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<Melab> Does anyone here know how to get GRUB 2 to be booted by nv-U-Boot?
<javier__> Melab: why do you want grub2 ooi?
<Melab> It's easier to use than U-Boot as a boot manager and it can boot zImage files.
<javier__> Melab: u-boot also supports zImages
<javier__> Melab: it should be possible to chain load grub from nv-u-boot, but I don't think that grub has exynos support
<javier__> not to mention the specific exynos board you want to use
<Melab> The nv-U-Boot built by Google does not have zImage support. I am working with a Sasung XE303C12.
<javier__> Melab: yes, but you can chain load u-boot
<Melab> Yes to what?
<javier__> Melab: yes, to the nv-u-boo requiring a signed FIT image
<javier__> *nv-u-boot
<Melab> I never asked about signed FIT images. As far as I am aware, nv-U-Boot does not use them.
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<javier__> Melab: ah sorry, I still didn't get my coffee
<javier__> Melab: the nv-u-boot built by google doesn't have zImage support, but you can build your own u-boot with CMD_BOOTZ enabled
<javier__> which is enabled by default for snow in mainline u-boot anyways
<javier__> so what you can do is verified-uboot -> FIT image with mainline u-boot (nv-uboot) -> zImage
<Melab> I tried that. I downloaded the source code for U-Boot from Ubuntu's repository (since I couldn't get the mainline to compile) and configured it for Snow with some of my own settings, but when it was booted on my SD card, nothing appeared on the screen.
<javier__> and this one if you wan't to make your own built kernel to be load by the v-uboot
<Melab> I through in support for EFI emulation since what I've read seems to indicate that that is more reliable for booting GRUB on ARM, but I couldn't get my tools to make an EFI image out of GRUB. I'm really more interested in getting GRUB to work.
<javier__> Melab: I'm not following, the Chromebook doesn't have an UEFI firmware... it's firmware is the v-uboot
<javier__> anyways, as mentioned I suggest to read those articles and chain load your own u-boot if the nv-uboot built by google doesn't fit your needs
<Melab> U-Boot has a bootefi command. This is where I got the idea to use bootefi to load from
<javier__> interesting, thanks for sharing that link
<Melab> If I can get U-Boot to load GRUB 2 without rebuilding U-Boot with EFI support it would be better. Those patches applies to a version of U-Boot three years younger than the code used to make U-Boot for Snow.
<Melab> Is Exynos support really the problem with GRUB or is it something to do with the display?
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<javier__> Melab: I expect grub to need to know about the HW. On x86/ACPI systems this is quite standard since is abstracted by the firmware
<javier__> but on arm32 there isn't this level of standarization or hw abstraction and that's why platforms need to be ported to u-boot
<javier__> I've never tried grub on an arm system though, so I've no idea tbh
<Melab> Then how is that configured? Through a device tree? Through code in a configuration file? If it needs to be in a GRUB configuration file, then a GRUB image with an embedded configuration file can be made using grub-mkimage.
<Wizzup> Isn't the point that the efi payload would give grub a platform-agnostic way to set this up?
<Wizzup> (which would be provided by u-boot in this case)
<javier__> Wizzup: yes, that's what I understood from the link Melab shared
<javier__> but my comment was before he shared that. And I don't even know if those patches made it to upstream u-boot
<javier__> what I don't understand is why going that route instead of just chain loading an upstream u-boot that supports snow correctly
<Wizzup> yeah, that is what I do on my snow.
<Wizzup> I have grub2 on the aarch64 machine, because it does UEFI :/
<Wizzup> (on serial)
<Wizzup> s/the/this/
<Melab> Before reading that patch summary, I had read somewhere that U-Boot's API would need to be configured for GRUB to be successfully booted by it. I built GRUB from Ubuntu's GRUB, but configured it with ./configure --build=x86_64-linux-gnu --host=arm-linux-gnueabihf --with-platform=uboot
<Melab> After I built my desired configuration of U-Boot (which, again, did not end up showing anything on the display), I tried to make an EFI image of GRUB using grub-mkimage. I used the grub-core directory of my GRUB build as the directory option, but it gave me an error that said "grub-mkimage: error: no symbol table".
<Melab> I couldn't find much on that error online, but perhaps it was generated because I was using the grub-mkimage provided for my x86_64 laptop as opposed to the one built by my GRUB configuration. has the author use the grub-mkimage built alongside GRUB, but since it is an ARM binary, he executes it using qemu-arm. I tried that, but it gave an error about a missing library
<Melab> So, I resorted to using my laptop's grub-mkimage. Perhaps I need to reconfigure GRUB with the platform as arm-efi. That may have an effect on the missing symbol table.
<Melab> Is there anyway to configure GRUB's build system to make the tools for one architecture and the GRUB code for another?
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<libv> javier__: blogs are pretty useless
<libv> they are stale the minute you post them
<libv> howtos must be wikis so they can be kept up to date
<libv> you will not believe or accept this now
<libv> but look again to your info there in 6 months time, as quite some people will
<libv> and i have spent waaay too much time myself trying to figure out which parts of 5 different but equally stale and conflicting blog posts are still valid
<javier__> libv: the process described there are quite generic so should not stale
<libv> bs.
<libv> but as i just said
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<libv> i am only the guy responsible for making linux-sunxi that good of a wiki.
<libv> whereas i really just wanted to get users for my upcoming lima driver
<libv> 6 months, and your info will be outdated.
<libv> for no good reason too.
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<Wizzup> there is some similar info on the wiki, but it's not properly maintained by me and others
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<javier__> libv: IMHO it depends on whether the doc explains underlaying concepts or just have a set of runes
<javier__> as long as the chromebooks are shipped with the same firmware, things are not going to change
<javier__> anyway, the content is licensed under CC so feel free to copy to a wiki if you want
<libv> Wizzup: you know what i went to with the original chromebook, all the info out there was scattered across shoot-from-the-hip blog entries from people who just wanted to play with the A15 virtualization, but who lost interest days afterwards
<libv> when i came round like 8 months after that wave of developers had made those posts and of course buggered off, very little of it was valid still, and i had to piece things together from multiple often conflicting blog entries
<libv> i had the same thing just 3 months ago with the rk3288 firefly
<libv> and i gave up after a few days (days!), and i moved it back on the shelves with all the other bricks just last week.
<Wizzup> There should be enough info to get u-boot + kernel compile going on the exynos wiki - also has readymade nv u-boot binaries on there AFAIK
<Wizzup> I don't know much about rockchip.
<libv> javier__: you mean well, but if you had spent your time typing that info into the wiki, you would've been several orders of magnitude more helpful
<libv> now you're helpfulness will turn into a drag pretty quickly
<libv> Wizzup: rockchip is much worse than exynos still
<libv> there really are very few arm soc communities where you can point your browser to and get your device working
<libv> and yet another blogpost is part of the problem and not the solution
<libv> people are all pretty keen to get code upstream to feel good about themselves
<Wizzup> what is also 'great' about allwinner devices is the huge amount of devkits/boards
<Wizzup> exynos is mostly some high end arm laptops, and odroid
<libv> which happened for two reasons
<libv> 1) tom cubie
<Wizzup> there's a lot of exynos code upstream
<libv> who worked together with the nascent sunxi community, and particularly alejandro mery, to start the cubieboard indiegogo campaign
<libv> i took over paying for the sunxi server from alejandro, as it is a business expense for me.
<libv> 2) that wiki.
<libv> for a long time, the early shitpi boards all had a page called "first steps"
<libv> ripped straight from what i had typed up while bringing up my first sunxi board
<libv> and i had to drag that info out of 3 or 4 individuals
<libv> i then spent some time exposing the shader compiler on the samsung chromebook with the t604
<libv> and then spent ages rewriting/restructuring the sunxi wiki
<libv> as i had run into exactly those stale blog entries from the people who did a fly-by a15 bringup
<javier__> libv: I think that a post explaining the underlying concepts instead of yet another wiki page with a set or runes has value
<libv> javier__: you can apologize for being this blind in 6 months.
<javier__> libv: the blog posts are 1 year old and people still use it
<javier__> as said, you can copy to a wiki if you want since the license allows you
<libv> javier__: so how many facts in there have changed already?
<javier__> libv: none as far as I can say. The process is exactly the same
<libv> things that would've been up to date if those who are using those blog entries got to fix what they found was incorrect or out of date?
<javier__> I mentioned the exact u-boot and kernel version used, and so people can use it as a reference if regressions are introduced in u-boot/linux
<libv> and then what?
<libv> or do people just keep on using that exact u-boot and kernel version?
<libv> or both?
<javier__> libv: no, the process to test current upstream u-boot and linux is the same and they *should* work
<javier__> I try to test every kernel release and fix issues as they arise
<libv> are you constantly fixing this blog post, or are you constantly fixing code?
<javier__> libv: code
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<libv> how are people to know that this is the one and only blogpost that is valid forever?
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<libv> do you have a special deal with google there?
<javier__> libv: I haven't said that's the one and only post. I said that I wrote an article that explains the underlaying concepts because all I found where wikis with a set or runes and not explanation
<javier__> libv: I work for Samsung and have access to documentation
<libv> what was wrong with fixing the wiki?
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<javier__> libv: nothing, what's wrong with writing a post that you think it will be (and was) useful for others?
<libv> i explained that at length.
<javier__> libv: yes, and I told you that you are free to copy to a wiki
<javier__> I produced content that's freely available. I don't understand why you are so mad about it
<libv> i will not, as it is not something that i have verified.
<libv> it is not something i will associate my name with, until i have verified it
<libv> which will take a while still as i am not playing with exynos or mali atm.
<libv> but i will come back to you when i do try it.
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<Wizzup> if you do, please let me/us know as well, as we can also try to help where the wiki is lacking, and then subsequentially improve the wiki
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