what happens if you run the Makefile again with a different value of HAS_CTYPES ?
thomasga, how else would you instruct findlib about the optional deps that are activated?
then you'd get a different installed package with a different META
you want subpackages?
i guess i took this approach to get some usability for the end user
maybe it is misguided but i wanted people to be able to use Unix_fcntl.open_ and U_fcntl.Oflags.O_RDWR naturally
dsheets: not sure if the META file will be recomputed properly then
ohhh, i see what you mean
the EXTRA_META is not a prerequisite of the META target
and I don't see how to do that properly
just force META generation
or, clean between switching the depopts which is what i was doing
but I'm bit afraid of the added complexity in the META if any compilation unit and deps can be optional
any compilation unit?
well, not in your Makefile, but sometimes you want to compile foo_unix only if you have some unix lib available — but I guess you should have a separate library for that
Ah, yeah, I could have Unix_unistd_unix or something
hmm perhaps i should do Unistd and Unix_unistd
It would simplify things a lot
and i could use subpackages and stop fighting the module system
and then you can have multiple instances of the library with different features working together
(we had the same kind of issues for mirage — should we use some linking hacks or not)
how's that? Dirent would still have sexp
and I'd have to add/remove the subpackage from the META in the build system
well can build the subpackage and let the user choose the one he wants to link with it or not
if you do a link hack, he has no choice
then i require the unix deps all the time?
they have a choice if they lack the extra deps
if they don't lack them, they would get the subpack
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yes sorry, I meant they have the choice if you have a subpackage. If you tweak the requires, they don't
oh, yeah, i think it is not a good idea the way i have it now
but i didn't know how to make it easy to use/remember until I looked at Unix_unistd_unix >_<
i will switch to Unistd/Unix_unistd or Unistd/Unistd_unix, I think
probably the former
Or Unistd.Unix
but then I can't have types live in the top module because I'd have to pack :-/
you can always have Unistd_unix which includes Unistd
and ask the user to do 'open Unistd_unix` at the top of its file
if he wants to use the extended unix interface
includes as a submodule? or "include"?
There is also the possibility of a future "Unix" module based on these
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dsheets: isnt this what exists_if is for in META
avsm, ah, indeed, i can conditionalize based on build products with that
ok, i'm not sure what my malfunction was when i did the present design O_O
very strange that even if OCAML_TOPLEVEL_PATH is defined and has a topfind in it, #use "topfind" in a script fails with "cannot find file topfind"