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Hi all
A little question about JRuby ffi... :)
How can I access a Global variable inside a library?
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I don't see any documentation about that, and Python ctypes (based on ffi) has a method for doing it
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[jruby] bjfish reopened pull request #2618: [Truffle] Implemented Bignum#to_s when given a base (master...bignum_to_s)
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[jruby] chrisseaton closed pull request #2618: [Truffle] Implemented Bignum#to_s when given a base (master...bignum_to_s)
nullsign: It does not. We have our own gem home defaulting to lib/gem/shared/gems in jruby install location (differs for stuff like RVM). This is because not all gems are pure Ruby and architecture-specific gems (cext for MRI and java native for JRuby) get installed
im trying the new 1.7.19 jar with logstash 1.4.2 now.. hoping it clears up these gem failures on parsing sometimes.
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donV: hello
enebo: Hi! I’ve got a question. Do you have time?
donV: possilby? :)
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enebo: I am chasing down a crash on Ruboto caused by increased stack usage, and I found this log line:
threadid=21: stack overflow on call to Lorg/jruby/Ruby$6;.addToObjectSpace:VLZL
Maybe a red hering, but is it possible that ObjectSpace is active?
We do set System.setProperty("jruby.objectspace.enabled", "false")
donV: Well we appear to call this unconditionally but we have an interface and one of them is a noop
OK, so maybe good. Any tip on how I can make sure?
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donV: Well you could hard code it in source to use DISABLED_OBJECTSPACE and see if it still happens
donV: A bit brute force but it should behave the same as honoring the property
donV: Meaning you should see the same stack
ok, thanks
Another angle: The current bug appeared when upgrading from ActiveRecord 3.2 to 4.0 + JRuby 1.7.13 to 1.7.19
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I’d like to try without upgrading JRuby, but I get an error with JRuby 1.7.13.
I’ll just dig up the error message :)
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enebo: Just a side note: Setting jruby.compile.mode to "OFFIR” should work on JRuby 1.7.x, or is it “experimental” ?
donV: It probably works but we have not touched IR runtime there in a long time
donV: So it works as well as it did when we cutover to master for 9k
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OK, but you would not be surprised if there were severe issues with it, right? It just tried switching over and got a load error.
donV: I would not no
donV: I know in the past we have been able to run gem list and some benchmarks for old vs new ir comparisons
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enebo: As a follow up, if you run 'mvn -Ptruffle-specs-core-report' you'll end up with an HTML report in test/target/. Adapting that to non-Truffle JRuby should be straightforward if you see any value in it.
nirvdrum_: ok
The primary goal was to track spec compliance. So it's kind of a hacked up jUnit report for that use case.
enebo: Reverting to JRuby 1.7.13 seems to clear up the stack problem. Thanks for listening :) I’ll investigate what version introduced the problem.
donV: ok it will be good to find out
headius2: Hi!
donV: hi there :-)
headius has managed to clone himself 3 times!!
or rather 2 times to make of him.
I should be able to keep up now
grr .. i think i'll go eat lunch instead of eating my words.
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kares,kares_ : Hi! You on?
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[jruby] bjfish opened pull request #2621: [Truffle] Implemented Symbol#upcase, added final in Symbol#swapcase (master...truffle_symbol_upcase)
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Hi, is it true that there's no longer any purpose to "—1.9" arg? And no "2.0" or "2.1" or whatever args? Modern jruby defaults to as much of ruby 2.2 as it's managed to implement, there is no 1.9 vs 2.0 vs whatever mode? Do I have that right?
Yeah - on the master branch and eventually in the 9.0 release
Oh, what about in 1.7.x? If I run recent 1.7.x with no such args, what do I get?
I'm not sure if it's 1.8 or 1.9 by default, but you also get a couple of 2.0 features
hmm. I guess that's my question. Having trouble figuring it out by googling. What "MRI x.x compatibility" modes are avail in 1.7.x, and what is the default?
jrochkind: jruby -v will tell you but it is 1.9 mode by default
It defaults to 2.1, but in reality I think that means 1.9
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enebo: has DEFAULT_RUBY_VERSION = "2.1"; now
master is supposed to be 2.2 and should say that with -v
chrisseaton: on master?
1.7 branch
well that is epicly wrong if so
but version says 1.9
someone cherry-picked something perhaps
So on 1.7, it defaults to "as much ruby as we have managed to fit in 1.7", yes?
or it doesn't really get loaded from there and it's a misleading name
jruby 1.7.20-SNAPSHOT (1.9.3p551) 2015-02-19 258be73 on Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 1.8.0_20-ea-b23 +jit [darwin-x86_64]
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"ruby -v
"ruby -v
chrisseaton: I think is generated but even that does not explain “2.1"
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oh it might be because i just switched branches then
ignore me - it looks like 1.9
bah, sorry, fat fingers. "ruby -v" says "jruby 1.7.18 (1.9.3p551)" so I guess that answers that, 1.7.18 is telling me it's 1.9.3. (I think there are some ruby 2.x features in there too). Is there any separate thing to ask it for 2.0 mode or whatever, or is the default as much late compat as one can get?
jrochkind: --2.0
jrochkind: but we do not really support 2.0 mode in 1.7.x
jrochkind: If it works that is good and if we can fix it with very little effort we will but if not then 9k is what you should wait for (2.2 support htough)
hmm. okay. So the default in jruby 1.7.x is 1.9.3 compat, but you can ask for "—2.0", and it will make _some_ difference but you won't actually get 2.0 compat?
And there's no "—2.1" or "—2.2" in jruby 1.7.x?
jrochkind: —2.0 was the beginning of us supporting 2.0 support before we branched to master and we labelled it as experimental
i am eager for 9k, and understand, just trying to figure out the present scenario for the software I write and the people who run it on existing non-pre-release jruby.
jrochkind: but master/9k has taken long enough where we decided to skip up to 2.2
so not —2.1 or —2.0 real support
Partially it is not that important since 2.2 is not radically different than 2.1/2.2 from a programmers perspective
okay. so yeah. 1.7.x does 1.9.3-compat by default. You can ask it for —2.0 but won't get much and what you will get is experimental. You can't ask it for 2.1 or 2.2. Correct?
jrochkind: 1.7.x can also run in 1.8 mode with —1.8 (just to be complete :) )
jrochkind: right
jrochkind: np
it's hard to figure this out from googling! for me it was anyway.
I linked them in the Truffle section on the wiki.
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Obviously I took some liberties with packages & class names since this isn't really Java.
nirvdrum_: well we can look at setting this up for mainline once we find some time
nirvdrum_: It would be nice for this to happen for mri/test too
err swap those two words
Hooking it up should be reasonably easy, but I didn't want to start mucking around with the maven profiles without buy-in. I also wasn't sure if there was much value given JRuby passes a large percentage of specs already.
nirvdrum_: I think the interesting aspect of this for mainline would be that people could see what we are not passing at a glance and perhaps take up trying to fix that
test/mri would be trickier because this is all written around mspec currently.
nirvdrum_: yeah I am guessing it is possible but completely different code
As long as there's some sort of hook/callback mechanism, it's doable. But I haven't looked into it.
Tracking progress was the big gain for us. Seeing where the big holes are. Having the test times is useful, too.
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And I'm not sure if you saw, but we're 100% on ERB now. Yay.
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ahhh finally got OS X restored
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