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Sync_: there is little shadow - the glow comes pretty evenly voer the sky
you can make shadow with your device
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yes, but that doesn't much help with a few watts a square meter incoming, and very little day/night temperature variation
a few watts? thermal flux is much higher as I said
Yes - but that's not thermal flux that varies
And the thermal flux from the rock is as high as the sky
Consider trying to make power in your oven from the thermal variations. It's hard.
I guess they can heavily minimise stuff in the cold volume. For example, just flash, an 'android stick' class CPU, the complex non PA bits of RF.
If it was just the temperature, it wouldn't be so bad from a passive cooling point of view
You can get a moderate amount of time with a well-insulated vessel boiling ice. But waters doesn't boil at 80 bar really
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