[jruby] eregon pushed 1 new commit to truffle-head: https://git.io/v12n0
jruby/truffle-head efb62cd Benoit Daloze: [Truffle] Simplify String#initialize and make it a primitive.
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ebarrett: Hello
ebarrett chrisseaton: I added a tag graal-vm-0.18 for jruby-build-pack
ebarrett: The tag in the jruby repo contains the wrong truffle version though, since it's overriden in the build process for GraalVM
You can build offline with: ./mvnw -Dtruffle.version=0.19 -Dmaven.repo.local=/path/to/jruby-build-pack/maven --offline package
tcrawley is now known as tcrawley-away
ebarrett: BTW, do you need changes in jruby-truffle? Otherwise using GraalVM's bin/ruby would be easier :)
If it's just something like CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW, we could easily add support for it (actually that particular one is already in as Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW) )
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[jruby] enebo closed issue #4344: Can't call a `Proc` which has a required keyword argument and a positional argument https://git.io/v1t5Q
[jruby] enebo closed issue #4308: New syntax errors in 2.3.1/2.3.2 tests. https://git.io/vX9z3
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[jruby] herwinw opened pull request #4368: Implemented Hash#compact and Hash#compact! (ruby-2.4...hash_compact) https://git.io/v121r
[jruby] headius pushed 2 new commits to ruby-2.4: https://git.io/v121N
jruby/ruby-2.4 b76218b Charles Oliver Nutter: Merge pull request #4368 from herwinw/hash_compact...
jruby/ruby-2.4 8d3cd0c Herwin Weststrate: Implemented Hash#compact and Hash#compact!...
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Hi, I'm seeing some UTF-8 strings get mangled in Jruby and the web is ALIVE with "solutions." What's the best solution?
mangled how? What's the evironment you're seeing this in?
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Aethenelle, I'm reading messaes off a Kafka queue and ü is coming out as ü
using jruby-kafka
[jruby] amarkowitz opened issue #4369: break within a block throws LocalJumpError in JRuby but succeeds in MRI Ruby https://git.io/v1aGf
riddley: what versions of things?
I get proper behavior in irb on the console in
headius, Jruby and 2.2.2. of kafka-ruby and 0.8 of Kafka itself
riddley: ok...sometimes that's our bug and sometimes it's some JRuby extension not handling encodings right
you should report it with a way for us to reproduce
my guess so far is that kafka-ruby is doing the mangling.
do check if you can
Aethenelle: yeah likely
we haven't had a major encoding issue in a long time
I've opened an issue with jruby-kafka, but so far the maintainer has been very slow to respond.
every way I can think of that might result in mangling hasn't
ok thanks guys
riddley: while you're waiting you could try to reduce down what it's doing and see if it's JRuby or not
i forget, is kafka considered binary safe?
keep us posted
I know nothing about Java, and the jruby-kafka is a very thin veneer on Java
headius, sadly I don't have the resources or time to re-create/reduce it... I was supposed to go production with my jruby-kafka based code yesterday when this issue was discovered so I'm in a bad spot
why my company chose to go production with Kafka 0.8 is baffling to me
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riddley: well, open an issue with us anyway and maybe it will be something easy
ok will do ty
riddley: what calls are you seeing this in?
I have some time and can help chase this a bit
I've modified message = it.next.message.to_s to remove the call to #to_s
and when i write 'message' to a file with 'wb' I get those whacky chars
I'm hooking into a huge production system and the messages I'm consuming have NFS paths in them and when I call FileTest.exists?(path) it of course says no
what happens if you leave the to_s there? same thing? Have you tried a pure Java write to file?
same thing. I don't know Java
What do you see if you do: java.lang.System.out.println message
to answer your question in that issue, open another issue for a separate problem... not my library, but it's a good default.
Aethenelle, I'm happy to try that (won't it say that local var 'java' isn't defined?) but the sad news is that it takes about 20 minutes to get a message through the system
java, com, org, and possibly one other are automatic namespace/package resolver mechanisms... java.lang.System creates the proxy class Java::JavaLang::System
hmm so messages that don't have multi-byte characters printed with that java.lang.... look like [B@3b809870
is that expected?
what class is message?
byte[] ?
the strings are about 1k JSON. earlier when I did 'pp message.class' it said #<Class:0x4e3f1bba>
but I can do something else if that's the wrong thing to do
lopex: yes but when passing eeither of those results back to System.out.println, you get the mangled char
riddley: you're seeing these mangled chars in the resque queues?
Aethenelle: maybe external encoding is not being set ?
Aethenelle: or, still it breaks at JI
Aethenelle, seeing them anywhere I try to use those strings. even File.open('/tmp/bobo','wb'){|f| f.write(message)}
lopex: maybe... there's definitely at least some wacky interaction between the ruby string in BINARY and the UTF-16 that Java uses internally
ruby -> java definitely needs an encoding info
riddley: can you add: puts [message.length, message.to_a.size, message.to_s.bytesize].inspect
this is something I'm not doing with magic comments or somethign?
preferably as soon as you get the thing in your callback
do you want that on any message? or just messages with multi-bytes?
riddley: this is an irritating edge case either in kafka or jruby string handling
multibyte chars*
multibyte chars
ok, it'll be minute
I have to request a support pack from a customer appliance from a customer with multi-byte chars in their name
and that takes a bit
the excitement of coding to a production system
riddley: you mean you don't have a staging system to test this against?
Aethenelle, good joke :)
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default logic seems wrong...uses default encoding in ByteList, so that's ASCII-8BIT
it seems hung up again with message = java.lang.String.new(it.next.message, "utf-8")
headius: yeah
riddley: how compatible is that with 0.8.2?
headius: but the right logic should do what ?
headius: also look at java external ?
headius: since java does it
file.encoding probably
Aethenelle, sorry I missed the detail of the trailing .0 we may very well be running 0.8.2 -- when I asked the devs, they weren't very specific
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that's all it does
if it's an Encoding it uses it, otherwise it looks it up as a string
works fine with the string
no loops there
but still shows the wrong characters
and no exception
er, actually, what the reduced case now ?
I'm new to jruby, so I don't know how to run it in some way that shows exceptions, but it doesn't crash in either case... with the constant it just sits there
we just need to reduce it properly
w/o kafka
or with kafka and complete instructions on how to set it up :-D
that's with message.to_s.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF8)
fixing it up to add the _ it works just fine
(in that it doesn't appear to hang)
but if it really is just the same thing as the string "UTF-8" being handed to force_encoding, I knew that didn't work before I asked for help