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<krzk> PabloPL: hej
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<memeka> hi all, i changed exynos DRM plane 1 type from CURSOR to OVERLAY since I want to use it that way
<memeka> i am using kodi to show video on primary plane, and GUI using mali/gbm on secondary (OVERLAY) plane
<memeka> and I get this panic: https://paste.debian.net/1032743/
<memeka> any ideas why this happens?
<memeka> the crash seems to actually happen on plane 0 (PRIMARY) ([drm:mixer_update_plane] win: 0)
<forkbomb> the mixer hw tries to access an invalid address
<memeka> forkbomb: i am trying to use DRMPRIME
<memeka> so the video is coming via dmabuf
<memeka> could it be that it's something wrong there? or something else?
<memeka> if i use both kodi GUI and video on the same plane (PRIMARY), it works
<memeka> although of course there is flickering and stuff
<forkbomb> i guess it might be a driver bug?
<memeka> forkbomb: which one? mixer?
<forkbomb> i guess
<forkbomb> you should try and find out the sysmmu fault address (i think the sysmmu driver should print it out just before panic)