avsm changed the topic of #mirage to: Good news everyone! Mirage 3.0 released!
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<camel__> How is it possible to use mirage tcp-ip stack in an OCaml application?
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<coetry> hey all, i'm having trouble installing mirage on macOS Sierra (10.12.5)
<camel__> This room is like a dead room, i've seen many people asking questions, but no one answers. They only get around when there is a venue. Not sure if Mirage project (as an open-source project) is still alive.
<hannes> camel__, coetry: it is alive.. but not many people are hanging out here...
<hannes> if you end up in trouble, ask on the mailing list for help... this is much busier than this channel ;)
<camel__> chatroom is a more interactive and instant place for discussions, lack of activation could be the lack of interest of the developers to support the community.
<camel__> Not all the questions can be asked on the mailing list
<hannes> camel__: I agree that some questions are better asked in real-time media - but this is how it is atm, sorry
<coetry> the project seems amazing and is a big paradigm shift for me. I've always looked at os hacking as an elusive and mysterious dark arts but the idea of reasoning about unikernals and well defined container systems highly interests me
<coetry> OCaml is also a really interesting language and i'd love to see this project and the community get more active, there's a lot to be excited over
<coetry> i'll try the mailing list
<coetry> thanks hannes and camel__
<hannes> coetry: can you post more context of your error? the gist you posted only contains "the following packages failed to install", but no details
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<coetry> hannes, I simply ran `brew install opam` , `opam init`, and `opam install mirage`
<coetry> hannes, I simply ran `brew install opam` , `opam init`, and `opam install mirage`
<hannes> coetry: this is fine, but you should see more output where the actual failure is highlighted
<coetry> updated the gist to include more info
<coetry> btw, is this you hannes? https://hannes.nqsb.io/
<hannes> coetry: yes
<coetry> cool, i followed you on github and will read your posts :)
<hannes> coetry: there seems to be sth fishy with your OCaml installation ("cannot find topfind") -- could you run a "opam switch 4.04.2" followed by "eval `opam config env`" and "opam install mirage" -- to have opam compile and install (in ~/.opam/4.04.2) an OCaml compiler, which is then used for mirage!?
<hannes> (I don't have MacOSX, neither brew, thus no clue what exactly is broken there)
<coetry> sure thing, will try that now
<hannes> (or, s/4.04.2/4.05.0/ -- should as well work)
<smondet[m]> coetry: that can look like an environment error, the command `opam switch` (by itself) should return no warning, if it does, usually an "eval `opam config env`" is missing
<coetry> i switched to 4.04.2 and ran the config eval successfully
<coetry> currently attempting to reinstall mirage with this new env
<coetry> looks like its all working guys, thank you all for your help
<coetry> maybe this is sort of off-topic, but what do you all think of reasonml?
<coetry> i love most programming languages and have an itch to hack on all of them, have been doing some lisp and front-end js stuff before arriving to the ml family of languages
<smondet[m]> coetry: re: ReasonML, mixed thoughts: I like some things: the `refmt` tool/idea, the order of type parameters (i.e. like Coq!), the uniformization of precedence rules of the syntax (`if` vs `match`), but some things seem to go IMHO in the wrong direction: uncurrying syntax, the `=>` and the `::`, the syntax of labelled arguments, etc.
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<coetry> gotcha, i'm getting my feet wet with raw ocaml. Just getting used to strong types
<hannes> I like reasonml, and would be happy if the tooling allows to use both OCaml and reason in the same project (not sure whether this is the case atm, haven't really played around with reason) -- you can always argue about syntax (since there's some taste in it), thus if we can provide two surface syntaxes, more people will be happy :)
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<reynir> Does topkg publish (opam publish I guess) not work when you have 2fa on github?
<reynir> (Or maybe it's an issue that I switched to 2fa after using topkg publish once)
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<hannes> reynir: you need some token / cookie jar for opam-publish.
<hannes> reynir: it should work with 2FA as well (I'm not entirely sure, don't use 2FA)
<reynir> Ok, I will try removing the cookie jar next time and see if it works
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