what's the interest, when camlp4 is in the standard distribution ?
hmm, maybe I should look into the camlp4[ro]*
easiest way to build ocamlc so any programs compiled by it automatically get processed by a given camlp4 macro (I assume that I can merge many camlp4 macros into one mega-macro)
easiest way to build ocamlc so any programs compiled by it automatically get processed by a given camlp4 macro (I assume that I can merge many camlp4 macros into one mega-macro)
any camlp4 gurus?
* thelema_
wants to look into perma-hooking some camlp4 extensions into community-ocaml
one could think of a (tadaam !) camlp4 extension to automagically generate those functors from the function source code :-'
at the camlp4 level, you could try camlp4o `ocamlfind query -i-format type-conv` `ocamlfind query -i-format sexplib` pa_type_conv.cmo pa_sexp_conv.cmo yourfile.ml
Camlp4: Uncaught exception: DynLoader.Error ("/opt/godi/lib/ocaml/pkg-lib/sexplib/pa_sexp_conv.cmo", "error while linking /opt/godi/lib/ocaml/pkg-lib/sexplib/pa_sexp_conv.cmo.\nReference to undefined global `Pa_type_conv'")
at the camlp4 level, you could try camlp4o `ocamlfind query -i-format sexplib` pa_sexp_conv.cmo yourfile.ml
at the camlp4 level, you could try camlp4o `ocamlfind query -i-format type-conv` pa_sexp_conv.cmo yourfile.ml
toplevel + camlp4 is kinda broken in 3.10
i am not really comfortable with camlp4 yet
* Yoric[DT]
has found a way to get its error-management to be handled by Camlp4 -- without Obj.magic.
I mean, using Camlp4 to introduce an Obj.magic might just be considered bad.
i'm not sure it's possible to provide camlp4 with a "start-from-here" quotation
I suppose there might already be "camlp4 expand" in tuareg
and I would be able to almost directly feed it to camlp4 to create a stub?
bluestorm: I would be interested in a let foo x = TODO kind of camlp4 extension if you decide to write it
does camlp4 support resuming after first error?
i think someone could create an ocaml version with camlp4
another thing that could be intersting would be to integrate camlp4 better into emacs
camlp4 only do the syntax side
you could use camlp4 -str command line option
flux: on a larger note, you could create a camlp4 program to convert a .mli into a .ml
but i guess you can use post-3.10 camlp4 on 3.09 ocaml code
so in practice, camlp4 would not be the right tool for that
but 1) the C logic isn't handled by camlp4 itself, you have to do it
you theorically could use camlp4 to create a OCaml -> C translator
ikatz: you can see camlp4 as a big framework intended at manipulating pieces of Abstact Syntax Tree
does camlp4 actually do translation between languages?
I wonder if you could convert ocaml into javascript with camlp4
so what am I supposed to change in the Makefile ? can I just change camlp4 to camlp5 and expect it to work?
Camlp4: Uncaught exception: DynLoader.Error ("pa_ifdef.cmo", "file not found in path")
me: Camlp4 Parsing version 3.10.2+dev3 (2008-01-29)
that might be controllable through camlp4, i've never used it before so i'm not sure what that's capable of
I suppose I could use the example FLOAT camlp4 extension and it would remove or atleast reduce the pain
looks like a camlp4 weirdiness
Camlp4 Parsing version 3.10.0
Well, if I ended up paid by LoC, I'd start by writing a Java quotation for Camlp4 :)
you can use camlp4 to parse those files
and (mod) doens't work well in camlp4 3.10.0
Camlp4 Parsing version 3.10.0
Camlp4 Parsing version 3.10.0
I suppose camlp4 is probably more what I'm thinking about, but...
I'm trying to use ocaml 3.10.1 with godi and its sexplib, and I'm getting erro Camlp4: Uncaught exception: DynLoader.Error ("/opt/stow/godi/lib/ocaml/pkg-lib/sexplib/pa_sexp_conv.cmo", "error while linking /opt/stow/godi/lib/ocaml/pkg-lib/sexplib/pa_sexp_conv.cmo.\nReference to undefined global `Pa_type_conv'") - any suggestions?
Now, we could have a Camlp4 extension to avoid the call to "result".
* Yoric[DT]
has a wrap camlp4 extension, but it's probably not the same.
it's not cheaper than the old "wrap .." camlp4 extension idea
some people don't like the original syntax enough that they implement their own, and camlp4 makes it easy to do
there is some posts on the caml-list about standalone + camlp4
the phrase above works as expected if camlp4 isn't loaded, but if it is, it reads from stdin.
rieux: have you seen examples that I've given, for building standalone apps with camlp4
I actually considered implementing backtracking + unification as a Camlp4 extension with a prolog-style syntax.
The other interesting thing that's happening is that having camlp4 loaded causes Toploop.parse_toplevel_phrase (which I'm using to do some automation in the toploop) to read directly from stdin regardless of the buffer that it's given.
ertai: Sorry, i was asleep. I've been trouble loading and then calling into camlp4 from a standalone program (rather than a syntax extension loaded by p4). I've managed to get a parser by linking against camlp4of.cma (which in turn requires toplevellibs.cma), which doesn't seem like the right way to do it, but it's working. To get a printer, I am applying Camlp4.Printers.OCaml.Make myself, which doesn't seem too objectionable.
Well, to use the revised syntax you need camlp4.
it's not the difference between running and not running camlp4?
Does anyone know if there's a way to get ocamlc to run its error messages through Camlp4 ?
rieux: do you have specific problems with camlp4?
rieux: you could use camlp4
i'm trying to make a standalone program that relies on camlp4 for parsing and printing some parts of a dsl (embedded bits of ocaml), so it needs to call into camlp4 for parsing and printing. i've gotten what i think is a minimal test program, which dies when I run it with a message that "entry [expr] is empty", which indicates to me that I'm not loading a parser properly:
hi. i'm wondering if someone could help me with a camlp4 (linking, i think) problem.
Ah, ok, thanks. But is the new camlp4 going to be the standard?
Hi! Using Ocaml 3.10. How to have backward compatibility with camlp4? Should I go back to 3.9 ?
Yorick: if you've got a nice syntax proposal, i'd be happy to create a small camlp4 syntax extension for that :p
it's possible that this can be accomplished with camlp4, i don't know a thing about it
if camlp4 worked with JoCaml, it'd be fairly easy to autogenerate the code to fork + spawn appropriate channel
(making sure that these computations have the right type can be enforced either using monadic style or, I believe, with a simple Camlp4 extension)
So I wasn't crazy, it was a camlp4 bug.
It does send camlp4 on an infinite loop.
Camlp4 Parsing version 3.10.0
it's probably because of camlp4
maybe some wizard can make some camlp4 magic that does that pure function thing
so, now I can begin writing lazy versions of all data structures in ocaml, and then add some fancy syntax with camlp4 ;)
omg revised syntax! so the camlp4 sources aren't the only place where it's used ;-))
flux: Yoric[DT] is gonna propose you a nice camlp4 extension to automate the proccess :-'
It makes testing camlp4 extensions much more difficult
Is there a way to get around the "I/O error: Bad file descriptor" error when using a camlp4 extension in the toplevel?
I've been considering writing a Camlp4 extension to provide that kind of thing.
and if you would need many of such functions, you could use camlp4 to do that for you :)
would you be interested in a camlp4 library to generate locally-free variable names ?
Hello, I don't know if the one who made xavierbot is here, but I just want to let him know that there's some syntax problem with camlp4 with the last ocaml release, in case he doesn't.
i just found an "interesting comprehension camlp4 extension" this morning
could be nicely written with Yoric's camlp4 extension
iirc, it's treated specifically by camlp4 parser's,
About strange camlp4 behaviour? ;D
It's not very important for me, but I like camlp4 error reports.
This is either bug in camlp4 or incompatibility I don't understand:
i guess using camlp4 only for syntax checking would make sense
Yoric[DT]: side question, why do you want to separate "each" from the "for" ? this adds a keyword anyway and i don't see this easier to parse with camlp4
i still don't really get it : how does camlp4 add the bunch of do .. end between with_input and the parameter ?
bla : one last thing : the stream syntax ( [< .. >] ) is now a camlp4 extension
If you know some good materials about camlp4 (EXTEND...) and Plexer (I'm using INT e.g. but haven't seen it's definition and dedcription)
I'm having some trouble getting it to work as advertised in the Camlp4 wiki.
Hey guys. Has anyone here used CamlP4's fold generator?
would syntax like \{} would be possible with camlp4?
as a camlp4 extension
..been thinking that it'd be a nice way to study camlp4 developing..
Hmm, is Camlp4 specifically for preprocessing OCaml code, or can generic lexers and parsers be written with it?
if you want a camlish parser, you can use camlp4 too
and with that library come a little camlp4 thing that seems to allow one to define type-deriving functions easily
Jane Street has released a camlp4 library that will generate converters to and from S-expressions for OCaml type definitions.
whew, I'd rather not venture into camlp4 for it
and i guess you may try to code a camlp4 filter that would derive such functions automatically, but i would except it to be non-trivial
camlp4 3.10
i just tried a camlp4 3.10 port
camlp4 feels cluttered because the syntax is much more structured
I mean, you need a whole manual to describe how to se camlp4
I think camlp4's greatest limitation is that it cannot really interface with the type system.. but going around that would probably mean undecidable compilation
imo camlp4 is a poor substitute for lisp macros
concerning the 3) , i think camlp4 (syntaxic approach) and MetaOCaml (code-generation approach) may be enough
i've just written my first "usable" camlp4 syntax extension
orbitz: You can mess with camlp4 to get .[] .() .{} etc to do different things. They are all defined in the OCaml sources as sugar for the matching *.get functions
Error while linking dnf.cmo: Reference to undefined global `Camlp4'
I'm compiling a simple program with ocamlbuild that uses camlp4 to write a parser. The compilation goes thought, but ocamlbuild fails to link camlp4lib.cma and therefore I get
I just figure it out ... I was calling camlp4 in the wrong way ... camlp4o instead of camlp4of !
Looks quite feasible with Camlp4.
You can write a Camlp4 extension if you wish :)
(short of defining your own syntax with Camlp4, I guess)
I'm actually using another Camlp4 extension for this pattern-matching: Patterns-0.3 .
I'm lookint at the AST of Camlp4.
Actually, technically, if you're willing to run camlp4 twice, it might work already.
hi yoric, how goes the camlp4 fun?
Camlp4 3.10 foreach tutorial.
regexp is easy, but i see camlp4 in code a lot more then Str.
camlp4 almost looks like a headache
* Yoric[DT]
wonders how to chain Camlp4 extensions.
Now, I can start thinking about Camlp4 :)
Camlp4 Parsing version 3.10.0
Camlp4 Parsing version 3.10.0
Camlp4 Parsing version 3.10.0
Camlp4 Parsing version 3.10.0
Camlp4 Parsing version 3.10.0
Camlp4 Parsing version 3.10.0
is camlp4 included in caml ?
it uses camlp4 to remove certain unsafe parts of the language
oh it's using camlp4 parsing? Why does it need double ;; then?
Camlp4 Parsing version 3.10.0
yeah ive seen a bit about camlp4 havent looked into it
context, google for ocaml camlp4, you'll see some funky stuff
noooo yoric tell us all about camlp4!
Yoric[DT]: where is your camlp4 code anyway?
Camlp4 doesn't like this kind of things too much.
how many bytes of camlp4 language does it take to implement it?
is that the camlp4 stuff you've been working on?
Possibly with Camlp4 :)
Plus I need to check the licence, as I had to copy and paste bits of Camlp4's source code and bits of ocaml-tutorial.org inside my code, due to some rules being private.
Unfortunately, it's a bit big for the Camlp4 wiki.
I'd appreciate ANY help with camlp4.
But then, I only wanted to play a little with Camlp4.
* Yoric[DT]
has done enough Camlp4 for the night.
I'd like to learn enough Camlp4 to eventually override the .{} syntax for Bigarrays so that the .{} is always used with Bigarray.Genarray.t, rather than the type being determined by the number of dimensions used
Well, stream stuff will require some re-implementation, as they're locked into the private parts of Camlp4.
Or if they can't, by Camlp4 preprocessors.
I'd write it if I knew camlp4, which would be nice.
I guess you can do that easily with camlp4
heh, maybe camlp4 has what I want? An ocaml parser i can use during run-time?
I think I saw some Camlp4 magic used to add call/cc into OCaml, too.
I'm hoping at some point I would be able to write a camlp4-preprocessor, which would perform sufficient magic for the compiler to type check that
I haven't found any documentation, only the module & source code in Camlp4 3.10.
hell, i'd pay for an online course that taught camlp4 comprehensively
anyone know of some secret camlp4 3.10 tutorial?
I want to learn camlp4 for lots of reasons though
Sdflow is a nice library for some similar things, without needing camlp4
if I could figure out how camlp4 works maybe I could extend it further
yoric - did you know camlp4 before the 3.10 release?
has anyone figured out a good way to learn the new camlp4?
Camlp4 Parsing version 3.10.0
I haven't done any camlp4, but I think you can still use the syntax with it
I haven't fully mastered Camlp4 yet, but it's quite powerful.
camlp4 is powerful but i've found it hard to learn
(And they're called Camlp4 in the OCaml world :))
grrr, they still haven't updated the ocaml tutorial for 3.10's camlp4
using camlp4 of course
Camlp4 Parsing version 3.10.0
I had an idea the other day.. it should be possible to create reliable refactoring tools with camlp4 and the piece of code that annotates the code with types (per -dtypes)
(it doesn't have any camlp4, which would also be nice)
but they exists as a camlp4 extension
the confusing thing is, camlp5 is closer to 3.09 camlp4 than 3.10 camlp4 is
so he "forked" : took the old camlp4 and created camlp5
the original author of camlp4 is not happy with these changes
for the 3.10, camlp4 got a partial rewrite
What's the dirrence between camlp4 and camlp5?
i used it for camlp4 extension, and while i think a part of it is really nice, some bits are heavy to use
Is there a way to #use multiple files in the toplevel after loading a camlp4 extension?
It would be queer; I've written two, three parsers and still have no idea about camlp4.
How is camlp4 related to ocamlyacc and ocamllex?
bluestorm_, you know, like determining types of expressions at camlp4 stage
flux: camlp4 type inference ?
his other project on Google Code (click on his name to see the url) is a little camlp4 extension wich looks really nice
because there is some camlp4 magic under the hood i guess
camlp4 I guess is more generic.
but camlp4 is purely syntaxic
Camlp4 *is* OCaml.
vorago: probably. Depends on what you mean by "camlp4 calls".
"camlp4 calls" ?
Is it possible (as I don't know camlp4) to do recursive camlp4 calls?
yoric[dt], it would be fun if the type information was available in camlp4
* Yoric[DT]
has played with Camlp4.
But they generally should be functor - like. Not camlp4 like.
Except, of course, that Camlp4 is OCaml :)
Well, just like Camlp4.
I guess it's doable with camlp4.
* Yoric[DT]
wonders how to use Camlp4's Lexer.
* Yoric[DT]
is now writing his own custom pre-processor largely without Camlp4.
just a newbie question: how do I tell camlp4 to find camlp4 files in a local directory instead of /usr/lib/ocaml/.... ?
maybe with camlp4
Now, back to attempting to pre-process a non-OCaml file using Camlp4...
Has anyone used Camlp4's DEFINE, IFDEF... ?
Well, Camlp4 is supposed to work as a generic pre-processor, too.
I had a great desire of learning Camlp4 also; but there's no time for it. ;s
* DT
is now trying to teach a little syntax to Camlp4.
Any camlp4 pro around here ?
It's Camlp4 reduced to the role of a unversal preprocessor.
I tend to believe that's the domain of MetaOCaml or Camlp4 rather than OCaml.
Yeah, my Camlp4 syntax extension works at last.
And that's where I get camlp4 into what looks like an infinite recursive loop...
I think I'm starting to get the feeling of camlp4 3.10 .
With the old camlp4 (not that I was any good with it), I figured out that I had to customize type_declaration.
i think the best way to look at is the actual camlp4 code
I'm a newbie with camlp4 and I'm trying to customize types.
Could anyone give me a hand with the new camlp4 ?
ericlavigne: it's easier than that with camlp4
krumms: how about a camlp4 3.10 tutorial? now THAT would be groovy
haelix: do you know camlp4?
(i think the mapper/folder classes are one of the nicest things in 3.10 camlp4, or at least funniest to use)
if they are simple enough, you may rely on the camlp4 AST map/fold, without using EXTEND directives
(this wiki is the best documentation i found about 3.10 camlp4)
just played with camlp4 a little this summer
bluestorm: i'm looking at Camlp4OcamlParser.ml and it uses class_declaration. i read before that camlp4 is based on the revised syntax, so i'm gonna look for class_declaration in the revised parser...
bluestorm: basically, it's about using camlp4 3.10 to parse class defs
bluestorm: just posted my question to caml-list (camlp4)
if you add camlp4 to the mix something more nicely typeable should be possible
i never used the camlp4 mapping for c++ (map objects to caml types), it looked harder and i never had more than 2-3 functions
i remembe seeing camlp4 demonstrated in some slides on how to create a dsl in 15 min :)
noss, not unless you use camlp4
there was some camlp4 magic to open a module locally, with the "open Foo in" syntax. The extension was on Nicolas Pouillard site iirc, however it was not camlp4 3.10 compatible
the naming is a bit unfortunate.. but I wonder, does that camlp5 work nicely together with the current camlp4?
lde: you may use Camlp4 to redefine some uses of .(), based on syntaxic considerations only
I was wandering if I could somehow define .() in ocaml, without camlp4.
Well, I don't much about camlp4.
and the Camlp4 AST does have a way to express that e.(n) thing
you first use and manipulate a Camlp4 AST
when parsing using the camlp4 tools
at least in the camlp4 parser
old or new camlp4? :)
there is a FStream lib in camlp4
after having the head into the camlp4 sources for some days, "refutable" looked like a good idea
Camlp4 Parsing version 3.10.0
Camlp4 Parsing version 3.10.0
seems the default ocaml parser accept (lsl), and the camlp4 one doesn't
xavierbot may use camlp4
you could do a camlp4 extension for that
bluestorm: you have not tried ? :-) i think the command-line is something like -pp "camlp4 ocaml+twt"
bluestorm: the camlp4 can be chained with twt already
(he *might* be interested in my camlp4-twt summer attempt)
if you were using ocaml, you could use camlp4 for syntaxic support
it *might* be actually possible to fool camlp4 into thinking Foo is a lowercase identifier :-'
camlp4 is the ocaml preprocessor
what camlp4 does?
the camlp4 way to do that
there are two ways to do it, the low-level one, wich is in the Stream library (Stream.peek and Stream.junk, mostly), and the one using a camlp4 syntax-extension
loufoque, there are camlp4 extensions that can implement that
mr_hugo, hey, you could do that with camlp4 :)
bluestorm_, ooh, apparently the new camlp4 is object-based now?