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<sh0t> ok Drup! Thanks a lot, I'll stick with the explicit coertion for now
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<coventry> Anyone got an example of using whatever facilities the toplevel uses to printf a datastructure with an abstract type, inside an OCaml program?
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<SomeDamnBody> Has anybody used swig with ocaml?
<SomeDamnBody> I'm trying to import a C++ library for inference. Efficiency was important, and it isn't feasible to rewrite it. Right now I've made a good bit of progress, but I'm getting an error, where swig generates some declaration that conflicts with include headers from the system install.
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<toolslive_> have people been revising release opam packages (changing the opam files) ? I'm currently failing to reproduce a build with some pinned packages.
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<freyr> is there any decent guide on building c-stubs with ocamlbuild?
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<Drup> freyr: with ctypes ? There is an ocamlbuild plugin available on opam which is rather easy to use
<freyr> Drup: Nope, it's quite trivial with ctypes+ocamlbuild, but quite a pain to do with custom created cstubs
<Drup> ah, right
<Drup> oasis might help, it does a bit on magic to make it work rather less painfully
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<freyr> Drup: It's rather easy for me to build it manually and get .a and .cmx files compiled, can I give path to my stubs directory to ocamlbuild with ocamlfind? I don't really know what is considered `library` in ocaml world, is a directory with .a and .cmx a library or ocamlfind package?
<Drup> more or less, yes
<Drup> (well, you also want a .cmxa for native, and .cmi might be useful :p)
<freyr> Drup: nice, how could I include lib directry from _tags, with <dir>: include?
<Drup> I never use ocamlbuild alone because I think it's a huge PITA, so I don't know
<Drup> oasis would really be much easier, especially for C bindings
<ollehar> about -1 < 'A' in JavaScript...
<ollehar> it's false.
<ollehar> should it be false?
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<freyr> Drup: thanks
<Drup> ollehar: javascript handling of type errors is absurd, there is no point in discussing it
<ollehar> Drup: it is for me, since I have to make sure evaluation of binary operations behave the same in PHP and JS.
<ollehar> which they do not...
<Drup> Ahah, good luck with that
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<Drup> Well, at least, the behavior is quite fix, you try it, and it will probably never change :)
<ollehar> yeah
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<ollehar> Drup: would it be possible to create a small virtual machine in JS that mimics PHP in respect to operations?
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<ollehar> Or would it just boil down to the same thing? Byte code GT 1 2 --> 1 > 2
<ollehar> Now we generate JS from PHP. Maybe it would be better if we used same "bytecode" (array of tokens) in JS and PHP. Not sure.
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<Drup> ollehar: I'm so sorry, but I think you should consult. You are hurting yourself
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<ollehar> :D consult?
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<Drup> you are tring to run php in js, I mean, whatever your problem is, there got to be a better solution than that
<ollehar> user submitted code that can safely be run both in client and server? in exactly the same way.
<ollehar> lua, I guess.
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<Drup> Js, or any languages that compiles to js
<ollehar> and then node: eval(code).
<ollehar> on server side.
<ollehar> the application is already written in PHP, so.
<Drup> you can't shell out to node.js ?
<Drup> this is a lot more sane than trying to run php in js
<ollehar> sure
<ollehar> but it include another requirement.
<Drup> Well, it's your mental health *shrug*
<ollehar> yeah. thanks for feedback, tho!
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<toolslive> I have some TLS tests that succeed with Lwt.3.0.0 but fail with Lwt.3.1.0. Did anyone encounter similar problems ?
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<new_mans> I just installed Ocaml from, and I'm getting "unbound module Pervasives" - what can I do to fix it?
<new_mans> nvm, it's meant to run from inside cygwin
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<seangrove> Hey all, what's the best way to write an Lwt_stream.t string to a binary file?
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<seangrove> I'm suspicious that Lwt_io.write_lines is inserting a newline after every 4kb chunk
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<rgrinberg> seangrove: sounds like the elements in your Lwt_stream.t are 4kb chunks
<rgrinberg> This is the implementation of Lwt_io.write_lines
<rgrinberg> i don't see anything to be suspicious of
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