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<rdubya> Does anybody know if this should be considered a valid UUID of some sort? "a0ee-bc99-9c0b-4ef8-bb6d-6bb9-bd38-0a11"
<rdubya> there's an AR test using it to test a UUID column, but Java's UUID class doesn't like it and postgres bombs because it won't compare a string to a uuid column :(
<rdubya> kares: enebo: is this a format we should try to detect or should I just exclude the test?
<rdubya> apparently its considered a format that should be supported since there is a test explicitly testing that that format is supported, so I guess I'll see if I can do anything with it
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<kares> rdubya: that seems to be not valid - from first look (too many sections)
<kares> but there are likely various uuid formats - so not sure what to do there
<kares> am not against if you just exclude and open an issue for it
<kares> we already might have issues with the extensive use of PG JDBC API
<kares> e.g. I noticed I could not degrade to a previous version - since I wasn't able to compile
<kares> not to be worried about right now but if it means more hacks around its API maybe delay ... for now
<rdubya> it looks like it probably won't be too hard to support, just means more string processing for those :(
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<Cu5tosLimen> hi
<Cu5tosLimen> is there channel for renjin?
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<NightMonkey> Howdy. Is there a doc that discusses (or blog post) about which Jruby releases are considered "stable" or are "supported"? Is still considered "supported" by the jRuby community? :)
<NightMonkey> Or, is only the 9.1.X.X tree that can be considered "supported" or "maintained"?
<lopex> NightMonkey: all are considered stable
<lopex> pick the latest one
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<NightMonkey> Even, last touched in 1/2016? :)
<NightMonkey> lopex: ^
<lopex> NightMonkey: it's a release, why would it be touched since ?
<lopex> NightMonkey: pick the latest one
<lopex> as of now
<lopex> enebo, headius: is there anything about versioning scheme for jruby anywhere on wiki ?
<enebo> lopex: well we have only two versions listed on our website
<enebo> lopex: but I don't think we have documented the versioning changing logic on the wiki at all
<lopex> seems there's some confusion
<NightMonkey> lopex: My concern is that any stability or security updates made to the MRI 2.2 series is also in jRuby, which is impossible if it hasn't been updated since 1/2016. :)
<enebo> I guess we should be a bit more explicit about being end of life on some lines
<NightMonkey> lopex: (and, of course MRI Ruby 2.2 is EOL'd soon.
<NightMonkey> )
<NightMonkey> (as seen here: https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/downloads/)
<lopex> NightMonkey: if you're not restricted by java compat then the simple answer is pick the latest one
<NightMonkey> lopex: Ah! There's a JVM compatibility restriction?
<lopex> as in any java project
<enebo> The changes between 2.2 and 2.3 were so benign we said 9.0.x was dead and all should move to 9.1.x
<enebo> lopex: NightMonkey: Java compat was Java 7 for both so that is not a change
<NightMonkey> enebo: Ah, thank you! :D
<NightMonkey> enebo: Might you point me to a public link where the team said that? :D Is it on a mailing list?
<enebo> NightMonkey: our 2.5 support (skipping 2.4) will be out in a month or less but we will be supporting 9.1.x for some time yet
<lopex> enebo: oh so I think I'll manage to land the case mapping
<NightMonkey> enebo: Awesome.
<enebo> NightMonkey: said that we had EOL'd 9.0.x? I think largely we have said it at talks but we should probably make a table on the wiki to help point people to these decisions. This is a failing on our part.
<enebo> NightMonkey: but for your use I would not be using 9.0.x even if we were doing security patches since it has a number of serious memory issues.
<NightMonkey> enebo: Thank you for sharing this.
<enebo> NightMonkey: which may not be an issue...it just depends. We have also made 9.1.x a lot faster
<enebo> 9.0.x was part of a brand new architecture and we still had quite a few rough edges
<enebo> lopex: cool
<lopex> enebo: btw can you release jcodings ?
<enebo> lopex: sure.
<lopex> enebo: it has bumped to java to 7 and has that non reflective loading
<NightMonkey> enebo: This information is super-helpful. I'm glad that jRuby is still active and moving forward.
<enebo> lopex: you changes pom?
<enebo> for the java change?
<lopex> enebo: yeah source and target
<enebo> NightMonkey: yeah. It will be really nice to have 2.5 out of the door soon.
<lopex> enebo: you could have target lower than source in 5 and 6 days
<lopex> enebo: I wonder if it;s javac or maven compiler plugin explicit limitation now
<lopex> enebo: maybe they worry about the apis right ?
<enebo> lopex: I don't think I personally care and the only consumers I think are nashorn (which is forked so it doesn't matter ... plus it is in something newer than 7 anyways) and jython
<enebo> I don't know if jython cares or not
<enebo> There might be other consumers
<lopex> enebo: I looked for the consumers on mvnrepository
<enebo> lopex: oh yeah?
<lopex> none seem to be affected
<enebo> lopex: ok well 7 is not such a big requirement any more and if we get big pushback we can go back I guess
<lopex> enebo: I needed that just for strings in switch
<enebo> lopex: I have lately been an advocate of more frequent point releases of our satellite projects so we are not depending on SNAPSHOT so much in core
<lopex> so I assumed I could leave target at 1.5
<enebo> SNAPSHOT makes bisecting horrible
<lopex> but it didnt work
<enebo> string switch is 7? I thought that was 8?
<lopex> 7
<enebo> ah ok
<lopex> enebo: yeah, I recall headius pointing the you care about theose being buildable
<enebo> yeah so if someone complains we will just fix that switch and drop down
<lopex> so snapshots are out
<enebo> lopex: they are small have no manual QA and numbers are cheap
<enebo> lopex: so let's rev more on joni/jcodings/jnr-*
<lopex> enebo: but my concern was that strings in switch doesnt really require any new apis
<enebo> lopex: it just requires the compiler
<lopex> so there could be a possibility to leave the target at 1.5
<lopex> yeah, but not at runtime which is the case
<enebo> lopex: funny I commented on this a few weeks ago that Javac and java libraries should be decoupled
<lopex> yea
<enebo> lopex: because Java 10 type inference is nothing but compiler tricks
<lopex> enebo: but it requires some metainfo
<enebo> tricks is wrong word
<lopex> sugar ?
<enebo> lopex: I think they just formulate a synthetic type in worst cases
<enebo> which maybe JVM needs to be able to sanely display at runtime so perhaps there is more than just compiler support
<lopex> enebo: like for javac, "this construct uses 1.5 apis"
<lopex> like strings in switch
<enebo> yeah
<lopex> since they use just hasCode for that
<lopex> and equals
<enebo> but generally it seems like some language-level features are independent of the APIs
<enebo> I almost wish some of this stuff was done through compiler extensions
<lopex> that the point
<enebo> so you could potentially use new compiler feature in older JVM
<lopex> enebo: same for possible macros, if the were there
<lopex> which is the same thing at this point
<enebo> yeah I sometimes wish we had hygenic macros in Java
<lopex> oh well, the ast might change :P
<enebo> we have a lot of repetitive code in places and things could look a lot nicer
<enebo> but at least being hygenic it would be a proper AST on expansion
<enebo> anyways I can dream :)
<lopex> enebo: macros in scala are still experimental
<enebo> Scala has it all!
<enebo> I want less than all but it will be neat to see how well macros work for them
<lopex> there's always two camps
<lopex> macro camp and type system astronauts camp
<lopex> in static setting at least
<enebo> "astronauts"
<enebo> hahaha
<lopex> not my invention
<enebo> I don't even want you to explain it
<lopex> enebo: it's from this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zt6LjUnOcFQ
<lopex> havent watched that though
<lopex> enebo: but shapeless has pretty amasing capabilities wrt type and macros
<lopex> there also KMap and KList
<lopex> so you have lists of kinds like Option or another List
<lopex> all being tracked by the compiler
<lopex> enebo: well, the astronaut is a good term here
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<enebo> lopex: jcodings released.
<lopex> enebo: thank you
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<GitHub122> [jruby] MSNexploder opened pull request #5124: :newline option to File.open implies text mode now. (Part of #5118) (master...newline) https://git.io/vxwbe
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<GitHub35> [jruby] enebo pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vxrUB
<GitHub35> jruby/master b21c1d0 Thomas E. Enebo: Exception.new.backtrace_locations should not NPE.
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<GitHub57> [jruby] bittrance opened issue #5125: Cannot subclass standard class Time https://git.io/vxrm3