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<genii> Hello. Can anyone tell me what Exynos is in the ARTIK 710?
<krzk> genii: this is not exynos but Nexell
<genii> Interesting.
<krzk> genii: if you need more details probably you would have to look at DeviceTree sources of their kernel
<krzk> from DTS one can get some knowledge about the SoC
<genii> krzk: Thanks for the tip!
<genii> Seems odd that Samsung is not putting their own SoC in
<krzk> genii: yeah... it started with some Tizen mobile phones working with Spreadtrum chipsets... and then the first Artik 710
<krzk> I think latest Artiks also abandoned Exynos...
<genii> The 1020 appears to have been pulled
<LiquidAcid> isn't the artik based on a s5p68xx something?
<krzk> LiquidAcid: yes, exactly
<krzk> that's the nexell... although name might suggest Samsung
<LiquidAcid> krzk, ah, i though everything with the s5p stem is samsung
<LiquidAcid> *thought
<krzk> LiquidAcid: at the beginning me too :D
<LiquidAcid> or is nexell just some samsung subsidiary?
<krzk> LiquidAcid: I never figured it out.... my personal impression was that some people quit samsung and started the nexell with their knowledge
<krzk> or maybe there is also hidden subsidiary relation...
<krzk> but anyway I did not find any data to backup these claims... maybe except that soem parts of the datasheet looked exactly like samsung's....
<javier__> krzk: I thought the relationship was that nexell was a fabless SoC vendor and that Samsung made the SoCs for them
<javier__> with nexell design. But his is just my guess, I don't really know the real relationship
<krzk> javier__: that also makes sense... and then Samsung used these SoCs in its boards? :)
<javier__> krzk: well, I just learned that there was an artik board based on this SoC :)
<genii> krzk: So the 710 has Nexell, but the 1020 has Exynos?
<genii> Something odd seems to be going on at Samsung. The Kirin 620 LeMaker board was pulled recently.
<genii> Sorry, Huawei in this case
<krzk> genii: I do not know about 1020. The first Artik10 was nded Exynos - Exynos5422. but then they changed the naming
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<genii> krzk: Some pathnames shown at seem to indicate the 710 is based on Nexell s5p6818
<genii> Seems that it's a 5410
<genii> ..but with Mali
<krzk> genii: the datasheet was copied from 5410... but I would not make an assumption about hardware because of that
<genii> krzk: Good point :)
<krzk> it is a cortex a53, Octa (with all the same A53!)
<krzk> which is quite different than previous samsung quad designs (mostly: big + LITTLE)
<genii> Hm
<krzk> genii: You can find also s5p4418 datasheet there... which might be an improved version of Exynos4412
<krzk> in the datasheet, one of first pages: "Contact Us:"
<krzk> but again - I am not sure whether just datasheet was copied or maybe some parts of SoC design...
<krzk> because in few places still the name "Exynos 5410" appears...
<genii> Yes
<krzk> but... what is much more nice to all hackers of Galaxy S3 and Odroid U3
<krzk> on the friendlyarm page you can find datasheet of Exynos4412 :D
<krzk> legally! :D
<krzk> (I think legally)
<genii> They have some pretty extensive documentation there, for sure
<javier__> krzk: that's something that surprised me as well, that the manual is public. Also notice the "Powered by Nexell" in the manual first page
<javier__> that's why I think is just nexell using samsung foundry services...
<LiquidAcid> krzk, looks like they ripped out most of the gfx blocks in that s5p4418
<LiquidAcid> there might be some similarities, but it's definitely not a superset of the 4412
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