when I access Str from toplevel, I do #load "str.cma";; -- but if I try to compile a file with it I get a syntax error on that line, why?
alexyk: because you can't do # declarations outside the toplevel.
alexyk: becouse those #directives are not part of ocaml language
alexyk: the way to use str.cma from a compiled program is to link with them
ocamlc str.cmxa myprog.ml
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right -- so I guess the way to develop is to issue # directives manually in tuareg's toplevel, leaving them off the files, right? I also saw them in Markus's shell scripts, but I guess that's because they start with #!...ocaml
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is your problem
and no, it don't work
qwr: of course
we just talked about
that print_newline just sits there emitting it's function value into outer space or something ;)
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works without () :)
alexyk: I don't believe you on that.
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thelema: wanna bet? It prints numbers on my Mac OSX with 3.10.1
alexyk: of course. but not the newline
works without the newline :)
ok, with () works fine as expected
those parts that don't give warning work ;)
so I join print statements with ; and it works here without begin...end wrap -- when woudl I need to use begin...end? found I need it in if/else, what's the justification for the difference?
alexyk: put some print_endline "line done" after try with ;)
alexyk: it has to do with precedence i believe
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alexyk: basically yes, ()/begin end allow grouping a part of expression
alexyk: differently than it would be grouped by default rules
alexyk: (in the grammar)
since you can create an if/else without the else, the compiler looks for an else after the statement that follows the if
if you have a semicolon and another statement, it assumes that the else is implicit
and (hopefully) gives you an error before you get into trouble at runtime
ikatz: ok
match Some x -> (match x with 33 -> "a" | _ -> "z") | None -> "..."
this would be incorrect without parenthesis
qwr: match Some 33 -> "a" | Some _ -> "z" | None -> "..."
Can you explain the error? Where is the type unit?
thelema: yes, this can be simplified so ;)
Ramzi181: comingfrom t shouldn't have a ; after it.
or you should do "match l with [] -> ()" to return unit
I don't understand.
comingfrom returns [], the empty list.
you probably want it to return (), unit.
Why does the semicolon there hurt? Also, I don't care what the return type is.
because you have "comingfrom t;" ocaml expects a unit return type.
Ramzi181: btw I suggest you avoid the list @ [ element ] pattern
Ramzi181: it's terribly ineffective
why does ocaml expect a unit return type?
qwr: Yes, I understand.
Ramzi181: because that's what functions that don't return anything return.
Ramzi181: as it copies whole list each time and gives you so O(n^2)
thelema: But my function returns []
thelema: I could have had it return 5 if I so chose, right?
Ramzi181: which has type 'a list, not unit. If you want to avoid the warning, return ()
Ramzi181: and x = false is usually written as not x
the warning is so that you don't do things like "print_string; print_int 4; print_newline;
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Ramzi181: ah. unit comes actually from line 18
qwr: = false seems reasonable to me.
there is a problem on line 18 as well.
Ramzi181: first if unifies with ()
i don't know what that means.
no, there's no problem other than because comingfrom's return type is 'a list, paths_helper also has return type []
Ramzi181: so the comingFrom result type gets unified also with unit
Ramzi181: but it really wants to be list
qwr: no, it is a list, and warnings get emitted when you try to use it in a ; context.
Ramzi181: as one of the paths_helper return values is comingFrom application
Ramzi181: change line 2 from [] to (), and this warning will go away
maybe even error, as you're not allowed to have if foo then 5; (you have to have an else case if your then case returns a value (other than unit))
* qwr
just started to think, wtf that comingfrom needs to return [] ;)
and yes, if without else really has implicit else () ;)
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Thank you guys again so much.
I'm going to take a break. I might be (probably am) done for tonight.
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if I have a list [1;2;3], what's the fastest way to assign the three members to a,b,c?
I'll read millions of lines with three fields and split them with Str.split to get a list each time
let [a;b;c] = l
so I want to avoid memory churn
would using scanf instead of Str.split be more efficient?
qwr: thx! I guess it's a short list so it won't be too inefficient over scanf
alexyk: although you may use match l with [] -> wtf; [a;b;c] -> ... to avoid partial-match warnings
damn. match l with [a;b;c] -> ... | _ -> wtf
qwr: yep, cool
qwr: but that screws up the code layout, everything gets stuck into ->, prolly better scanf then
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alexyk: the minor heap collector is *very* efficient at collecting ephemeral objects -- don't worry about them.
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a bit more fp question -- I'm scanning lots of integers, and print them back N on a line. FP style is to pass the counter along as another argument, do modulo N and print if 0. Now I have 3 such parameters telling me when to print what. In python an easy global would do. What alternatives do we have in FP but tacking on accumulator arguments one after another?
It also complicates branching as I have to repeat most of the arguments save for a few which change in each particular branch
You can probably use a higher-order function, where all these parameters will live in a closure passed to that function.
I'm not sure if that actually makes any sense, but it's hard to provide suggestions without a concrete problem you're trying to solve. :-)
it means that it'll throw away the return value of paths_helper on L23
because you're not telling it what to do with it, you're just saying do paths_helper, and then if m>1 do paths_helper again (and return that result)
Notice here: http://codepad.org/FSFoLbnS If I take out the parens on line 28 it says wrong number of arguments
I don't understand. paths_helper will return an int list. And the else will return an int list.
you're trying to apply sum to 5 arguments, when it only takes one.
you mean sum (paths_helper ...)
yes, but paths_helper takes the 3 arguments. i think ocaml should be able to deduce that
If you think a little bit, you can create a case that's ambiguous.
(I think)
can you overload functions?
in any case, ocaml works kinda like lisp - the first value is the function, the rest are arguments.
probably not in the way you're thinking - how would type inference work?
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well, if you can't overload, then I cannot think of an ambiguous case
i'm not sure if that's important, now, though. i'm more concerned with understanding the nature of this warning.
On what line am I returning type unit?
on line 23, you should return type unit so it can be safely ignored.
Ramzi181: you can't overload. but every function really has only 1 argument ocaml.
lol. I thought we just agreed that the return type of a function has to be consistent. I'm returning an int list in other places. It would be inconsistent to return a unit.
Ramzi181: and the type system don't allow direct union types
Ramzi181: yup. so you need to do something with the returned value, and not just ignore it.
Ramzi181: and multiple arguments are really a curring magic
maybe you want to concatenate the two returned lists?
i'm not ignoring it. it gets returned. i'm only returning 1 list.
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Ramzi181: without parens, as you wrote it will parse as ((((sum paths_helper) m) n) [(m,n)])
qwr: thank you, but you're not helping.
Ramzi181: line 23 calls path_helper, right?
and path_helper returns a list
so what do you do with that list?
return it
* qwr
is sleepy and tried to explain why ocaml requires parens there :)
no, you return the lst generated by path_helper on L24
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okay, so the list created by line 23 goes no where
yup. and that's what the compiler warns you about.
let's talk about count for a second.
Line 20 doesn't ever get returned. Why isn't there a warning on that?
That is, what's wrong with created a list that "goes to waste."
comingFrom returns unit
Ramzi181: unit can be wasted ;)
hmm, so if I through in 5 somewhere in the code, that would get a warning also.
unit can be wasted...
and if you want to ignore the result of something without a warning, do "ignore(code returning something)"
if n > 1 then ignore (paths_helper m (n-1) (path @ [(m,(n-1))]));
but I don't think that's what you want to do. lets talk about count.
you're trying to accumulate a 1 for each time m=1 and n=1?
you want to push a 1 onto count?
then you want let count = ref []
so it's mutable.
is that a variable?
and then count := 1::!count
I have instructions to not use variables.
it's changable like variables in other languages
ah, then you can't do that with count.
yes. a mutable type makes a lot of sense here, really it does.
but craziness should still compile anyway. :-P
qwr: your use of ignore didn't quite work.
and then return the final list at the end.
but yes, both if's have 2 branches
quit it with the ignore, that won't get you where you want.
thelema: i'm not opposed to discussing the logic or implementaion, but I'm interesting in learning why syntactically what i have is wrong.
you have to use the return value from paths_helper each time.
sorry, I'm pushing you towards what I now classify as "completing an assignment"
between lines 23 and 24 there are 4 "branches," then. and the "branches" on line 23 can never be the return value, because line 24 will always get executed.
Ramzi181: thelema is right in that ignore probably gives incorrect end result for your intent. but you still cant hide else into parenthesis like you did there. it belongs to the if ;)
I still have time. There is no imperative, yet.
the value of paths_helper comes from the top-level if statement.
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Ramzi181: you could just omit it wholly meaning the if has else ()
(if m=n&&n=1 ...)
err, s/statement/expression/
it either evaluates the 'then' branch or the 'else' branch.
to evaluate the else branch it has to evaluate another if statement
you'll probably hate this, but.
(the if f m n = false) statement
when I removed the else [], knowing full well there is an implicity else (), and just applied the ignore to the if, it worked.
yes, right now L23 returns unit.
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Ramzi181: ignore after the else? it's exactly what i suggested first ;)
damn. ignore after then
qwr: no, he has if n>1 then ignore (blah);
thelema: yes. that's what i meant.
if n>1 then ignore (blah else []); doesn't work because (blah else []) doesn't have meaning.
so ignore can only be applied to one statement at a time?
i mean, when i had else [], why couldn't I throw that in the ignore also?
Ramzi181: ignore can be applied only to value
one expression.
what do you mean value?
and you can't just put "else []" in an arbitrary expression
Ramzi181: and else is nothing meaningful without if
if x = true 2 else 2.0
Ramzi181: (if ... then ... else ...) is single syntactic construct, where the last else part is optional (defaulting to else ())
if x = true then 2 else 2.0 ?? can't do -- has to return a single type
let's say my return type of a function was a list, or something.
so i want to ignore the whole thing
s/return/evaluate to/
can't i do ignore(if x = true 2 else 2.0)
no, the inside doesn't typecheck. 2 isn't the same type as 2.0
treat ignore as a function (fun x -> ())
i don't think the else [] is arbitrary. i didn't have it there before, but i wanted uniformity in returning a list always. but then i went and learned that I get warnings for wasted values. that is, the only thing you can waste is a unit.
Ramzi181: both branches must have same type
okay, I had if "a list" else []. why was ignore(if "a list" else []) bad?
L23 isn't involved in returning a value in paths_helper (because of the ; at its end)
Ramzi181: because if-then-else as expression as single type
Ramzi181: if true then [2;3;4] else [] -- this is ok.
Ramzi181: ignore (if condition then list1 else []) is ok
Ramzi181: its just more code than if condition then ignore list
I had ignore(if condition then list1 else [])
and it didn't work
Ramzi181: I saw: if condition then ignore(list1 else [])
... where the thing in parens is just not a valid expression (it won't parse)
the return type isn't list1, the return comes from the if.
wait, wahh. then why does if condition then ignore(list1) work?
oh, let me explain
Ramzi181: because it's short for if condition then ignore(list1) else ()
ignore(list1) turns that into a unit, so the if returns a unit. but if the else was inside of the ignore, then the else would return a unit and... shouldn't the if return a unit also?
it will
if n > 1 then ignore (paths_helper m (n-1) (path @ [(m,(n-1))]) else []);
what does the if return?
or, in our new shorthand..
type error ;)
Ramzi181: type error - the first branch (), the second []
if condition then ignore (list 1 else [])
how does the second branch return []? it's in the ignore
oops, no, can't do that. syntax error
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(sorry, there's lots of parens, we thought the ignore ended before the else.
so where does the syntax error come from?
the bit inside the ignore: foo else []
Ramzi181: what should (list 1 else []) mean as a standalone expression?
doesn't that mean, "turn foo into a unit, and then turn else [] into a unit"
what else?
i see your point, qwr. the else is meaningless without the if.
so you can only pass whole statements into ignore
so you can only pass whole expressions into ignore
and i was passing this incomplete expression.
Ramzi181: ignore is just a function
# ignore;;
- : 'a -> unit = <fun>
qwr: actually it's builtin magic, but it's nearly identical to (fun _ -> ())
I think I understand it now. And there are many ways I could have done it.
the compiler optimizes it specially.
thelema: imho the magic can be considered to be optimisation ;)
I could have put the entire expression in the ignore, or I could just put list1 in the ignore, and let the implicit else return a unit
Ramzi181: exactly.
I really like you guys as teachers.
you don't always get teaching on #ocaml - sometimes you get Smerdyakov.
the atmosphere in here is much better than other rooms, I think.
(Not that he's bad - he knows tons more about code correctness than I, he just doesn't teach much.)
My experience in C and Ruby rooms is, you have to know so many little details, and no one will explain nuances without telling you to switch majors.
there's advantages to a quieter room
I think it's the nature of the language.
OCaml - the programming language for teachers?
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Was I kicked or disconnected?
oh look, I'm still in.
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I'm sorry, did anyone reply to my generalizations?
OCaml - the programming language for teachers?
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haha what's going on.
thelema: yes, I think people who use OCaml have been in the classroom for longer...
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that's my impression anyway.
* thelema
learned OCaml outside the classroom.
did you do post grad?
* qwr
certainly isn't. but i'm just interested in functional programming
* thelema
just has Bachelor's degree
hmm, maybe it's the nature of functional programming that attracts a certain kind of croud, then.
since i entered college I've heard CS majors complaining about OCaml.
But I'm having a very positive experience with it.
Some of my functions work correctly on the first run. That happens so rarely in other languages.
Ramzi181: strong typing does that - if you ever program in Ada, similar things happen - once it compiles, it probably works.
I think it's more so in OCaml because it has better types
i'm not familiar with Ada, so I won't comment.
and errors are easy to catch!
but i clearly prefer strong type to loose type.
(they rarely stump me for more than 10 minutes)
and the earlier one catches errors, the less one pays for them.
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thelema: it appears that my function is returning 0. do you think my sum function is wrong, or am I not adding ones to count correctly?
it's funny to see myself keep quitting irc
Ramzi: you're not adding ones.
I met a ruby programmer the other day, he told me he does 4 levels of unit testing
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i mean, pushing ones
he actually told the whole party, but I'm the only one who understood
you're not pushing ones correctly.
* qwr
has lovely memories about C daemons with slightly misdirected pointers... that was something to debug for hours ;)
the else [] resets the count of ones you've accumulated.
why accumulate a list, only to sum it? why not just accumulate the sum? (count + 1)
i don't understand. what gets set to count+1?
i just realized I must have said "I don't understand" like 400 times in this chat.
your goal is to count the paths, no?
so why do you make a huge list, and then count how many elements are in it?
because i can't use variables.
why not count +1 each time you would add a list element?
and store it where?
same place your partial sums get stored in sum
looking at the current code... why is this count = [] constant useful?
hmm, so I would have to add a parameter
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no, i'm not seeing it
i only want to increment the part sum in the top if
that is, when m and n = 1
i can't keep a partial sum as a parameter, because i never pass that around afterward
you'll need to pass it around.
* palomer
remembers the good old days of getting brainfudged by this stuff
qwr: it's not -- beginner code
does the function need to be completely rewritten?
palomer: it's quite an experience going through this. I remember hitting the ocaml manual over and over to pick out pearls of wisdom from it.
Ramzi181: not completely.
it's like a completely different way of thinking, and you can never go back!
palomer: you can go back - you're just adding another tool onto your toolbelt.
haskell programming is similar, they just combine combinators ad absurdum
every time I go back I'm like "where are my datatypes???!"
haskell and absurdum seem to go together well.
as far as I can tell.
is the highest number of elements in a list i can ever return is 1?
I liked it. also the tehcnique how a large comic was brought to web was nice..
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POLL: how fundamental is the concept of a string slice? Would you like a string library that does efficient slicing, but all operations are performed on slices?
What do you mean "all operations are performed on slices" ?
for example, to get the index of a character, you need to give that function a slice
(of course there'd be a simple function to convert a string to a substring)
(substring = slice)
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This is in the context of immutable strings
thelema: Not very fundamental to me. If I was doing some kind of flat file parsing or something (basically, trying to make Ocaml do Perl's job), the story would be different.
RobertFischer: should/could ocaml start encroaching on that part of the problem space?
The biggest part being a kind syntax around regular expressions.
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* thelema
is tackling the Unicode part of the problem
And I'm not sure concepts like the global "$1", "$2", etc. variables are really ideas Ocaml should be picking up...but they're exactly what make Perl such a category killer language.
(right now)
RobertFischer: I think ocaml can do well with returning a tuple of matched substrings
(when I program in perl, I try to avoid $1,$2 and use ($var1,var2...) = $str ~= /regex(part1)line-noise(part2)/
Have you looked at Martin Jambon's micmatch ?
It allows pattern-matching with regular-expressions, which is basically what we want.
Except we should extend that to streams.
* thelema
is wary of any non-trivial camlp4
You can't return a tuple, because you don't know how many there will be.
You could return a list, but that's kinda noisy to decompose.
well, I wouldn't want to implement perl5's regexes, perl6's rule/grammar constructs seem more useful
* RobertFischer
is a recovering Perlhead (CHIA@CPAN, to be exact), and so has a lot of rants in this area, mostly cached on his blog.
* thelema
made the (odd) transition from perl to ocaml, and still finds use for perl from time to time
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For quasiportable sysadmin stuff and string munging, it can't be beat. :)
I'd be interested to see what you come up with, though, if you decide to take it on.
one thing at a time. Unicode is a nasty beast
Yeah, it is
Have fun with that.
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okay, I'm a beginner at large projects - I want to put some source files in my project into a subdir, I try to use -I to include that dir, but I still get Unbound value on values inside a file in that dir
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use ocamlbuild (ocamlbuild -I subdir1 -I subdir2 my_main.byte)
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I'm not able to change the build system of this project - it's pretty standard makefiles
psnively: no, Makefile.
I meant, could you benefit from OCamlMakefile?
Perhaps by inclusion into your Makefile?
no, as I said, it's a large project with its own custom, complex build system. I'm messing with one part of it and want to put some code in a subdir.
but still use that code in my changes to the project.
maybe I could read an OCamlMakefile and see how they handle subdirs, but I imagine there's an easy answer that I'm just missing.
OK. Good luck!
makefiles for a large project is a sign of fail
== Try not to get saddled with make.
heh. There's some progress in converting parts of this project to ocamlbuild, but I think this part will be stuck with make.
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I'm getting a char from a function called get_char which reads the next one from stdin.
But I want to analyze it and do stuff with it.
If I always just put get_char it'll return a different char. But if I save it, then I'm using a variable.
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hmm, maybe i should read all of stdin into a string, and that way i can functionally refer to a letter by its unchanging position in the string.
Ramzi, what's wrong with variables?
The lesson is to learn functional programming by avoiding the use of imperative style.
OCaml variables have nothing imperative about them.