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<keep_learning> Hi everyone.
<keep_learning> but getting unbounded module error when evaluating the buffer using C-c C-b.
<keep_learning> I would like to use Ocaml for development in interactive mode, but most of the time I am stuck with unbounded module. I am wondering if you can suggest me some project manager for running Ocaml projects in interactive mode.
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<_y> keep_learning, i am not an emacs user, but ocaml people nowadays use a plugin called
<_y> not sure if it applies to that “interactive mode” (i assume this is an emacs thing)
<keep_learning> _y: I am using merlin, but my issue is I am not able to use batteries.
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<_y> for merlin, libraries are to be specified in .merlin or loaded explicitly
<_y> hm but now i think, i doubt even more it is relevant for what you are doing, that is evaluating things, so nevermind
<keep_learning> _y: Thank you. I am wondering if using Oasis would make life easier for interactive development
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<keep_learning> I am trying to convert Haskell code into Ocaml
<keep_learning> I am stuck with "(A,3)" : string to (A, 3) : cand * int
<keep_learning> I am wondering about doing pattern matching on string, but is there any other way to do this.
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<keep_learning> Hi everyone
<keep_learning> Could some one please have a look at balfun in Haskell and Ocaml code.
<keep_learning> I am getting error in Ocaml code Fatal error: exception Match_failure("", 22, 14)
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<dinosaure> keep_learning: if I look the haskell code, the good translation is "let f = function A -> b1 | B -> b2 | C -> b3 | D -> b4 in f"
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<dinosaure> when you write "let f A = b1", you make a function to take an argument and try to destruct this argument in only one case (the A case). It's why OCaml said "the pattern matching is not exhaustive", because you miss B, C, and D.
<dinosaure> then you remake a __new__ function f (which replaces the old function "let f A = b1") and take an argument and only destruct with the B case
<dinosaure> and again, ocaml said, the pattern is not exhaustive
<dinosaure> so, yes, ocaml is not like haskell with a lazy construction ...
<keep_learning> dinosaure: Thank you.
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<keep_learning> I am trying to file process_input "example-votes.txt";;
<keep_learning> and I want to change ["(A,3)"; "(B,1)"; "(C,2)"; "(D,4)"] of type string list to [(A,3);(B,1);(C,2);(D,4)] (cand*int) list
<keep_learning> Any idea how to to do this ?
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<dinosaure> keep_learning: you have different ways to "deserialize" your input. You can handle this by the hand (and create your deserialization, Scanf can be a solution) or use a serialization/deserialization library (like sexp or yojson with ppx_deriving). The advantage of the last solution is that the serialization/deserialization is generated automatically (like in haskell when you use 'deriving Show') but the
<dinosaure> disadvantage is you are contraint to use the 'format" of this library (for sexp, it's s-expression, for yojson, is JSON)
<dinosaure> the disadvantage of the first solution is when you extand your 'cand' type, you need to modify your deserialization
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<dinosaure> then, lot of documentation already exists about sexp and ppx_deriving_yojson
<dinosaure> may be the problem will be the compilation with ppx but it depends of what you use (ocamlbuild, jbuilder, make ...)
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<keep_learning> dinosaure: I have written lexer and parser for my file
<keep_learning> now I am getting between the following two productions:
<keep_learning> loption(separated_nonempty_list(NEWLINE,stmtline)) ->
<keep_learning> loption(separated_nonempty_list(SEMI,stmtone)) ->
<keep_learning> Warning: one reduce/reduce conflict was arbitrarily resolved.
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<dinosaure> keep_learning: sorry but I don't have a time to look deeply what is going on :(
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<octachron> keep_learning, your two productions conflicts on the empty word
<keep_learning> octachron: Thank you. I changed it and now it looks fine.
<keep_learning> Now I am looking for library function that reads the file and return all the content as string to invoke the lexer
<octachron> keep_learning, "Lexing.from_channel" does not work in your use case?
<keep_learning> octachron: Thank you.
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<keep_learning> Hi everyone
<keep_learning> and let me know what is wrong with my thinking.
<keep_learning> So from prog, I am invoking separated_nonempty_list (NEWLINE, stmtone) EOF {ds};
<keep_learning> and stmtone is separated_nonempty_list (SEMI, stmt) {vs};
<keep_learning> and each stmt is LPAREN; s = CAND; COMMA; n = INT; RPAREN {(s, n)}
<keep_learning> I am getting Fatal error: exception Parser.Error
<keep_learning> Any hint would be great.
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<octachron> keep_learning, "menhir --interpret" can be quite useful to check that your grammar is behaving as expected
<def`> keep_learning: you have newline followed by eof
<def`> which is invalid according to your grammar
<def`> (printing the tokens could help)
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<orbifx[m]> is Unison content addressable?
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<orbitz> Hah, I realize I'm using 3 string modules in 1 module of code. String, StringLabels, and CCString.
<orbitz> I should probably do something about that.
<companion_cube> sorry for being a bit late for containers 1.2 :s
<orbitz> haha
<companion_cube> (in which string will most likely be included into CCString)
<orbitz> I geuss 1.2 will bring me down to 2 modules, CCString and CCStringLabels
<companion_cube> hmpf
<companion_cube> I don't have the labels version :/
<orbitz> What's annoying is teh stdlib has forgotten to include some functions in *Labels. IIRC, Bytes.blit is not in *Labels
<orbitz> companion_cube: :(
<orbitz> Basically I cannot use .sub or .blit without *Labels, too many parameters all wiht the same type
<companion_cube> too much work for little benefit :/
<companion_cube> really?
<companion_cube> I learnt that a wile ago
<companion_cube> while*
<orbitz> I can never remember which order the params are in
<companion_cube> also, merlin gives access to the doc
<orbitz> yeah but that doesn't help very much for code review
<companion_cube> :/
<orbitz> I'm one of those people, though, that thinks non-labeled parameters should be the special case.
<companion_cube> yes, but I cna't change that much the design of containers (nor of the stdlib)
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<mrvn> In python unlabeled arguments are used for labeled ones automatically. So you only need to use labels if you want arguments out of order.
<mrvn> But I guess that is incompatible with partial application and optional args.
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<Drup> that's also the case in OCaml
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<Cheery> there's a thing that has bothered my mind after reading the mlsub a bit.
<Cheery> what does a good ML code look like?
<mrvn> beautiful
<Drup> I'm still not sure what's the beauty criterion for code is :p
<mrvn> that is one of the "I know it when I see it" questions.
<Drup> Cheery: also, as far as ML goes, there are several coding styles
<Drup> Cheery: is the mlsub code not nice ?
<Cheery> I think it violates a principle: how fast can you grok what's going on by reading the code.
<Cheery> I have gathered kind of language-independent ideas about this one.
<Drup> how so ?
<mrvn> what code are we talking about anyway?
<Cheery> mrvn: I was looking at this yesterday:
<Drup> (tbf, mlsub is a prototype implementation of state-of-the-art research in type system, so ...)
<mrvn> just going by the amount of code I'm sure there is something bad in there. No way to not compromise sometimes. :)
<Cheery> one thing is that I'm not familiar with all the idioms and ideas of ML.
<octachron> Cheery, I am quite sceptical of language-independent ideas on code beauty
<Cheery> but I'm familiar with python and have noticed there's quite some things that matter a lot to other's ability to figure out what's going on.
<Cheery> or to your ability when you've done with it and return back to it after forgotten how it went.
<mrvn> python is a completly different idea than ml
<Cheery> one thing is that I pack quite lot into single files these days and order them such that the stuff above uses the stuff below.
<Drup> Well, you see, I find that particular idiom (present in many languages) absolutely horrible :p
<Cheery> so you get the top down idea of what's going on as you read from the start
<octachron> this kind of "langauge-independent" criteria is often abstracted from a specific taxon of programming languages in isolation of all other existing programming languages
<Drup> So, I'm tempted to say you are just used to the pythonic way, and OCaml code is not like python code
<Cheery> that could be.. but consider all the options through and you do yourself a favor.
<mrvn> Cheery: like "a = b if c"? I hate those backward control flows in perl and python.
<Cheery> mrvn: unfortunately that doesn't exist in python.. I also find the python's x if c else y annoying though.
<Cheery> but the kind of single line conditional guards such as expr if condition are nice.
<mrvn> Cheery: what's wrong with "if condition: expr"?
<thizanne> it's not an expression
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<Drup> thizanne: that's a language problem
<mrvn> right, pythons stupid separation of statement and expression.
<Cheery> oh it's an expression if you just look at it the right way. But the problem is that it's not linear.
<Cheery> the simplest program to read and reason abouet is a linear flow that starts and then goes through without loops or anything.
<thizanne> Drup: but that's « what's wrong » with if condition: expr and prevents you from using this order when you're in python
<Drup> thizanne: sure, but the question was really "why is "expr if condition" better
<Cheery> and the way how you've structured the if in that case matters, because it changes the layout of the code.
<Cheery> if the expr becomes long enough, then the traditional if is better.
<Drup> Cheery: you would like avionics code
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<Cheery> one important thing about this is that your ability to handle things depend on what you've learned.
<Drup> (I feel that you also probably don't consult types when you read the code)
<Drup> (which is logical, if you have mostly wrote python)
<Drup> (you can get a quite good approximation of what a function will do just by the type)
<Cheery> and I do think that things that are unreadable to someone because he doesn't know some concept, should just learn the concepts. It's quite logical thing to do with say.. differential equations and vector arithmetic.
<Cheery> Drup: actually it's quite weird.
<Cheery> Drup: types sometimes tell surprising things.
<Cheery> but yeah. I usually read the code if I need to figure out what it does.
<Cheery> the problem I've had with trying to understand the mlsub source is that it does lot of jumps from place to another.
<Cheery> I've not entirely understood which parts are coming from the system and from the language because I'm not familiar with the language.
<Drup> that's a bit of a general thing with typecheckers
<Drup> typecheckers are basically a big nest of mutually recursive relations, there is no real way around that
<Cheery> Then there are places where the important ideas kind of vanish into the description and I got no clear idea of where it goes. Had to run a debugger to figure it out and it's still not clear what the code does.
<Drup> (additionally, we do like to use abstraction a lot in the OCaml community, so yeah, if you ignore signatures and always follow definitions, you don't get any benefits from carefully packaged modules)
<thizanne> Cheery: maybe you should just learn the concepts ;)
<Cheery> thizanne: I've triead to find the manual point where they are described.
<Cheery> it would help. :)
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<Cheery> for example that is one hell to figure out what it's doing specifically. I finally figured out that it just throws the state transitions into the another.
<Drup> that's ... not so complicated
<Drup> if you know what <- is, of course
<Cheery> one problem is that I was expecting it to remain as a deterministic finite state machine
<Cheery> when it at that point turns into nondeterministic because there will be more than one of each edge.
<Cheery> Drup: but it's still got a surprise in there.
<Cheery> Drup: ask yourself, why does it take the polarity in?
<Cheery> I suppose the join it referst to is this:
<Drup> no idea, I don't know the theory behind it :p
<Drup> reading that kind of code without knowing the theory is completely pointless
<Cheery> why?
<Drup> because it's a typechecker ....
<Cheery> what does it mean when you add two type definitions like that behind a colon?
<Cheery> Drup: it does not describe that way of constructing types..
<Drup> it does
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<Cheery> I finally found the manual and it appears to say that it's a type constructor
<Cheery> so something like list(int), a parametric type.
<octachron> Cheery, beware that "List<Int>" is written "int list" in MLs
<mrvn> not to be confused with List(Int)
<Cheery> that explains why it goes into that group of functions
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<Cheery> it has something in the thesis written about this.
<Cheery> the type components specifically
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<Cheery> "We define two operations te and ue on sets of head constructors. Both of
<Cheery> these are simply set union, with the invariant of at most one record type
<Cheery> maintained by reducing"
<Cheery> okay. so the both operations are union
<Cheery> but they do intersection/union on type heads that are available on both.
<Cheery> checked the notation. Yeah. when negative, take union. when positive, intersect.
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<Cheery> consistent with the polarity of types.
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<Cheery> Drup: that work is quite brilliant.
<Cheery> the transform it makes, makes it easier to understand.
<Cheery> but you got to convert the types back because they become hard to read in type automaton.
<Cheery> the work leaves me wondering what the unification algorithm would be in a type automaton.
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<Cheery> seems cool. I've already written the NFA -> DFA step.
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<mrvn> Cheery: I would think that unification would build the intersection of states in the NFA
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<companion_cube> containers 1.2 on its way!
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<orbifx[m]> :) companion_cube
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<orbifx[m]> is there a way to put all fields of a record in the scope?
<copy`> orbifx[m]: I don't you can without opening the module
<orbifx[m]> how would opening the module help?
<copy`> Then the record fields are in scope (if the record is defined in the module)
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<mrvn> orbifx[m]: record.{ ... }?
<mrvn> M.( ... ) exists too
<orbifx[m]> So records behave like modules if used like record.{ .. } ?
<orbifx[m]> I was aware of the M.( .. ) expression.
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<madroach> You can do M.{ }, too. It is usually recommended to put each record type in a separate module.
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<orbifx[m]> Yes, bit would that let me do something like: record.{ print_string name }
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<orbifx[m]> where name is a field of record
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<orbifx[m]> that's what I mean by putting the field name in the scope; I wish to eliminate repetition of the using identifiers on a record's value.
<Drup> orbifx[m]: if I understand what you want, it's just deconstruction: let { foo ; bar } = r in ...
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<orbifx[m]> ow, cool, yeah that would work Drup
<Drup> ("putting fields in scope" is an extremly misleading way to phrase that)
<orbifx[m]> All that came to mind.. how would you put it?
<Drup> well, deconstructing :)
<orbifx[m]> Also can that deconstruction be partial (only take some of the fields) ?
<Drup> yes
<Drup> just omit fields
<orbifx[m]> never though of it as deconstructing. Takes some time to realise what is special and what isn't ^^
<orbifx[m]> that helps though, thanks :D
<Drup> the thing is that "putting fields in scope" usually refer to the fields as function operating on a type, not as the values that are the field of a specific record
<Drup> (hence all the answers about modules ...)
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<orbifx[m]> "fields as function operating on type" ?
<Drup> ".foo"
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<orbifx[m]> I though identifiers were not functions?
<orbifx[m]> Which brings to something else I need validation. I've been presuming that record identifiers are lost after compilation, which is why they can't be stored as values. Is that correct?
<Drup> yes
<orbifx[m]> Is the ultimate cost of doing `` the same as `let foo v = in foo v` ?
<orbifx[m]> or does one incur a function call, where as the other doesn't?
<Drup> it's pretty much the same
<copy`> It does incur a function call, which will likely be inlined
<Drup> huh, no.
<Drup> there are no functions
<orbifx[m]> any final takers? :P
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<orbifx[m]> Anyway, thanks Drup :)
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