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enebo: I've now removed all usages of this 1.8 mode in ConvertBytes. But there are still some public methods using it. Kill them? Or do you think someone somewhere might be using that API?
nirvdrum: possibly just deprecate
nirvdrum: then it will continue to work for any native extensions which happen to be calling them
nirvdrum: At this point these APIs made it into our final release
Yeah. It just means having this extra flag hanging around that doesn't do anything for JRuby so it'll never be tested and keeps triggering static analysis warnings.
Boolean field in ConvertBytes.
Not a huge deal. I was just trying to tidy up and reduce cognitive load.
what static analysis warnings are you talking about?
Well, now is19 is always false from anything reachable.
Sorry, it's always true.
what tool is warning though?
it's a private fields, remove it, replace all usages with equivalent of true and deprecate the constructor that takes it
it looks like there's only one use of the field
Oh, I was running the IntelliJ inspection.
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headius: Correct. My question is how far does public API support reach? I accidentally changed the semantics of RubyNumeric.str2inum. But if that's a method that needs to be supported, it used the 1.8 semantics.
I happen to think that was a bug, since every usage in JRuby using that method really needs 1.9.
I added an ass load of windows stat code over the weekend. Completely new impl which does not use windows compar POSIX stat method anymore
heh, flag called "badcheck"
I am mildly nervous about it but it works with long path names and also UNC path names (and long UNC path names)
so the concern is the bytelistToInum public API eh?
nirvdrum: you might know the answer to this….
This stuff is all for deciding what to do with a number like "_35". 1.9 mode treats it as 0, 1.8 mode treats it as 35. badCheck fails with an exception regardless of the 19 flag.
str2inum doesn't appear to be called by anything of ours, eh?
There are two variants.
oh, the non-flag one isn't called
nirvdrum: I had a struct which had a struct field but it was byvalue and not byreference and I could not figure out how that worked (although now I just realized one thing I did not try — nested POJO with nested struct fileds in it?)
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One is never called (similar deal with a variant of str2fnum).
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nirvdrum: I can say from my oj porting that I called something for converting a string to a num
MRI 2.2 appears to still have the badcheck version
enebo: The @In and @Out annotations play a role in all that, too.
headius: badCheck needs to stay.
nirvdrum: yeah but those annos are only for the args to the function right?
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rb_str_to_inum has it
nirvdrum: I cheated for now and just menually put those value struct fields into the top struct
rb_cstr_to_inum has it
nirvdrum: I messed around trying to make it work for hours :|
enebo: Right. But it'll treat the data flowing in if needed. E.g., if you give it a byte[], it'll create the reference wrapper I believe.
but it is a struct with struct fields
Yeah. I don't know how deep it reaches. I was just suggesting it might have a hand. I don't know for certain.
It seems this is so common I feel I must be missing something
but what I have works and I have a fixme
enebo: I'm not entirely sure what the question or problem is :-)
nirvdrum: I don't know if all our logic matches what's in MRI but they appear to still have the form with the flag and it does slightly different things
headius: It's really a question of whether we need to retain this 1.8 compat for potential extensions.
or more things at least
The 1.8 stuff was supposed to die. This made it through because three Ruby methods implemented by JRuby were incorrectly using the old version.
I fixed that.
nirvdrum: headius: It is likely they are wrong by using 1.8 version in an extension except for cases where you know the encoding is basically 7bit. Since there is still a use which is not broken I don’t think we should remove it
but if you changed to 1.9 and it is ascii then it should not matter and it should still work but the signrature itself should exit
nirvdrum: what I'm saying is that this flag doesn't seem to just denote 1.8 behavior
it still propagates through MRI's version of this code and does things like hard error for invalid input
headius: I think you're looking at the wrong flag.
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[jruby] mkristian opened issue #3342: File.file?( "uri:classloader:/path/") can be true which is wrong
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headius: following up on the ivars & voilatility - I am a bit on the fense for my current thread-safe ivars usage, I am now reliying on the implicit default volatility but if that default change back to non-volatile in a future release, it will break my code. thoughts?
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headius: obviously an option is to defensively wrap my ivars into a concurrent-ruby type today and whenever that default is changed it will be safe and eventually do the volatile :foo (or else) refactor at my pace when it lands
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colinsurprenant: well that's the thing
I do not have a known piece of code that breaks with non-volatile ivars right now
I think a first step that needs to happen immediately is to get a "volatile" gem out so you can depend on it and have the volatile function
they might be no-ops for now but you'd be able to put them where you need them
in a future version of JRuby they would set up that named ivar to use the volatile logic and ivars would otherwise be simple reads and writes
when we can throw that switch is up for debate
is the existing Synchronisation::Object in concurrent-ruby an option for you?
it requires that you extend from that hierarchy, so that's a limitation
I could flip the wiki back to saying "ivars aren't volatile, but here's how you do that"
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headius +1 for flip
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in concurrent-ruby it can be done just by inheriting Synchronisation::Object and then creating volatile accessors with attr_volatile :name.
headius from my perspective the gem is already out there. I wouldn't like to create another one just for volatile. However please let me know if you think c-r synchronisation needs improvements in any way.
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I was gonna say that the Synchronisation::Object with attr_volatile :name is pretty close to the volatile gem idea … do we need more? haviong to inherit the object makes it a bit less usable though
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pitr-ch: is there a reason why Synchronisation::Object was not made into a module? it would be easier to use by including the module into the objest instead of using inheritance … ?
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colinsurprenant: I think everyone involved agrees it would be ideal to have Module#volatile
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Synchronisation::Object is just what we have today
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I could do with some kind of shared planning document on this volatile discussion if people have the time - having trouble keeping up with the ideas!
and I think we determined that it's possible to do Module#volatile in JRuby by just switching ivar table to use the volatile version of our logic
chrisseaton: vast majority of the discussion is in gitter from the other day, but yeah, what sort of document would you recommend?
just like a shared Google doc for now
wiki page on concurrent-ruby maybe?
something tied to other channels then
we all know markdown
headius: I am putting up a small minimalist volatile gem I can use right-now, it will be a module and use AtomicReference basically like Synchronization::Object doesà
colinsurprenant: ok great...maybe you want to make it under ruby-concurrency org with concurrent-ruby?
[jruby] chrisseaton pushed 1 new commit to master:
jruby/master 954405a Chris Seaton: Copyright year.
I believe I can give you rights to put it there
+1 wiki
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headius chrisseaton I am working on preparing documentation for the synchronisation layer, witch will also include informal ruby memory model description.
colinsurprenant: I actually did `bundle gem volatile` about two hours ago and then got sidetracked
I did rm -rf volatile about an hour later
let me try see if I can get further :P
colinsurprenant: I'm going to invite you as an owner in ruby-concurrent org, start up a volatile gem repo there
colinsurprenant headius main reason why it is not an module right now is that some implementations may need helper instance variables or Java fields.
we can make a flag for volatility in JRuby immediately and get the proper logic into volatile gem to work with that
heh, I guess we only have owners in ruby-concurrency
that's how we roll
volatile using AtomicReference is not as efficient as what c-r has since it creates indirection and an object for each volatile field
even though I modified Atomic to use Unsafe rather than re-wrapping, it's still an extra layer
btw, in Java 9 VarHandles will be our ticket to ride
colinsurprenant I know inheriting is slightly less convenient, is it really a blocker for you?
you'll be able to say "give me a method handle that represents volatile access to this field" without using unsafe
headius yeah :)
for array elements too
pitr-ch: do you have a wiki page for memory model started yet?
headius give me day or two to finish the MD. I am somewhere in the middle.
pitr-ch: it is… the class I need it for is already part of an inheritance hierarchy, it will be a lot easier to have it as a module
For the first round of reviews i'll do probably a PR to make easier to comment though
colinsurprenant composition does not work either I expect :/
if you folks could add your thoughts to the redmine issue it would help me keep it fresh and at top of inboxes
colinsurprenant that's only a volatile field with cas operations
colinsurprenant just a volatile field is without the indirection
volatile_with_cas will be without indirection too I hope in future
colinsurprenant anyway I'll investigate if it could be turned into a module
ah yes I see
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module or Module#volatile are the same to me
colinsurprenant another reason for class is to be able to provide safe publication of final instance variables initialised in costructor
they'll both just flip some switches in our var table
pitr-ch: but if they're marked volatile you have happens-before regardless of constructor behavior
obviously a partially-intialized object could leak out but that can happen in Java too
headius yeah this is ment for final ivars which do not have to be volatile
ahh ok
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ARM is another story altogether
Yeah and I expect they start to leak to servers at some point
yeah it's a noop, c-r is not trying to be correct just for x86
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but we established volatile read on x86 is largely a no-op, right? defeats compiler optimzations, but otherwise a no-op
so the benefit of final is "volatile once" and accesses can be optimized by compiler
so if final requires a separate hierarchy, so be it
so I guess my opinion on that is that we can do volatile without breaking any semantics of plain Ruby objects right now, but final is a concept foreign to Ruby
volatile just modifies how the reads and writes to an ivar are done, while final has constructor publication, read-only outside of constructor, etc etc
lots more semantics that would have to change
a similar concept is the Clojure::Object I made
headius hm, makes sense to separate
where ivars were transactional and writes had to dosync { }
foreign concept
headius do you know about any examples how to define Ruby module form Java in JRuby ?
just a class with static methods in it, for the most part
module = true in JRubyMethod annotation
headius it will have to provide the volatile var access and in future also cas operations
well cas is a larger discussion
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but yes
yeah, just mentioning it not to dig ourselves
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*I mean going in a bad direction
attr accessor methods right now are just a type of DynamicMethod
in JRuby
atomic versions would just be DynamicMethod subclasses that know how to compareAndSwapObject
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see AttrReaderMethod and AttrWriterMethod in JRuby
we'd just add AttrCASMethod, for example
slow path invocation goes through that, fast path (e.g. indy) embeds appropriate Unsafe calls into call site binding
and truffle does it however truffle does it, presumably with a CAS attr node
yeah, there would be a node for it, or it would ruby code using some primitive like cas(receiver, :@ivar, expected, value)
headius how do I get self in module method?
atomic doesn't solve the += problem does it?
you pass it
chrisseaton: no
that would require changing Ruby semantics
i wonder if the name is going to give people false hope...
'I have an atomic ivar so I can just +='
pitr-ch: public static IRubyObject foo(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, ....)
all static bound methods have to receive self before args
[jruby] chrisseaton pushed 1 new commit to master:
jruby/master 6986805 Chris Seaton: Mention Truffle in COPYING.
headius ah thanks
yeah the people will have to know to use cas instead of +=
at least it won't tear
although no real common architectures tear anything at the moment I think
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I did not occur to me, that we
we've missed CAS
I thought volatile :foo, implied also generating
some cas_foo method
just atomic attrs a border line useless for implementing concurrent algos
[jruby] chrisseaton pushed 1 new commit to truffle-head:
jruby/truffle-head 08b752f Chris Seaton: Merge branch 'master' into truffle-head
problem is that volatile we can do in the object, cas we cannot so far, hence it's separated in c-r and also in this discussion, at least that was my understading.
now if 11539 doesn't get into Ruby 2.3, we could talk about trying to get both things into 2.4
what do you mean? why would you need volatile if you have synchronize?
you have to have volatile to ensure publication
even with synchronized
I actually asked bgoetz this exact question
hm, I haven't though about it
you can also do DCL with volatile
headius you could have just normal fields protected by locks though
to reduce that sync cost
you can do a lot with just volatile and sync
what pitc-ch says is what I'm thinking
FTR I agree 100%, we need atomic too
pitr-ch: but my understanding is that whether you're in a sync block or not, you still need them marked as volatile
sync just replaces atomic operations
it doesn't fix visibility
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one more point about usefulness of library implementation: we can support volatile and cas in older JRuby and MRI until it's supported everywhere in few years
we will need a compat gem for all of this anyway
yes, I still think it is better done a small gem
so really, we *will* have volatile AND cas this year
under c-r umbrella
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but ideally, for VM support, both should move into Ruby proper
that's the longer tail
for example, it will be hard for me to optimize c-r volatiles in my indy call sites
because I can only talk about what I know in JRuby proper
headius lock release makes visible all writes before the release to a thread which acquires the lock, no need for volatile. Or do I miss something ?
once JRuby knows about Module#volatile, indy and IR will know about it
pitr-ch: I don't think that's guaranteed to be true by JMM
well, I think it should be our top priority, that whatever API is added, it should (in the future) be possible to implement it without any overhead
it probably is true on x86, but for example ARM
thedarkone2: agreed
headius c-r will switch to whatever best impl available in JRuby fir volatiles based on version
the other half of this is that 11539 is basically like adding proper volatile keyword semantics in Java
AtomicReference and such are not part of th elanguage
they're not in Java language spec
yeah how do methods like that interact with the JLS?
pitr-ch: I agree, I don't know why can't everything be done with only synchronize, but on the other hand I know better than to doubt Goetz ;)
chrisseaton: I don't think there's anything about atomicity in JLS
I have not looked though
right, but the JLS defines what happens when you call a method - is there some big black hole somewhere where it say, 'oh and for some methods, like JNI, AtomicReference etc, they can do absolutely anything else not defined by the spec'
I think there is no ARef in JLS
chrisseaton: black hole sounds right
so are we on same page?
only "atomic" in JLS TOC talks about double tearing
yes, unless the pdf is messed up
there are not atomicrefs or atomicints in there
thedarkone2: so you understand what I mean then
so there is not cas?
11539 is like what's in JLS
how you actually do atomic on a given VM is currently brushed under the carpet of Atomic* classes
it will probably be made more formal with VarHandles in 9
or at least, I'd expect something more formal to come along with that
headius: and anything for arrays ?
arrays too
final arrays, volatile arrays
64-bit striding views of bytes[]
all of that stuff
that's all in Sandoz's VarHandles
so the view would replace unsafe ?
are VarHandles going into JLS? or they just wing it like with AtomicRef as a library?
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I don't know
but I would theorize either JLS or JVMS will need to have something added
[9/21/15, 4:30:55 PM] Charles Oliver Nutter: writes to a non-volatile field, even from within a synchronized block, do not get volatile write treatment, correct?
[9/21/15, 4:31:23 PM] Brian Goetz: They do, but the VM may be able to combine the barriers.
so there's a question of ordering of those writes within a given section if they're not volatile
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versus happens-before guarantees when marked volatile
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so you can get a full publish with sync and non-volatile but you can't guarantee order
order with other volatiles?
headius yeah a,b vars in the synced block can happen ab or ba, but both have to happen before you acquire the lock so it should not matter.
to that I reply: I'm gonna write myself a GVL and lets see if synchronize suffices!
I'm confirming that interpretation
chrisseaton: order with other non-volatiles
the question was whether you could get away with just using non-volatile fields + synchronized
and I think the answer is that you can only as long as the order of those non-volatile accesses is not important
no reorder with other volatiles were pre jmm afaik
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yeah it was something like that they fixe
a then .net fixed it as well :)
yeah :-)
headius: remember that article that claimed properly constructed objects were free on x86 ?
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hmm no
they require a fence, but turns out it's free in that case