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<stoffie> headius, I successfully installed jruby via rbenv in an ubuntu docker container
<stoffie> so this is probably a problem related to fedora
<stoffie> Any idea of how can I get more meaningful logs when I try installing it?
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<GitHub51> [jruby] kares closed pull request #5231: dont mutate module names (master...modmut) https://git.io/f4Hjx
<GitHub117> [jruby] kares closed issue #5229: Mutating result of Module#to_s changes Module#to_s on JRuby 9.2 https://git.io/f4StX
<GitHub50> [jruby] kares pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/f4QCF
<GitHub50> jruby/master a7c5eb9 ahorek: [fix] dont mutate module names (#5231)
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<kares> headius: hey! welcome back :) would like to finish up JRuby.load_ext support - which helps startup as well as internal JI consistency
<kares> when you get a chance to look into: https://github.com/jruby/jruby/pull/5205
<kares> already went ahead and updated jossl and readline to use load_ext (JRuby::Util internal API)
<kares> than there's jar-dependencies + one what is commonly booted by RGs that could use a new release for 9.2.1 is psych
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<stoffie> headius, sorry if I bother you again, I was thinking, where should I start if I want to fix the problem by myself? What do you think could be causing that? I managed to run jruby in a docker ubuntu container so the problem is definitively fedora
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<headius> stoffie: hmm maybe I can take a look at it on fedora too
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<headius> kares: ok everything you want me to look at is in pulls then?
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<headius> git clone https://github.com/rbenv/rbenv.git ~/.rbenv
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<headius> oops
<headius> 👍
<eregon> enebo: Hi
<eregon> You might be interested in changes I did recently in TruffleRuby in RubyLexer https://github.com/oracle/truffleruby/compare/9f48ac18f34f3332de87e7716751ec8bd08ec8f0...e732478d7ec5e13b9c9bcdae208aeaa26d96758a
<eregon> Fixed a couple bugs and I rewrote parser_magic_comment to actually understand what's it's doing.
<eregon> Here is the epic commit, twice more lines but so much easier to read: https://github.com/oracle/truffleruby/commit/bba8965dba99b14a9f70b5c5cde5dae02cf2a081
<enebo> eregon: so can I use that code and have it work with our tri-licensed code?
<headius> patent free? :-D
<eregon> The license header says Version: EPL 1.0/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
<eregon> But yeah I'm no lawyer :(
<headius> should be fine
<enebo> eregon: ok. sounds ok then
<headius> patents we won't know about but EPL has protections
<eregon> I don't think there is any patent in my bug fixes or refactoring in RubyLexer :)
<enebo> eregon: mostly that code you changed was a direct port of MRI code
<headius> 👍
<eregon> enebo: Yeah, I saw, I also took at the MRI code :)
<enebo> eregon: so most of your busting things out of the for loops and stuff was cleaning. I am interested in the feature concept part of this if that is what you mean
<headius> enebo: if we'd had more time we should have dropped GPL
<eregon> The check for Emacs -*- in the magic comment is so crazy hand-optimized, it's unbelievable :D
<enebo> eregon: ah so diverging with that weird double check
<eregon> In terms of bug fixes only:
<eregon> * magicCommentMarker() should not scan more than magicLineLength bytes.
<eregon> offset from the start of the Rope and length the remaining length.
<eregon> * Fix bug using "str < length" which is meaningless as str is an arbitrary
<headius> stoffie: failed!
<enebo> eregon: cool for sure I will apply those
<eregon> potentially also https://github.com/oracle/truffleruby/commit/27abc915c616a0cf961ade4b98917887da0360e0, seems good for compat&perf anyway
<headius> but in this case it looks like it failed to build the native jruby executable, I don't think that matches your issue
<enebo> eregon: I will look at the emacs weirdness removal though as it has bugged me
<enebo> eregon: I partially look at this as some weird little organ which is working and isolated so unless we can squeeze some perf on the comment handling or something I may just fix the issues
<eregon> Yeah I didn't touch the emacs thing beyond simple code style and adding a comment about what it does
<enebo> eregon: thanks for the commits though. Especially since you found some more corners around whitespace
<enebo> comments are good too :)
<headius> stoffie: it does seem to fetch the tarball just fine though
<headius> I think I'm getting past where you did
<enebo> eregon: I used to just use a regexp there
<headius> install --verbose seems to print out some good info
<eregon> Switching to offset + end position instead of manually updating length sounds like a good way to be less error-prone in parser_magic_comment
<stoffie> headius, it did fetch the tarball
<headius> oh ok
<eregon> enebo: tricky regexp, as it needs to work on raw bytes, since the encoding is defined by the magic comment itself :)
<enebo> yeah that maybe was the reason why it changed. I don't recall
<headius> hmm for some reason it's not saving my log from the failed install
<headius> stoffie: try a --verbose run and see if that has any more info
<enebo> definitely the fact that it was originally only for encoding and ended up being for pragmas could have been it as well though
<stoffie> nope
<headius> ah mine failed because it needs g++ to compile
<headius> enebo: what's the g++ package on fedora
<headius> it's not called g++
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<enebo> maybe a gcc package
<enebo> headius: I will see
<eregon> enebo: another cool/fun thing in that set of changes is in TruffleRuby we can reuse String's ropes used for eval(), e.g. in ERB def_method, when lexing/parsing the code for eval().
<headius> oh gcc-c++
<headius> I have it
<enebo> eregon: this is unrelated as we don't use ropes but I wondered about using CoW semantics to just use original source as backing array for strings
<eregon> enebo: I also added a fair bit of specs for magic comments, so hopefully that should catch bugs if a fix is missing :)
<enebo> eregon: main issue being it might appear to be a memory leak....OTOH source is not massive generally
<enebo> eregon: yeah great
<headius> enebo: mmap
<eregon> ah, do you mean string literals could just use the source byte[] with an offset?
<enebo> eregon: yeah
<enebo> how much source is actually loaded memory wise in even a huge rails app
<eregon> Yeah sonds tricky as the source be quite a bit larger than the string literals
<eregon> can be*
<enebo> as strings mutate less it becomes more appealing
<headius> string literals + identifiers would be larger percentage but still not large
<enebo> identifiers I used to think would be good but we make symtable entries now
<headius> yeah and most are referenced many places for one object
<enebo> we could have each identifier still pin source but it seems less useful
<headius> so you save nothing for call side or common var names
<enebo> My grand thought is if Ruby ever requires source for things like evals so people can .source or something like that then we would be saving that source anyways
<headius> stoffie: success :-(
<headius> stoffie: gist me your install --verbose output
<headius> this os F28 btw
<enebo> headius: stoffie: I tried this morning and could install on fedora locally
<enebo> I did a git pull on build-plugin or whereever rbenv source is
<headius> yeah we've had no other reports and you use fedora so JRuby's well tested there
<stoffie> headius I already used the -v flag
<eregon> enebo: yeah if it's like JavaScript which requires to keep the source around then it's an easy clear win :)
<enebo> eregon: I feel like some day eval will have a source method
<enebo> eregon: it is one consistent complaint that people cannot figure out what an eval'd method is doing
<enebo> things like source_location has helped in debugging but it is a half measure if you ask me
<eregon> Right, I think Truffle keeps the source around, so we could actuall debug eval'd code, as long as the method is reachable
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<eregon> Need to try that, would make for a nice demo :)
<enebo> eregon: yeah I am all for pushing on that front of Ruby
<enebo> eregon: and thanks for the update on the lexer
<eregon> I need to go back home, see you guys around
<enebo> eregon: see ya
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<stoffie> nothing just like yesterday
<stoffie> I also verified rbenv and ruby-build are up-to-date with `git pull origin master` in their respective directories
<headius> ok
<stoffie> Maybe I should try to reproduce the problem in a docker container
<stoffie> that would be a great excuse to learn a bio more 'bout docker
<headius> stoffie: yeah I don't know how to help at this point
<enebo> stoffie: and you can install MRI versions?
<headius> oh you know...it's gem failing to see some server
<headius> I wonder if it's JVM trying to do IPv6
<headius> do you have IPv6 set up?
<headius> or something else in env that might be mucking with a rubygems.org address
<enebo> so you guys think this is happening after jruby is retrieved but before it installs it's gems?
<headius> you could try putting this in env and see what happens: JAVA_OPTS=-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true
<headius> enebo: I believe this is the step where it installs jruby-launcher from gem
<enebo> headius: ah it would be nice if this could be a bit more verbose
<headius> in any case the gem installs are done with the just-installed instance I think
<enebo> Is there an env to show rg beharior we can seT?
<headius> stoffie: another option would be to manually download, unpack, PATH our regular tarball and see if that fails to install gems too
<headius> or perhaps running the install with ruby-build would provide better options/output
<enebo> yeah I think that is a better next step
<stoffie> anyway I can ping ::1 so this means ipv6 it's ok at system level
<stoffie> tough this is interesting....
<enebo> JAVA_OPTS=-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true
<enebo> export or pass to front of rbenv
<stoffie> doesn't change anything :(
<stoffie> what version of java did you have enebo? I'm running on openjdk1.8
<enebo> stoffie: how are you invoking that exactly? Just to make sure
<enebo> java version "1.8.0_172"
<enebo> although I believe I am using oracle install for that
<stoffie> JAVA_OPTS=-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack rbenv install jruby- -v
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<enebo> stoffie: can you omit =value in properties in java?
<stoffie> sorry what's that?
<enebo> you are missing =true above but perhaps it assumes that (if that is possible I have either never known it for forgotten about it :) )
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<enebo> JAVA_OPTS=-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack rbenv install jruby- -v
<stoffie> oh snap
<enebo> ^ is missing =true
<headius> enebo: you can't
<enebo> headius: yeah it explains why I do not remember it being possible then :)
<headius> or at least for T/F values it doesn't consider blank to be true
<headius> it will appear set to an empty string
<stoffie> OK guys you did it!
<stoffie> it works :)
<enebo> this is a weird one resolution wise
<enebo> it is an environment issue but I am not sure we can help future problems like this other than a troubleshooting wiki/document on rbenv maybe or us?
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<enebo> stuffing lots of opinions via -D is likely to add even more weird reports although perhaps preferIPV4Stack is not too dangerous...but some person will complain that we added that some day
<stoffie> why do you think I encountered this problem and you did not enebo?
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<stoffie> Only thing I did on this machine was play around with docker/kubernetes do you think could be it?
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<enebo> stoffie: I don't actually know how the JVM picks myself. It could be an env is pushing it to try via ipv6
<enebo> stoffie: a weirder question and I think more important one is if you can do ipv6 why did it fail
<enebo> if we could answer that question we would probably never have a future problem but we still don't know why it decided to prefer v6
<enebo> It is possible openjdk prefers v6 now
<enebo> I stopped using fedora packaging for jvms because alternatives does not work well for me and I made my own jvm switcher (I need to test against multiple versions of java)
<enebo> so I download java as .tar and install locally
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<stoffie> If I were to reproduce this bug inside a docker container do you think it could be useful for the rbenv folks?
<enebo> stoffie: possibly also us depending on why ipv6 is not working
<enebo> stoffie: if it is some env thing in general they would but if C Ruby can run in same env and it is not some specific confuse Java env setting then maybe we have some issue
<enebo> If I could figure out which ip version I am using locally that would be interesting
<enebo> since it works for me
<headius> stoffie: what java version?
<headius> it is interesting that it says invalid URL though
<headius> if it's just using ipv6 it should see it's an ipv4 only address and encode that as ip6
<headius> it's like it's not resolving correctly under ip6
<headius> or it's trying to feed an ip4 address string to the JDK API and that's trying to use it as an ip6 string?
<stoffie> openjdk version "1.8.0_171"
<headius> stoffie: there's some socket logging options, let me dig those up
<headius> I'd like to know the root problem
<stoffie> Sure thing! Just tell me what to do
<stoffie> In the meantime I will be watching some dr house
<stoffie> damn
<headius> hmm ok it looks like the ones I was thinking of are only for ssl
<headius> can you try the raw tarball + PATH and see if it reproduces there?
<stoffie> that's a lot of vicodin
<headius> download, unpack, prepend bin to PATH, try to gem install something
<stoffie> ok doing it
<stoffie> that is what happens with the dist o jruby I unpacked in the download directory
<stoffie> export JAVA_OPTS=-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true fixes it as expected
<stoffie> back to dr house
<headius> stoffie: thank you
<headius> stoffie: when you can add as many verbose flags to get more output
<headius> hopefully that will show the actual failing URL and we can work back from there to figure out why it's failing
<headius> so it's definitely falling down the ip6 path
<headius> in Ruby code
<headius> stoffie: ok I think you should open a jruby bug at this point
<headius> include that output...there seems to be some issue with how it chooses ip4 vs ip6 in resolv under JRuby
<headius> when ip6 is present and the JDK tries to use it things go pear-shaped
<headius> stoffie: how was this instance provisioned? EC2 or something?
<stoffie> sorry you mean where I got the binaries?
<headius> is it just a local machine?
<stoffie> it's my desktop
<headius> ok, default install of fedora or did you do something special to enable ip6?
<headius> maybe it just worked because you have ip6 on your network router?
<stoffie> fresh install of fedora
<headius> I'm trying to understand why our fedoras are different from your fedora basically
<headius> I do not have IP6 on any networks I regularly use
<stoffie> well I have a home router
<stoffie> it says ipv6 is enabled in the access control of the router panel
<lopex> calling somewhat in the blind but you might change the precendence in gai.conf ?
<lopex> *precedence
<headius> stoffie: ok I'm sure I have not enabled it in mine
<headius> enebo: maybe you can try throwing ip6 on your network
<lopex> is it now ipv6 by default on fedora ?
<headius> stoffie: so just throw what we know into a bug and we can take it from here...but you may need that env until we figure out why it's going wrong
<headius> lopex: maybe if dhcp provides it?
<headius> my mac does not have ip6 because none of the dhcp I connect to have ip6
<lopex> headius: but still can you force it in gai.conf ?
<headius> yeah I suppose so
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<lopex> what did I do ?
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