but I thought ocaml had no subtyping?
it does, in objects and polymorphic variants
oh, ok
so it only makes sense when 'a is an object or a variant
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diml: Are you aware of any potential pitfalls when mixing Lwt and Bigarrays mapped to files?
hcarty: access to a mapped bigarray will be blocking
hcarty: you can use Lwt_bytes.wait_mincore to wait for data to be fetched to the cache
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diml: Thank you, I'll take a look
also note that using preemptive threads won't help, Bigarray.*.get functions do not release the masterlock so a blocking bigarray will always block all ocaml threads
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diml: I thought that might be the case. Could I use separate processes and pass around file descriptors between them?
That isn't ideal, but it may be my only option.
The goal is to be able to have a large number of files mapped and ready for random access.
I need to do some tests to find out how long each step takes (creating the file descriptor; mapping the file as a bigarray; reading a value from the bigarray)
hcarty: having a number of different processes with some parallel concurrent tree for the mapping should work fine.
hcarty: e.g. you could steal the PostgreSQL tree implementation.
It's BSD.
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mfp: is your site, eigenclass.org, still up?
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hcarty: for ocamlbrew, can you add some logic which tests whether a partial build has already been done?
hcarty: because if that is the case, OCaml builds will always fail.
hcarty: one can also argue that this is an OCaml upstream problem.
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hcarty: ocamlbrew dies with Exception: Failure "_oasis file not found in package, cannot bootstrap." for 3.12, btw.
hcarty: I think it happens during Installing camomile.
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fasta_: that's an odb error; what's the build error before that?
the problem seems like it's not passing --prefix to the configure script
ocamlfind remove camomile
thelema: if I use --force, then I got the previous message.
thelema: odb clears the screen all the time.
thelema: instead of just outputting everything in an append way.
clears the screen? afaik, I have no screen clearing code in odb
I don't see any screen clearing on my side
it may scroll quickly
thelema: gnome-terminal does this.
thelema: I don't have this with any other software.
I use gnome terminal as well.
thelema: what terminal should work?
I'm using gnome terminal
Me too.
without problem
thelema: I see the difference.
thelema: ocaml odb.ml != ./odb.ml
maybe something is wierd about my system; it's not a clean install of ubuntu 12.04, but the result of repeated upgrades since... 2009
ah, really?
thelema: Ok, I got it now.
thelema: it was an alias for rlwrap./
I've made a symlink ~/bin/odb to my odb.ml, so I just run odb as a command
maybe I should rename it from odb.ml...
thelema: I had one too.
thelema: but now it uninstalls and installs OK.
thelema: would you say this also means that it works from ocamlbrew?
fasta_: If you do have trouble with ocamlbrew please let me know. I don't have a lot of time to spend on it but I try to fix bugs when they come up.
excellent. Did we ever figure out the root cause of your problems?
thelema: no
fasta_: :( well, if we can't reproduce them anymore, there's not much I can do.
thelema: I haven't verified that it works now. I expect it still doesn't work.
fasta_: ok, I can work on this a bit more.
thelema: do I need to run ocamlbrew -s version/*3.12 in a particular environment?
hcarty: maybe ocamlbrew should unalias 'ocaml' before running 'ocaml odb.ml'
thelema: like all computing, it's just a matter of asserting conditions.
fasta_: it wouldn't hurt to unalias 'ocaml'
fasta_: there shouldn't be a particular environment that it fails in, although we did just find one thing that causes very odd behavior (rlwrap)
thelema: Do you know if that unaliasing will carry over outside of ocamlbrew's execution?
hcarty: reading...
type ocaml now points to => ocaml-4.0.0
So, trying it again.
hcarty: n/m; Aliases are not expanded when the shell is not interactive, unless the
expand_aliases shell option is set
hcarty: it's also a problem that it cannot continue a build.
fasta_: I agree
I have to do rm -rf <everything> to make it work.
fasta_: Patches are welcome :-) Or a bug report.
hcarty: why doesn't this count as a bug report?
hcarty: it's clear what the problem is, no?
fasta_: Because I will forget
fasta_: I don't memorize my conversations with you
hcarty: so, copy paste the above in a file called BUGS.
hcarty: forgive me, but I get associations of French government workers.
fasta_: ???
fasta_: I don't know what that means.
hcarty: bureaucracy
It's not like the problem isn't clear.
As such, it's just bureaucracy.
fasta_: If I were spending my workday maintaining ocamlbrew, perhaps.
fasta_: When it's something I do in my spare time, not as much.
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fasta_, hcarty: if either of you were less lazy, that person would spend 30 seconds typing "continue an incomplete build" into the issues for ocamlbrew on github
as is, you're both just trying to get the other to do this trivial amount of work
thelema: I don't even have an account.
thelema: Indeed. I could spend my time here or there.
fasta_: you should get one so you can report issues properly
hcarty: I admit I'm less inclined to go out of my way for pushy, self-righteous people like fasta, but fwiw, he seems to have calmed down today.
thelema: A fair point. And I shouldn't feed the trolls. Bug reporting now...
thelema: there are still 3 open issues.
thelema: also one of them has been open for 6 months, which seems to suggest nobody maintains this.
fasta_: your self-righteous meter is starting to spike
fasta_: All of the open bugs are more in the feature request category. They are perhaps nice to have but do not affect (my?) use of ocamlbrew.
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thelema: the previous problem is still there.
fasta_: the makefile:38 one?
thelema: yes
thelema: it seems to use the wrong odb.
do you have multiple odb somehow?
thelema: it downloads everything to the ocaml-4.00.0 version.
thelema: that's pretty much the point of ocamlbrew, no?
fasta_: not really; multiple odb isn't the point, multiple ocaml and findlib is
thelema: so, basically ocamlbrew -a for two different versions is not supported?
fasta_: I'm trying it here
it should be; I've done it twice now.
on two different ubuntu machines
I think all of the 'checking for <whatever> tool .... whatever could also be improved.
It should point to absolute paths.
This is ambiguous.
You get rid of failures and debugging problems when there is no room for error.
fasta_: if it's important to you, you should make it sufficiently easy so that `(benefit_of_patch - added_complexity) > work_to_apply` for hcarty
Or for gildor since it sounds like fasta_ is talking about oasis's output.
hcarty: ah, true.
I'll admit I didn't use -a on my ocamlbrew installs, just answered 'y' to everything
FWIW, "./ocamlbrew -a" is working properly for me while under an brew'd 4.00.0 environment.
hcarty: for version/3.12?
thelema: They should be the same...
fasta_: Yes
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fasta_: It's currently going through utop's build and installation... and just failed.
hcarty: that's what I would expect too.
Same error. Interesting.
hcarty: makefile:38 for you too?
thelema: Yes
maybe add --debug to ocamlbrew's invocation of odb?
Where can I even find the Makefile?
Starting over with --debug. Man, it would be nice if ocamlbrew supported picking an installation back up part way through :-)
hcarty: so, AFAIK, the issue is that it uses the wrong version.
But it looks like the build directory isn't set correctly
The prefix is set properly but the build directory is not
That is line 38 now
The one below 4.00
So if ODB_BUILD_DIR is set it won't set it to something else.
Which indeed is completely wrong.
("it" being ocamlbrew in this case)
I'm not sure how to address that without significant additions to ocamlbrew. Additions that I would like to make, but haven't yet.
Until those changes are made I should put something in the README and runtime notice/documentation saying that you should not try to do a fresh ocamlbrew from within an existing ocamlbrew environment.
hcarty: what does work then?
hcarty: using the system ocaml?
fasta_: ocamlbrew doesn't need an existing OCaml installation
fasta_: not loading the other ocamlbrew environment
thelema: I don't think that's enough.
fasta_: Clearing the environment of ocamlbrew and odb environment variables is the way to go here.
hcarty: the right way to solve this would be to have ocamlbrew refuse to do any work, until its environment is properly defined.
fasta_: I'm testing "./ocamlbrew -a -s version/3.12" now in a clean environment.
fasta_: It is properly defined.
fasta_: As far as I know at this point at least. It's perfectly acceptable to point ODB_BUILD_DIR to another location.
hcarty: I am not even using ODB_BUILD_DIR myself.
fasta_: It's set by ocamlbrew's bashrc file.
yes, it should be fine to have ODB_BUILD_DIR set to wherever you want.
Leaky abstractions
So the issue could be another environment variable that is causing a conflict or some change in version/3.12 that is causing trouble. Or something else.
Why don't you just add that line?
fasta_: Because someone may want to change that location.
hcarty: unlikely, because you already have a top-level directory for that.
But it looks like that was a red herring.
hcarty: the *BASE* directory.
The same issue comes up with a clean build in a clean environment.
hcarty: otherwise just go to the user specified dir and check whether it is empty.
hcarty: if not scream very loudly.
fasta_: One may wish to separate the build directory from the base directory. Particularly odb's build base since it would generally be used after the ocamlbrew process.
hcarty: if it is, scream loudly how to get rid of it, but continue.
hcarty: in all cases, this is not rocket science.
hcarty: I am not sure to who I am talking here, but this is really, really basic stuff.
Well, ocamlbrew DOES have rocketry in its core. That was intended to be a secret.
It's somewhat fair to say 'patches welcome'.
But saying 'I don't know how to solve this' seems rather weird.
fasta_: I have. But to repeat myself: "patches are welcome"
fasta_: I was stating that I don't know how to address the ODB_BUILD_DIR issue.
hcarty: I think I already told you a solution for that.
fasta_: I don't see a perfect answer, or even a better answer than the one that exists.
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hcarty: do you want people reusing such directories?
fasta_: That's up to them. It shouldn't cause an issue.