make view donwload many pdf from various locations... specs?
Joerg-Neo900: hi, i had issues compiling it , but wpwrak helped me
chomwitt1: when it's done, you'll have quick access to all the data sheets which are then locally cached
the prospect of helping at hardware level , or the "crowdsoursing" of hardware inspection is very appealing to me.
although my theoritical knowledges of electic circuis are low i wonder of visual inspection is a job not requiring to be an expert
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often the contrary is true: experts tend to look for specific patterns. newbies don't know these patterns yet, so they have a better chance of finding unusual bugs :)
wpwrak: if thats true maybe i'm lucky!
cherish that innocence while it lasts ! ;-)
make view stalled and tries 5th time do download a connector spec
so i stop make view and try to change the related file?
it should eventually proceed on its own
no easy fix for this one: als digi-key and mouser (which both still have the part) don't have local copies
you'll just miss that one datasheet in eeshow
always the best combination: a company that is very defensive about retaining control over where their data sheets go, and then fails to keep their server available 24/7 :)
wpwrak: how to avoid a make show retrying to download in vain for a long time, next time it gets invoked?
is there a cmdline option like --no-ds-download
Joerg-Neo900: i think, once it has completed, it won't try again until you change something in the schematics
aah ok
even when a download failed?
IOW when completed unsuccessfully
you could also touch docdb.out (after making changes) to keep it from updating the cache
chomwitt1: did it finish?
as long as it created docdb.out, it won't try again. and it should ignore download problems (that's what the -i option you asked for does :)
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12 try on the same url
so do i stop it?
wget can be persistent :)
ohmy! :-P
and it needs to timeout
wget should stop after 20 failed attempts
"good" X-P
chomwitt1: so you're close ;-)
for speeding up, try "killall wget"? wpwrak, approve that?
or will the script freak out on the (missing) reply from wget?
mmh. could work. but i'd just wait. should be almost through by now anyway.
it will reduce wget persistence to 5 tries a 30s
works, I just tested it
30 minutes for 8 tirs is really exaggerated
Joerg-Neo900: u mean in case i run again make view in the future
[2017-05-04 Thu 17:41:15] <chomwitt1> make view stalled and tries 5th time do download a connector spec [2017-05-04 Thu 18:17:17] <chomwitt1> it 'gave up' at 20th try
in case any URL from now on has same issue, yes
even for current run of make show
but I think make show should have finished meanwhile
a!! it can change the wget behavior while running!?
unless it actually ran into another dead URL
wget gets invoked for each URL
i see the script call wget again and again
ok done
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reduces waits from dead URLs from 18:17 - 17:41 =~ 35 minutes to 2:30min
"default is a 900-second read timeout" * "default is to retry 20 times" = ETERNITY
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in my math that's 5h, no idea why yours already finsihed after less than 1h
your internet is slow?
iirc my last download from `make show` took like 2 minutes
Joerg-Neo900: this was the connect timeout, which is system-dependent (unless you override that)
hmm, possible
yeah, that's some 90s on my system, since the default 5 minutes sucked
I still wonder why chomwitt1's seems to still now finished
not* finished
or he's so shocked by eeshow he can't say a word :-D
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chomwitt1: still here?
make view of course, not make show
* Joerg-Neo900
is afk now
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ok , eeshow launched
wow, finally :-D
4 downloads failed
can you please share the remaining 3 URLs?
OoOOoooOoo chomwitt1 going to help with neo900? ;-)
just in time :-) I'm negotiating with our layouter if and how he's going to use git and our tool framework (make, fped, eeshow...)
chomwitt1: so eeshow works for you?
i'm reading the eeshow doc now with the goal to try and see if i can help .
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DocScrutinizer05: i'm updating the anelok BOM and had to fix update the catalog query scripts (for digi-key and newark - they changed their product page layouts, so the scripts couldn't parse them anymore), which live in neo900 misc/bom/. shall i just update them there ? i didn't test things for the n900 side, but i guess there's little risk of having made anything worse
I need to think about that
err yes, please update them there and maybe test
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hmm, makes it through digi-key and newark. fails at arrow. so their web designers weren't idle, either ...
and the ADP1653 (flash led controller) got a little harder to source ...
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... and the PAS3225P supercap
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the supercaps change constantly
you still can get PAS414 but sources change every other week
they do since 10 years
we're not religious about PAS3225P, we just picked that one since it seemed like "long term available and about right size"
if it's some other type that's en vogue now, we may still change to that one
with more and more smartphones coming with embedded battery that can't get removed by user, supercaps get out of fashion somewhat