chrisseaton, also, that's a pure ruby implementation I think
I was just writing a jruby wrapper library that will expose a send_async method
via the original java library
An option is to use it directly as a Java library like you would from Java - the code won't be idiomatic Ruby but it will probably be about the same number of lines
chrisseaton, the deal with that is that there is a lot of boilerplate code required the bootstrap disruptor
I need something that I can use across projects, and just be able to do d = Disruptor.new; d.send_async
d.send_async(work), I mean
If you literally need just that method then yeah I'd write my own gem using JRuby's Java interop
yeah, couldn't find one anywhere like that
I have a clojure implementation written already, so I should be done with it easily
strangely enough, both sidekiq and resque use the Thread.new primitive
are there no projects that are jruby specific and only use the ThreadPoolExecutors to do async stuff?
(or sidekiq et al could do that themselves)
wouldn't that provide a lot more control to the kind of backing queues and policies (and battle-testedness)