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* Oksana waves
* enyc meows Oksana
* enyc ponders what is neo900's spiritual-successor ;p
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<Oksana> So far, Fxtec with its Pro1. But Sailfish OS is a poor thing, flawed due to lack of well-designed apps. Being a stowaway with libhybris isn't the greatest part, either.
<sixwheeledbeast> There isn't one
<sixwheeledbeast> It's looking like the closest thing this decade maybe the pine if they do release the keyboard version they hinted at.
<sixwheeledbeast> it does seem a sensible solution having a replacement backcover for keyboard then you have the option for either device
<sixwheeledbeast> very different to the n900 where the mainboard and domepad where together and display unit separate.
<sixwheeledbeast> leste still isn't fremantle tho but we'll see.
<sicelo> :-)
<sicelo> help us/them
<sicelo> i love Leste for staying as true as possible to Fremantle
<sicelo> they've got Qt working now (Qt5)
<sicelo> fmg is almost done with osso-abook, so Leste should quite soon have the same contacts/phone/sync integration as Fremantle had
<sixwheeledbeast> Yer it wasn't meant to sound negative.
<sixwheeledbeast> it's just a lot of work to make most of what people have from maemo-extras history supported or compatible with leste, for example.
<atk> I have a pine
<atk> although I am waiting for them to release the new hardware model with a blank back
<atk> I don't really want one with a logo
<atk> The one I currently have is the early model with a bunch of power-management bugs in hardware
<atk> It's an interesting solution they developed to prototyping and testing
<atk> release an early prototype as a developer version
<atk> get a 1000 eyes to spot all your hardware bugs and how to fix them
<atk> And it still impresses me how cheap they managed to do it all
<sixwheeledbeast> some of extras is now junk I suppose but even so
<atk> although I think a lot of that is down to the fact that they have shenzhen at their disposal
<sixwheeledbeast> It comes with pmOS right?
<atk> It comes with a variety of OSes depending on which community edition is currently being sold
<atk> currently I think they're doing PMos but they did UBPorts too
<atk> I started work to get voidlinux running on it after I was a bit unhappy with the other options (I really don't want systemd but I also don't want openrc)
<atk> But I stopped for now and decided to focus work on developing a nice UI library
<atk> someone else has thankfully picked up where I left off and I think the voidlinux pinephone port is coming soon,
<sixwheeledbeast> i assumed leste was still sysv?
<atk> yes
<atk> sysv, openrc, I don't like either
<sixwheeledbeast> i'd be lost without hildon ux on a mobile device. Everything else seems clunky but i suppose I am biased.
<sixwheeledbeast> in thoery it would run any init you want from devuan.
<sixwheeledbeast> void is runit, which i believe is also supported
<atk> hmm
<atk> fair enough
<atk> I also don't quite like hildon
<atk> and also, it seems like they want to make everything integrate together like maemo
<atk> with a lot of old code
<atk> It seems like a lot of work
<atk> I'm a bit happier putting that effort into fresh code than trying to resurrect maemo unfortunately.
<atk> I have nothing against mamemo of course but I am just too unfamiliar with the code and too unfamiliar with debian to really feel motivated to work on it.
<sixwheeledbeast> I do like runit over most of the other init options must admit.
<sicelo> atk: as much as i love maemo/hildon, i also like to at least check out other options. what's the UI you are talking about? anywhere i can check it out?
<atk> no, not yet
<atk> I'm writing a serialisation/deserialisation library right now which I'm going to be using to implement something in the UI library and the UI library hasn't gotten very far yet
<atk> but
<atk> - the idea is to be able to describe the UI in lua
<atk> a bit like HTML but purpose built to be entirely client side
<atk> the idea is also to have a sort of styling language which is more like a bunch of functions
<atk> it's combination of concepts from functional programming and HTML
<atk> So a bit closer to XUL for example
<atk> I haven't finalized the design really
<atk> But I need to get some underlying libraries working first to be able to prototype this better
<atk> The biggest sticking point is font rendering
<atk> I really doubt it will take off, but if I can get it working and write a UI with it it would make it so easy to modify things and create new things.
<atk> And with a very small amount of code.
<atk> I think this could also be done with scheme
<atk> But I am marginally more familiar with lua
<atk> and I know how to write libraries in C which you can call into from lua
<atk> In a few months if things turn out well and I end up having as much as spare time as I would like then I might have something to show for
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<Joerg-Neo900> sounds a bit like qtml
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<atk> well there's a bunch of things which are like it
<atk> but I don't like any of them
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<Oksana> >> it does seem a sensible solution having a replacement backcover for keyboard then you have the option for either device << Question is, mass distribution. If main unit is in display half, then what do you put into keyboard to make keyboard heavier than display half?