right, but the definition of value in that faq doesn't seem to apply here
since you were able to generalize a let
let x = 1 in fun g h x -> g (h x) <--not a value by the definition in that faq
why? 1 is a constant, x is a variable. Both are values. But next_count () is not causing the value restriction
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let .. in ... is never a value by the definition in the faq
im gonna ask the mailing list about this
mind I use your example?
go ahead
It would be nice to see an example why we need a value restriction at all.
but you can rewrite your code: # let uid = next_count () let foo x = { id = uid };;
val uid : int = 7
val foo : 'a -> t = <fun>
right, use 2 declarations
but I'm generating this code with camlp4
and I don't want there to be errand declarations
you need to do eta expansion and that means using 2 toplevel declarations
value restriction: let _ = let foo = ref [] in foo := [4] ; foo := "bee" :: (!foo)
how does that relate to foo where the x is never used?
mrvn, what do you mean?
By assigning [4] to the 'a list ref you bind the 'a to int. That doesn't happen in the previous example.
ah, right, so to avoid my little example they impose a very draconian rule
I don't see how the two relate at all
ref [] is not a value, so foo isn't generalized
# let _ = let foo = [] in 4::"bee"::foo;;
same thing. simple type inference.
that type checks?
and't don't tell me [] isn't a value
[] is a value
palomer: obviously not, like your last example.
in my example, foo has type 'a list ref, yes?
palomer: only until you use it.
because of the value restriction!
let _ = let foo = [] in 4::"bee"::foo;; <--foo will always have type 'a list, no matter how many times you use it
(which is the whole point of let-polymorphism)
let foo = ref [];;
has type '_a list ref
'_a list ref, it never is generalized
nothing to do with it being inside another let
right, because of the value restriction
in this case it's not generalized because it's an application
applications aren't generalized and lets aren't generalized
I'm afraid I don't understand the value restriction at all
(which might be a result of the time too)
consider: let x = y in t
the type of x will be generalized iff y is a value
the type of x will be the type of y
with some variables generalized, yes?
or not. whatever y has
is let x = y in t the same as (fun x -> t) y ?
(hint: no!)
why not?
in both case any occurance of x in t is replaced by y
consider let x = (fun y -> y) in x 5; x "bee"
they are semantically the same, but not the same according to the type system
I still don't see why they can't be
that's a little tougher to answer
I do understand why ref [] must be a '_a list ref. I probably just don't get how that is generalized into the value restriction.
we agree that (fun x -> x "bee"; x 5) <--x must have a polymorphic type, yes?
however, trying to figure out which terms have a polymorphic type without annotations is undecidable
so we only do it at a let
so far so good?
so in let x = y in t <--the type of x will be the type of y with some variables generalized, yes?
so y might be '_a -> '_b but then you decide that x can still be 'a -> 'b
if y is a value and both '_a and '_b are not in the context, this is what happens
And the value restriction says when it is save to change '_a to 'a.
that I get now :)
value restriction + context restriction
I thought you would infer that y is 'a -> 'b already and only drop down to '_a when it is not save.
But that is probably too hard to infer or gives really bad errors.
generalizing is the last step
ocaml has a relaxed value restriction and (so it seems) a relaxed definition of value
and you can't annotate generalization like: (fun (x:'a) -> x "bee"; x 5);;
the 'a annotation is really a '_a
and even if you could, it wouldn't cut it
which really sucks for the cases when you do mean 'a
You can only do that with records.
let foo : 'a ref list = ref []
err 'a list ref
and objects
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same thing :)
{ f = ... }; and method foo = ... is pretty much the same as let.
you can use self in the method, and super#foo
(I think it's called super)
didn't you have to give it a name when you inherit it?
ah, no, you can do inherit bar, and then use bar#foo
right, I forget the syntax
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I think I haven't used classes in about a year. rusty.
I still have my problem:o
I think there is no way around lifting the uid to the toplevel and doing eta expansion.
all this work just to give type declarations unique identifiers
There should be a compiler macro hash_of_type(t)
it would have to come from camlp4
ocaml should already have it
mrvn, what do you mean?
The compiler should generate that at compile time.
so it would be a compiler pragma?
First use would be to make marshaling type save
that's useful!
palomer: yes
oh, this is conjecture, but doesn't exist
and it wouldn't work on polymorphic types.
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mrvn, the type constructor would have a hash
or it could be a function
'a -> 'b -> 'c -> int
int -> int -> in
you get the point
let t = Foo.make 17; hash_of_type(t) would work. but not let hash x = hash_of_type(x)
or rather the compiler would have to do some nifty magic to make the second one work.
hash_of_type(x) would return an int
well, looks like I'm going to have to byte the bullet
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the other option was to have camlp4 generate the unique identifiers
does ocaml have something like in C where _xyz is reserved?
mrvn, that's an informal rule, no?
palomer: are you writing an universal type?
you mean 'a. 'a -> 'a ?
it is in the standard
palomer: no, an universal container. Something you can put different types in and fetch them by id.
im writing a type_of function of type Foo.t -> type_description
so I can do stuff like let x y = if type_of(x) = type_of(y) then "they are the same type" else "different types"
err, let compare x y = ...
Then you need a lot of magic in your camlp4.
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it works fine, I just call next_counter ()
You need to rewrite all the code to carry runtime type information like { id : int; val : 'a }
mrvn, yeah, that's what I did
but then you have polymorphic types
hmm, 'a list has e.g. id = 5. But int list and float list need to show up different.
let mylist = let uid = next_counter () in fun x -> { id = [[uid];x.id ; val = ...}
yep. ugly ugly ugly
this is precisely where im running into the value restriction
one way around it is to use obj.magic
You could transform every type into a class with a #id medthod.
I still need to have polymorphic types map to functions
like in my example
class ['a] list = let id = next_count () in object method id = next_count :: head#id end kind of
don't know how to do [] though.
that's polymorphic?
palomer: head would be <id : int; ..>
So a list just combines its own id with the id of head.
where did you define head?
I didn't
so what is it?
palomer: You would specify head and tail as arguments in the constructor.
I still run into the value restriction
class ['a] list : object method foo : '_b -> '_b end
because of the let
what if you specify that as 'b. 'b -> 'b?
But I guess you need to lift the id out of the object
hrmph, this might work
actually, won't
class ['a] list y = let id = ..... <--this acts like a fun
How do you want the code to look? type t = { x : int; y : Foo.t; } let internal_t_id = next_id () let t_id = Record (internal_t_id; [ int_id; Foo.t_id])?
currently every type t has an associated value foo_of_t
which is what?
it has two records:
and type_of_t
if t is polymorphic, then foo_of_t has type 'a foo -> 'b foo -> ... -> myrecordtype