easy to play with, even from the toplevel.
hcarty, ok.. I've been thinking of taking a look at it..
flux: If you are still looking at bringing in/binding a single C function, ctypes is a wonderful way to go.
ocamlscript is quite nice. I find myself using it less and less as ocamlbuild improves.
adrien_oww: Indeed!
hcarty: definitely but at first it might be difficult :P
kaustuv: The syntax extension works for me in utop
hcarty: I get that "error" as well
Tricky at times perhaps, but very effective
adrien_oww: Using something which requires knowledge of the OCaml runtime is a wonderful way to learn OCaml :-)
kaustuv: I can't test it here because #require "cow";; gives an interface error - http://vpaste.net/Aynbt
EmilPer: I don't think it's actively maintained. It may still work.
kaustuv: Maybe there is an issue with using the toplevel in a non-interactive way? Does the same code work if you copy and paste into a running toplevel?
kaustuv: Swap lines 4 and 5
kaustuv: I think you need #camlp4o before the .syntax line
nlucaroni: Thank you!
oasis 0.4.2 breaks oasis2opam <= 0.3.6. oasis2opam already depends on oasis >= 0.3.0; I'd like to add a '<= 0.4.1' constraint to the opam definition as well.
What is the syntax to specify a range of version restrictions under opam?
rwmjones: ocaml-re has a glob-based regex module
adrien_oww: It's a cylon duck?
companion_cube: Splitting out the modules one at a time also allows users to take advantage of the work as its done rather than requiring a grand 3.0.0 release before anyone can try things out and comment.
companion_cube: Yes. In particular starting with IO since it is one of the major trouble spots when trying to split Batteries effectively.
companion_cube: I've tried to do the same in my free time. It's too much for a free time project I think :-) Starting with a core module should be easier though as it requires tracking fewer moving parts.
hcarty: well the point is, you shouldn't link against all batteries
If you're trying to pull in a subset then being more explicit is probably a good thing
companion_cube: If you're already pulling in all of Batteries, what does that matter?
hcarty: maybe. Pervasives is also a tough topic, because it depends on many things.
companion_cube: "open Batteries" seems like a good way to spell "open BatteriesAll"
flux: But if you don't want all of Batteries you'll be able to more efficiently grab smaller pieces
flux: I think the intent is to still provide the ability to "open Batteries"
hcarty: hmmm, interesting
companion_cube: That gives something to test against, both from an interface and a performance perspective
companion_cube: A nice first step toward splitting Batteries may be creating stand-alone versions of the problematic modules (IO and Enum or whatever replaces it)
hcarty: sounds harder, you have to abstract over a monad
companion_cube: Exactly. If it can be made to work easily with Lwt then I'm completely for it :-)
flux: I read something along those lines but I don't have a reference.
hcarty: indeed. and having compatibility with ocamlnet wouldn't be bad ;)
companion_cube: Any other reasonable option seems like it would require a BatIOTypes module which seems excessive and unfriendly to iteroperability with modules outside of Batteries.
companion_cube: It seems like the best option
companion_cube: That seems like a reasonable approach. Are there any significant performance concerns?
companion_cube: Something along the lines of the object wrappers in BatIO?
hcarty: any opinion of making IO.output/input object types, so that they don't depend on BatIO anymore?
njcomsec: I don't think so.
I haven't played with Gen yet so I may be missing something obvious
Gen.Restart rather
companion_cube: What does Gen offer over Seq?
'In general' in my case doesn't involve IO or other side effects though. Enum has been fine for that use.
I've found Seq to be closer to what I want in general than Enum or Gen. Gen.Restart looks like it acts similar to Seq.
hcarty: I'm also quite convinced that on "one shot" iterators, Gen would take the lead. But I didn't benchmarked that very properly
hcarty: imho, Gen and BatSeq shouldn't really be compared directly. On the other hand, BatSeq and Sequence are really very close
hcarty: also, Sequence is faster but intrinsically less powerful
Drup: Probably so :-) The implementation difference is somewhat subtle.
Thank you
Drup: So Sequence is faster than Seq which is faster than Gen according to this benchmark - correct?
Drup: Thanks - I am on the list. I must have missed that thread.
hcarty: do you need a copy of the email or are you on the mailing list already ?
hcarty: actually ... I did, it's in my email on the batteries-devel ml
hcarty: no, but I can make one easily
Drup: Do you have a Gen vs BatSeq performance comparison?
ok, so this is something new? I thought my 'module aliases' hcarty meant the something like module Baz = Batteries_foo
flux: That's a good question that I don't know the answer to :-)
flux: module aliases in their place IIRC
companion_cube: I've been lurking on that conversation. I haven't had any time to spend on it so I haven't wanted to chime in yet.
And a monolithic wrapper is still possible if the IO piece can be figured out.
hcarty: I'm still planning to split batteries into smaller, friendlier pieces
I'm very happy to see smaller, more focused libraries/modules popping up on opam. While I like Batteries, being able to pick and choose smaller pieces seems more friendly.
companion_cube: Hello!
\o hcarty btw
companion_cube: Have you done a performance test on Gen vs BatSeq?
gasche: Do you have any interest in looking at the GADT-using code I mentioned a week or few ago?
hcarty: debian has a few patches which show nasty issues
hcarty: ocaml-sdl might be something good to put in newhope :P
I haven't measured the performance loss to see how significant it is
companion_cube: Yes, although those may be mitigated/avoided if you use the upcoming stub generation functionality.
companion_cube: Ctypes is almost amazing. I expect that I will find it to be completely amazing once I am no longer ignorant of how to properly apply it.
companion_cube and adrien_oww: \o/
o/ hcarty
The pahDriverList pointer is updated if it is not NULL. My attempt uses (string @-> int @-> ptr (ptr void) @-> returning t) where type t is a unit ptr.
Using Ctypes, what is the proper way to send a pointer-to-a-pointer (ex. void **) to a function which will allocate a pointed-to value if the given point is not null? The specific function I'm looking at wrapping is: http://www.gdal.org/ogr/ogr__api_8h.html#a2da3630231780d519543d1679c83e62f
hcarty: Regarding basing it on RWO, we would have to choose between OCaml/Core and OCaml. (And RWO is frustrating w.r.t. not specifying what is syntax extensions and what is vanilla OCaml)
Something based on OCaml From The Very Beginning or RWO, depending on the audience you want to target.
hcarty: I think that too
Kakadu: A well designed OCaml course would be nice to have on Coursera. I think it could help in promoting the language.
It should be possible. Maybe tricky at first, but possible.
val set : ('i, 'e, 'u, 'r * write) t -> 'i -> 'e -> 'u
'update_result_type would be fixed as unit for anything which is monad-ish
('index_type, 'element_type, 'update_result_type, 'permission) t is not the shortest type around, but I'm not sure how to make it shorter and still allow easy use with Lwt and Batteries, for example.
companion_cube: GADTs are quite cool. The added type safety is nice, although all of the additional type annotations can be difficult to track.
I'm not sure if it shoudl go into Batteries directly or exist separately with a package to wraps some Batteries types (see batIndexMap.ml in the same repo)
companion_cube: OR batteries! :-)
companion_cube: It's not easy compared to some things, but I think it is easier than the phantom type version
And I think it's much nicer in this state. I'll get it into opam at some point.
companion_cube: Yes
If you have time to look, do you have any recommendations for improvement? This was my first attempt at using GADTs for something other than a throw away example.
And that defeats the purpose of using Seq
Updated with your prettier example :-)
The fix really involves changing the behavior and signature of BatSeq.Exceptionless.combine, so again this may be something that has to wait until 3.0 for a full fix.
I added that snippet to the bug report.
Sorry, rather BatSeq.Exceptionless.combine still gives a sequence which raises an exception when you try to consume it.
companion_cube: BatSeq.combine still raises an exception for this example -- Seq.Exceptionless.combine (Seq.of_list [1;2]) (Seq.of_list [1]) |> Option.get |> Seq.iter (fun _ -> print_endline "hello")
I'm curious to know if there is a clean way to do the same with ctypes. I expect that the answer is along the lines of "yes but not that clean"
The zeromq bindings (which are what I'm looking at now) handle this with some compile-time C stub #defines
flux: Indeed :-)
flux: I'm not using Windows for anything OCamly at the moment but I'd rather avoid explicitly breaking things there
flux: I do - but unfortunately the representation is different on Windows.
Is there an official/proper way to send/get a file descriptor to/from a C function using ctypes?
hcarty: are you here? :)
Drup: That's the best I've been able to come up with too.
hcarty: I would say multiple conf-* packages
For example, on Debian you might need '--enable-jasper --enable-jpeg --enable-png' while a custom build of the underlying C library may require '--enable-openjpeg --enable-jasper --enable-png'
How should something like this be handled in an opam-friendly way? There are already configuration flags in the library's _oasis file - I want to make sure I expose those in a flexible and useful way in the opam metadata.
Debian/Ubuntu configure their package with one JPEG library, Fedora/EPEL use another, and building by hand provides a third option
I'm working on getting several packages ready for opam. One of them is a binding to a C library which can be linked against a number of supporting libraries (different JPEG 2000 implementations).
avsm: I doubt I'll be able to contribute beyond testing whatever implementation(s) are available, but if that changes I'll be sure to send a pull request
hcarty: yeah, although patches before are welcome. see the HTTP_CLIENT ticket for thoughts on how it should work
flux: And it probably does make sense to have that function and write_file in BatFile.
flux: There is a BatPervasives.input_file function which slurps in an entire file at once.
avsm: Is Lwt HTTPS server support planned for Cohttp?
companion_cube: I don't think so - just here
hcarty, gasche: is there a batteries irc chan?
I know hcarty has worked on it but more recently, I don't know who's maintaining it
gasche: non-compiler-developers that is.
gasche: Are non-developer comments/questions welcome on Mantis for things other than bugs, such as the inline record discussion?
gasche: Your 'if I understand correctly' is correct
gasche: Thank you for the clarification on ocamlbuild. It looks like something may have slipped through into 4.01.0, maybe a partial commit somewhere.
rks` , hcarty : -use-ocamlfind is not default for 4.01 as far as I know
rks`: Thanks
wmeyer: ping
hcarty: ping wmeyer
gasche: Are these differences covered by the existing ocamlbuild bug reports or should I file something new?
without -use-ocamlfind
Similarly, adding "true: package(batteries)" to _tags fails
That's a strange difference
rks`: It apparently isn't. That fails trying to find Batteries.
hcarty: what about "ocamlbuild -tag package(batteries) test.native" ?
rks`: With "open Batteries" in test.ml, "ocamlbuild test.native" fails as expected. "ocamlbuild -package batteries test.native" works but gives a warning saying 'Warning: tag "package" does not expect a parameter, but is used with parameter "batteries"'
rks`: On 4.01.0 a simple test makes it look like there is some kind of default support but it may be a little broken
hcarty: oh this is good news
avsm: Regarding my cohttp question - if I use 'time curl -i -X POST -d "a"' then the POST time is effectively the same as GET
warn_A-44 seems to do what I want, sorry for the noise.
ocamlbuild -documentation makes it look like there isn't but I thought I saw it in a project at one point
Is there a way to disable a warning by number in _tags?
It's (hopefully) too late for new syntax to make it into 4.01.0
hcarty: it may be worth opening a bug report
I expect a ppx could fix that nicely
I like the warning but without some kind of M.!( ) or similar support it's too noisy to use in my code.
hcarty: yes, … it's just a compromise
def-lkb: In order to limit the scope of the open that is
def-lkb: You can, but the whole thing would need to be wrapped in '( ... )' or 'begin ... end' which kills the concision
hcarty: no
Is there an equivalent to open! in OCaml 4.01 when using the Module.( ... ) syntax?
sgnb: It sounds like those benchmarks are against GET requests though. That paste's GET handling seems nice and quick. The slow POST is what currently concerns me with cohttp.
sgnb: Thanks for the link. I should look at ocsigen too. I am/was looking at cohttp first since it's relatively light but ocsigen does have a lot of useful extras.
companion_cube: It does have a client library, not sure about CGI.
companion_cube: That's my initial impression but I just started playing with it
avsm: Using 4.01.0rc1 and cohttp 0.9.10 from opam
avsm: http://vpaste.net/adQL8 -- This minimal cohttp+lwt server is slow (~1 second) to respond to POST requests. Is that normal/expected? HEAD and GET requests are quick (time says 0.008 seconds).
hcarty: the hard (and boring) part is lifting functions I guess
Copied and pasted from a utop session so it's not the prettiest formatting
thomasga: I have something for one source module but I haven't puzzled through/looked up the syntax for multiple source modules
Is it heavy enough to impact the performance of your program?
It's all in BatText
The UTF8 support in Batteries isn't using Camomile anymore which may be why the functionality has changed.
pippijn: I haven't used BatUTF8, but I expect you could work around the issue by using BatText.of_string and BatText.fold.
pippijn: The old Batteries list comprehension extension is available from opam as pa_comprehension IIRC
pippijn: The syntax extensions are pacakged separately now
pippijn: It was removed with the Batteries 2.0 release
Yeah, that is an opam annoyance. If there isn't a bug already for it it's probably worth opening one.
pippijn: You need to install conf-libev (or something similar) to enable libev support
Does anyone here have a suggestion for where to stay (or not stay) in Boston for ICFP/OUD?
technomancy: You're welcome. I've been using that bit of syntax a lot recently.
hcarty: cool; I tried it but was missing the parens
technomancy: You can use as in function argument. For example, let f ({ x; y } as point) = ...
smondet: Thanks for the Unix.setsid tip for killing a tree of child processes. It works well for what I need.
avsm: That's what I expected. Thanks.
avsm: There is a paragraph I have a few questions about - would you prefere one topic per comment or grouping multiple in a single comment?
avsm: How granular should RWO comments be?
One level of child processes that is. I haven't tested processed nested more deeply than that.
For anyone interested, that set of steps does seem to work at least one level deep.
It looks like Unix.setsid ... (set sigX handler) ... Unix.kill 0 Sys.sigX ... (reset sigX handler) ... (continue on) ... may work
adrien: Yep, too recent unfortunately. Needs to be able to run on RHEL 6/CentOS 6.
hcarty: maybe through CHILD_SUBREAPER
adrien: Wishful reading on my part
I have at least a few cases where that's not a (simple) option. On to testing process groups!
I misread the documentatio... it looks like prctl needs to be called from the child process rather than the parent to have this work.
smondet: Thanks, I'll take a look at that
hcarty: (not sure) but Unix.setsid should create a process group, then
rks`: Thanks for the tip about where to look in Core. I'm not using it but I may be able to pinch the relevant bit of code if it's already there.
mrvn: If I write something I'll pass it along
adrien: Yep, didn't see it tehre
It was one of the results I found when looking for something in OCaml
I think that there is a Python binding
adrien: Assuming that works as described :-)