brometeo, hmm - from the output there is no reason not to find fileutils - I need to give it shoot on linux
mkristian: shoot on linux?
trail on linux
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brometeo, any chance to try the install without your local $HOME/.m2/settings.xml - not sure just a plain guess - ?
mkristian: I have tested in that way with... same result :(
Removed full .m2 directory
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any JRUBY_HOME environment or any other JRUBY_* environment ?
mkristian: JRUBY_HOME=/home/david/jruby, where I have jruby installation.
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if you unset this JRUBY_HOME - does it work then ?
mkristian: It seems that...
mkristian: ... it works!
I don't understand. I have worked with that environment variable for months!!
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cool - will file an issue with polyglot-maven to avoid this. this ruby-maven is only needed for gems like manticore which do have jar dependencies. and those jar dependencies get resolved via maven
mkristian: OK. Thank you very much :)
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Could I ask about using JRuby in Apache Tomcat in this channel, or is there a better channel to ask that kind of question in?
haylon: ask here
Cool, thanks. Let me get my question whipped up real quick
If I were to deploy a WAR created with Warbler by JRuby, but the targeted system doesn't have JRuby installed or in the path on it, is it possible to put the jruby-complete jar into the share libraries folder on the target deployment node? Or am I not thinking of this correctly?
I'm also using Sinatra instead of Rails, if that makes a difference.
haylon: I can't answer that, but leave it here a while and someone probably can
release status update for anyone who cares
I am releasing 1.7.24 followed by 9k release but I have been trying to debug a problem with Windows stat() which has been holding us back
I added a work around to fall back to our old stat behavior is on 32 bits which got rid of the problem but it is less than ideal
Now testing release bits I tried running a ‘build a simple rails app’ script and I am seeing som asset static delivery issue happening on a 32 bit JVM but not on a 64 bit JVM
However I have not ever tried running this script on a 32 bit JVM on 64 bit windows before so I might just be seeing some bug we have had forever
So once I work through this 1.7.24 should be out with a day or two gap for 9k
jruby/master bdf3a3d Chris Seaton: [Truffle] New 'jt test compiler' command....
[jruby] chrisseaton commented on commit bdf3a3d: `jt test compiler` now runs all compiler tests and replaces `jt test pe`. To add a new compiler test put a script in `test/truffle/compiler/*.sh`. It will be run with `JAVACMD` set to Graal automatically and should return a non-zero exit code if whatever test it is fails. https://github.com/jruby/jruby/commit/bdf3a3d19892342212e01bc78547a7f227512608#commitcomment-15515662
herbst: casting should never be neccesary. Do you have any code you can share?
lanceball is now known as lance|afk
i need a instance of 'org.bukkit.block.Sign' which has setLine() method. but all i can get is a Block which is the parent class of the Sign therefore does not has does methods
i cant instance Sign in anyway, and everywhere i find it used in the codebase of bukkit itself its casted
herbst: wow you might be in double luck since I wrote an entire framework scripting Java using JRuby on top of Bukkit :)
i know what you mean, havent played minecraft in ages and programmed for it even longer
herbst: bukkit was extra challenging because of how JRuby handles methods of interfaces and how bukkit is designed
i can imagine that. especially the bukkit design seems to make some things extra challenging
herbst: all java interface methods in JRuby get adorned to the concrete classes that implement them rather than the module which represents the interface
herbst: but since all real concrete classes are completely different classes which implement the bukkit interface types it was really hard to get this behaving nicely
herbst: so I am stopping scripting the interrface and breaking down and actually modifying the implementation class (CraftBlock and not Block)
just looked at that one thank you :)
setType seems to be the magic bukkit internal i am looking for?
herbst: many of these defintiions are not needed in this class because we generate them automatically but I added them so I could add rdocs
herbst: yeah. find block in world and mutate it to the type you want
herbst: this is one place I never fully finished because some types also need setData
you know what, i just try it with your framework. no sense in trying to replicate that just to keep my 30 lines
err soem blocks also need setData
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herbst: yeah it should work…it did last time I tried it. I am pretty amazed spigot was so transparent
that and the fact that it is somehow stable since over a year is a amazing step for the minecraft moding community
herbst: take note of versions in pom.xml.
herbst: you may or may not need or want to update those
herbst: I also have credentials to push artifacts to maven now so if you get something running I will probably use any changes to pom as first pushed artifact