ddfreyne_ changed the topic of #nanoc to: 4.0.2 (November 30th) - 4.1.0a1 (December 5th) | web http://nanoc.ws/ | repo http://bit.ly/XE6e3G | issues http://bit.ly/VfXaSV | forum http://ho.io/n-discuss | irclog http://irclog.whitequark.org/nanoc
cDlm has quit [Quit: mi dormas]
<nanoc-gh> [nanoc] ddfreyne created gh-833-fix-show-data-crash (+1 new commit): https://git.io/v2N8m
<nanoc-gh> nanoc/gh-833-fix-show-data-crash 542f0de Denis Defreyne: Fix show-data crash
<nanoc-gh> [nanoc] ddfreyne created gh-833-fix-show-data-crash-2 from gh-833-fix-show-data-crash (+0 new commits): https://git.io/v2N8l
<nanoc-gh> [nanoc] ddfreyne deleted gh-833-fix-show-data-crash at 542f0de: https://git.io/v2N88
smkelly has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
smkelly has joined #nanoc