anyone here have any experience with the wandboard solo?
I'm trying to get a kernel built for the wandboard. I'm using the wandboard-linux kernel github repo, built the imx_v6_v7_defconfig, but when I try to boot it I get an unaligned access error. I can't seem to get past this, I've tried tweaking some things in the .config but nothing is biting.
jas-hacks has joined #imx6-dev
applepi_, please provide more information about unaligned access you have, can you share the actual log of problem you have on pastebin for example?
codinho: right now i'm going to move off the wandboard kernel back onto the mainline kernel, and/or experiment with ELDK. Evidently there are some toolchain issues on the solo?
jas-hacks: my no-ip domain is down. but the ip is
hste_: np, how it is going?
applepi_, are you sure about correct dtb file?
codinho: as I understood it, the solo and the dual-lite use the same dtb
jas-hacks: microsoft hijacked the domains with a courtorder
applepi_, what about dram amount difference ?
hste_: from the ISP ?
applepi_, I have no experience with solo or dual, possibly someone here will answer
codinho: bugger, i hadn't even thought about that. I'd seen it suggested the dual-lite dtb would work, but now I'm fairly certain you're right.