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kares: yes. it seems not to be able to receive messages after the socket is set up -- when my app didn't work, I tried the very simple example in the faye-websockets example directory, and the sample client connects but the server never receives a message from the client.
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I have tried my app with browser and cruby clients, and it works fine with Java 8 but not with 10/11.
(I don't have 9 to try out)
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kphns: oh well that sounds like a real bug to fix
you should report with the simple socket example - maybe setup a reproduction repo if needed so its easy to reproduce
report to whom, though, is the question?
I have exactly zero clue where the bug is. JRuby? Puma? EventMachine? Faye-websockets?
I have tried other EM-based websocket library test scripts and they seem to work. I don't know that there are any other JRuby-compatible web servers to try faye-websockets without puma, and I don't think there are any other libraries that will implement websockets on top of puma besides faye.
the only thing I know for sure is that it works fine on Java 8, but fails on Java 10 and 11.
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kphns: if it works on Java 8 with the same (latest) JRuby 9.2 but not on Java 10/11 than its a JRuby bug
at least that is what I understood from your question ... to be the case
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kphns: hey there
lopex, kares: 😛
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.1 release cycle is hard to keep much you want to fix you didn't get into .0
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headius: the scope of the project makes it hard
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good point
headius: hi
kphns: could this be IPv6 issue?
I am not clear whether it really is able to connect
If you have something we can reproduce it may be easy to find the problem, but I would confirm first that everything is binding the right ports/protocols
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headius: yes, the connection is established. I see it in netstat.
Ok, so the request does get sent by the client, and then nothing?
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yes. using the sample code from faye-websockets, it connects, I get the open notification/event on both the client and the server, and then the client sends a message but the server never sees it.
I used ws:// as the URL to eliminate IPv6 from the equation
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can you make a gist or repo of exactly what you're running? I see a lot of examples on the faye-websocket repo and I'm not sure what you're doing
It shouldn't be too difficult to figure out where the request is going but I need more information :-D
hmm, I also see a difference
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sure -- give me a few minutes, and I will just make a repo with a Gemfile and the two sample scripts I'm using
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lopex: running the main example?
kphns: perfect, thank you
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headius: no, from my code
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headius: the only diff I see is Cookie: rack.session length
and ws seem to have regressed from
headius: I'm not getting new ws frames, seems like some cookie was lost
note that I decided to include the test.html from the em-websocket version so as to take ruby/jruby/java out of the picture for the client side. directions on how to replicate are in the readme.