lopex, well, what's happening is that i'm getting an invalid handle value returned from the GetCurrentProcess method on windows when using 64-bit jruby
so it doesn't segfault, it just errors out when i try to use that value
i tried hard coding it (to 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) but then it complains about a bignum being too big to convert into a long
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if there's some other type i can use to trick it, i'm happy to do so
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hm, could use ulong_long i suppose
via ffi ?
yeah, just check for 'java' and bitness
if java and 64bit, then typedef a :handle to :ulong_long instead of :uintptr_t
clunky, but should work
now...if i can just rember how to tell if i'm using a 64 bit jruby...
oh, it's some property I always have to look up
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it's in ENV_JAVA somewhere
I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this question, but I'm asking it in consideration of my jruby app... When you're making a web request over ssl, are the URL and headers visible? or just the URL? or is the entire thing encrypted -- assuming no hijacks/breaks, the content and destination are encrypted?
nothing at all should be visible
the connection first negotiates encryption, and then you proceed from there as an HTTP request
that's why russia had to block all of github rather than just the pages they didn't like...github is always ssl
can't see what page was requested
so in theory, in that scenario, if someone in russia knew github's api ip, they could still use the api?
I think they blocked the IPs
they had to just block it completely
* imperator
missed this
Russia blocked Github a couple times in the past month for having disagreeable content
the latest one was a document listing the pros and cons of various methods of suicice
oh brother
oh, right. that did do an ip block vs a dns block.
the key thing here is that the path isn't found - in MRI that just returns nil
this a known issue or shall i report it?
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[jruby] djberg96 opened issue #2291: Dir[] fails if path does not exist instead of returning nil http://git.io/fJ916w
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hi. sorry if this is a stupid question, i am totally new to ruby. i need to consume 'maven' dependencies. i installed the jbundler gem, and i ran jbundle install. it created a .jbundle/classpath.rb file. but when i run my ruby code (in intellij) it does not pick up that classpath from that file.
it seems jbundler assumes i know how to use bundler, of which it is an extension for jruby i guess..
also, it seems to build the JBUNDLER_CLASSPATH wrong
it keeps adding Jars.home and then ':' - which is not correct for windows
so the classpath it builds is not usuable.
even after i fix it, if i do require 'java' and require 'jbundler' - i still get class def not found errors
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nirvdrum: time-dependent tests are bad… just saying.
asarih: Not disagreeing. On failed yesterday because the seconds rolled over from 2 to 3.
*One failed
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nirvdrum: wheeeee
asarih: What are these run on anyway? m1.small?
asarih: but for knowing whether blocking is blocking forever you sort of need some time limit to fail vs hang forever
nirvdrum: it's a Blue Box instance. 1.5 VCPU, 3 GB memory.
I am not saying time limits are great but for blocknig tests how else do you fail?
enebo: I agree with you!
asarih: Ahh. I thought you guys were on AWS.
nirvdrum: some are. but they are not EC2 instances.
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nirvdrum: i.e., Docker containers running on large EC2 instances
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asarih: Ahh. I was having a hard time reconciling that in my head.
nirvdrum: You can commit this to a longer time value I don’t know what it is doing but it cannot be testing <1s as any thing more than it blocked forever. Aethenelle can change it later if we are wrong
enebo: I didn't look into it. I'm not sure if it semantically is supposed to be < 1s or was just an arbitrarily chosen time.
Aethenelle: test ffi function on travis is hitting >1s on an ffi spec
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nirvdrum: no not really. I doubt this was a microopt either (sometimes people would do stuff like this so it did not need the JIT to inline it).
nirvdrum: You can change it if you want
The inlining bit was why I was asking.
I'm just coming across some stuff as I go along here.
guys, what king of jvm profiler with jruby should I use?
nirvdrum: If we do that we should end up commenting on it in code
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[jruby] nirvdrum pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/wNiEQg
jruby/master 238637a Kevin Menard: There seems to be no point in manually inlining a method here.
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[jruby] enebo pushed 1 new commit to jruby-1_7: http://git.io/JV37Dg
jruby/jruby-1_7 084d55e Thomas E. Enebo: Bump for new version
there an easy way to handle an #ifdef in one of these .ffi files?
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huh.... we could use the rbx etc files if we wanted... not sure we really do as a blanket policy since they create platform dependant code...
we don't seem to be using many of these generated files actually... lib/ruby/stdlib/ffi/platform/**/*.rb
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lopex: (foo)+?
though, they may have been largely suplanted by jnr-constants and jnr-posix
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[jruby] djberg96 opened issue #2293: uintptr_t is wrong size on 64-bit JRuby http://git.io/RWYn2w
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SQUEE!! getting some very nice info and ideas for creating qemu VMs
should have a working sparc-solaris machine soon enough...
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question: how does the amazon hosting get paid for?
Aethenelle: Who are you asking?
I'm trying to figure out hosting for the various VMs I'll need to set up for FFI... was wondering if i could piggyback on jruby's arrangement w/ amazon (assuming one existed)...
Aethenelle: we don’t have one. We are using a hosted instance from engineyard but we will be trying to move off that soon since we only do static pages for www.jruby.org on it now
the actual download is from S3... engineyard taking care of that too then?
Aethenelle: they are at least currently
Aethenelle: for S3 I am not sure if we will be moving those to someone elses account or not
k... I'll keep looking around then...
Aethenelle: k
rtyler: Can you set milestones and such? I don’t remember?
on issues
hrm... maybe i can talk w/ the distros I use about hosting them for vagrant...
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Aethenelle: It would so great to be able to hook up to an instance of each platform we support
is there an official list somewhere?
pretty sure AIX and maybe a couple others are going to have to be hardware still
Aethenelle: I just look at jnr-ffi Platform enum
Aethenelle: which does not include versions of architectures of those OSes
os390 might also be hard
enebo: yes, not gonna happen... maybe.. at least not w/ vagrant
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enebo: yes, I can now, what's up
People who enjoy fixing jruby bugs…please consider 1.7.18 targetted issues. They should be that hard and are things we should get fixed sooner than later
I'll see what we can do
rtyler: remember to set milestone on issues and also perhaps let mkristian to know again
huh... there's a couple 390 emulators...
* rtyler
now I have to write up an internal announcement
a chore I'll gladly do :D
very few people ever mark milestones and I spend time each release doing it. I am sure I sometimes get the milestone wrong :)
for jruby-gradle it's the only sane way I can generate the changelogs
i've been going through the jira tickets recently myself
I just realized right now that I have not been doing it for PRs :)
mkristian: heya!
enebo, hi
mkristian: I did not change to -SNAPSHOT manually so you have a virgin landscape
mkristian: I sent an email about rmvn not working due to I think cyclical boostrapping issue
mkristian: or maybe just ordering perhaps
enebo, cool, that should be working but it does not - let's see
(I did not realize mkristian was on or I would not have asked rtyer to remind him)
to put labels - yes I got the message
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enebo: "wrong encoding of “hen string interpolation is involved"
I think that's supposed to say 'is resolved'
rtyler: perhaps fixed at front is less confusing?
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that works too
we had an issue where encoding was wrong when interpolation was involved
enebo: "wrong encoding of “hen string interpolation is involved" ?
I will change it on the website though
Heh. rtyler was similarly confused.
Wow. The popen stuff got fixed. I missed that.
- fixed wrong encoding of `` contents when string interpolation is involved
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nirvdrum: is that better?
nirvdrum: if not give me the proper sentence :)
enebo: So, interpolation within backticks?
there's a few IBM people flowing in and out of here... maybe we can con them out of a license/installer
nirvdrum: yeah
Aethenelle: yeah I would think it would be in their best interests
Aethenelle: It is not like we will be making money off of a licensed instance or anything
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whoever smelt it dealt it
whoever denied it supplied it...
enebo: I'd just leave the symbols out and say "backticks" to lower the likelihood of being misread. In a proportional font, it can be a bit hard.
mpapis: geez I guess I forgot to tell you 1.7.17 is out :|
enebo: Although if you do make another change, I guess I'd make the "Fixed" lowercase for consistency. But I'm trying to not let it bother me :-P
nirvdrum: I am leaving it in just because I know that fact now :P
This may shock you, but I'm rather anal about that stuff.
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[jruby] elyscape opened issue #2294: String#crypt fails on Windows http://git.io/HClKig
I guess the builder is trying to pull stuff that doesn’t exist anymore?
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[jruby] jeremyevans opened issue #2295: Regexp.union [] gives wrong result in ruby 1.8 mode http://git.io/yilZAw
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cpuguy83: correct - this commit was relying on a snapshot release, which will always be changing
enebo: headius: while the bug I just opened isn't a security vulnerability in jruby, it could potentially cause a vulnerability in applications running jruby
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[jruby] phrinx opened issue #2296: NullPointerException with JRuby 1.7.17 running rspec & simplecov in debug mode http://git.io/AD6mSg
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headius: I should have reached out earlier, but you are more than welcome to swing by the Groupon office any time today. We've got plenty of space for you.
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jeremyevans_: I see. I guess based on number of remaining 1.8.7 JRuby users (I am guessing is getting pretty small) plus needing to accept [] we can probably wait and get this for 1.7.18
marked against 18
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Named captures in a regexp - where are these set as locals? I can't any code relating to them at all.
chrisseaton: I would guess ParserSupport
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enebo: I mean after the match is made, at runtime, where are the captured strings copied into local variables - that's not going to be in ParserSupport is it?
chrisseaton: ah yeah. no it will not be in parsersupport only defining the lvars is there
enebo: I still can't see that though - 'capture' doesn't find it for me - what could I search for
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enebo: ah sorry found it in allocateNamedLocals - just need to find where the values are set now...
chrisseaton: yeah I also need to find it. I thought I had added the feature as well :) unless I only hooked up parser
enebo: you pass the relevant spec
chrisseaton: but that is only alloc’ing the lvars in static scop
chrisseaton: something must know that the named patterns are actually locals on the other side (e.g. execution of regexp)
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enebo: yeah - and I can't find any reference to it anywhere
chrisseaton: you find real software using this?
enebo: no - I didn't know they were an unusual feature though? are they new? we're just going through the last of the RubySpec language specs and this was one
chrisseaton: Added in 1.9.3? I think but they are not very common
chrisseaton: ordering of regexp vs string you are matching on and also needing to be a literal makes them more uncommon
enebo: ok - thanks for helping me find that - I was looking in RubyRegexp etc and didn't think to look in Helpers
chrisseaton: I do use them but I always get the order wrong “” =~ // vs // =~ “”
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chrisseaton: how does Truffle++ back/implement their DirectedGraph impl?
Adjacency lists?
enebo: you mean how is the Graal IR represented?
chrisseaton: well I am assuming their is a directed graph in there somewhere at some point
chrisseaton: I am only asking because I have the most memory innefficient DG on the planet and I am putting it on a diet
You can see two children are inline, so that's an optimisation
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But funny you should ask this question today! We're at Google Munich this week speaking to Google compiler people, and V8 are working on a new IR, which is sea of nodes like Graal, and they were talking about how a node is composed of two parts...
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They have the graph part that is small, just references to parents and children, and it refers to a more complicated node object, which is shared where possible, and contains more info
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chrisseaton: I might be more interested specifically in com.oracle.graal.graph.Graph but I can look at it
chrisseaton: right now my first pass wil just be to make in and out lists on vertex share a single primitive array vs 2 HashSets which probably will be enough of a diet for the moment
oh I see
why are they hash sets? is each edge labelled? we rely on an order convetion
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the thing with the V8 is if you have nodes which often do the same thing, like call #+ and the arity is one, you can share that info between nodes
chrisseaton: well I think we only wanted the set behavior
chrisseaton: just in case our CFG algo I think accidentally added the same edge twice
chrisseaton: we label edges
chrisseaton: which is somewhat unrelated but we could have two edges between same two vertices but still exist because they have different labels
that's ok with an ordering convention
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I would have to study CFG and DFG algos to know whether we rely on order of edges…I did not start with a background on compilers :)
but if we do I should probably add some specs to make sure order is preserved